#TheTechHustle Podcast ๐ŸŽ™

S2E9: ๐ŸŽง Untangling Containers & AI Shakeup, with a Side of TikTok Tips and Sports Madness! โš™๏ธ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ€

January 25, 2024 BobbyD, D'Hustle and Raymond...don't call him RayRay Season 2 Episode 9
S2E9: ๐ŸŽง Untangling Containers & AI Shakeup, with a Side of TikTok Tips and Sports Madness! โš™๏ธ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ€
#TheTechHustle Podcast ๐ŸŽ™
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#TheTechHustle Podcast ๐ŸŽ™
S2E9: ๐ŸŽง Untangling Containers & AI Shakeup, with a Side of TikTok Tips and Sports Madness! โš™๏ธ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ€
Jan 25, 2024 Season 2 Episode 9
BobbyD, D'Hustle and Raymond...don't call him RayRay

Ever wrestled with the complexities of containers and virtualization? Well, buckle up! Tech Castle's latest episode is your golden ticket to comprehending these tech marvels. We're dissecting the essentials of how industry titans manage to effortlessly scale their operations with the magic of Docker and Kubernetes. It's a must-hear for anyone in DevOps or software engineering aiming to sharpen their skills. And hold onto your hats, because Raymond Snuggins is here to spill the tea on wrangling that beast we call TikTok, especially when it rears its head in our kids' digital playground.

Switching gears, we address the elephant in the room โ€“ the seismic shift AI advancements are making in our smartphones. With tech juggernauts like Samsung and Google already onboard this runaway train, we're left to ponder Apple's next move. But we're not just about cold, hard tech; the heart of our discussion beats with the pulse of sports and entertainment. From Tesla's foray into AI robots that could reshape our workforce to the adrenal rush of my first hockey game, we've got the play-by-play that'll keep you at the edge of your seat.

Rounding out our eclectic mix, we dive headfirst into a swirl of NBA action and the intriguing influence of celebrities on sports ratings. That's not all; we even have a little somethin' somethin' for the movie enthusiasts โ€“ a hidden gem of a website that promises to cure your indecisive streaming blues. So, if you're craving a blend of tech talk, parental ponderings, and a dash of sports and pop culture, this is one episode of Tech Castle you won't want to miss. Let's light this candle and watch it burn bright with insight and a bit of irreverence!

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Ever wrestled with the complexities of containers and virtualization? Well, buckle up! Tech Castle's latest episode is your golden ticket to comprehending these tech marvels. We're dissecting the essentials of how industry titans manage to effortlessly scale their operations with the magic of Docker and Kubernetes. It's a must-hear for anyone in DevOps or software engineering aiming to sharpen their skills. And hold onto your hats, because Raymond Snuggins is here to spill the tea on wrangling that beast we call TikTok, especially when it rears its head in our kids' digital playground.

Switching gears, we address the elephant in the room โ€“ the seismic shift AI advancements are making in our smartphones. With tech juggernauts like Samsung and Google already onboard this runaway train, we're left to ponder Apple's next move. But we're not just about cold, hard tech; the heart of our discussion beats with the pulse of sports and entertainment. From Tesla's foray into AI robots that could reshape our workforce to the adrenal rush of my first hockey game, we've got the play-by-play that'll keep you at the edge of your seat.

Rounding out our eclectic mix, we dive headfirst into a swirl of NBA action and the intriguing influence of celebrities on sports ratings. That's not all; we even have a little somethin' somethin' for the movie enthusiasts โ€“ a hidden gem of a website that promises to cure your indecisive streaming blues. So, if you're craving a blend of tech talk, parental ponderings, and a dash of sports and pop culture, this is one episode of Tech Castle you won't want to miss. Let's light this candle and watch it burn bright with insight and a bit of irreverence!

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Speaker 1:

Alright, fellas, I think we back at it again. Yeah, buddy, what up, fellas, everybody's good. Great, great, great, oh man, welcome, welcome, welcome. It's season number two, episode number nine Nueve, nueve, nef, nef, dylan Cuell, raymond, nef. Thank you, buddy. Thank you, you got to represent player. I won the presentation. No, no, I'm telling you Raymond, I'm telling you. Anyways, welcome everybody to the episode of the Tech Castle. We out here, live we about to kick things off. We got a whole show set aside for us today and definitely big shout out to everybody down here in South Florida dealing with the cold weather. We've been dealing with a little bit of cold, right, Raymond, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm still struggling. I mean it's January, what is it the 23rd? Why are we still dealing with this?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, bro. This is what it's all about. You know, this new weather climate, big shout out to everybody up north dealing with that snow. I see that.

Speaker 3:

Good for y'all.

Speaker 2:

I had the heater on this morning and last night.

Speaker 1:

Did you? Oh boy, oh boy, I love it. Well, we're definitely going to jump right into the show. Let me go y'all real quick rundown of the show today. So we're going to have a I'm going to give a TED Talk today, a Tech Talk, and what happened was is that I briefly mentioned about some of the stuff I was working on last episode and I had somebody else reach out to me again and be like hey, can you dial it down a little bit more and get deeper into the technology?

Speaker 1:

So today we're going to be talking about containers, virtualization, vms and containers and definitely give y'all some insights on that. We're going to have D hustle, give us some quick news. And then we're going to have my guy, raymond Snuggins Raymond, don't call him Ray Ray he got a few gems to drop today, especially if y'all got some Tiktok accounts y'all need to get rid of. He'll definitely feel us in. And then we're going to come back around with D hustle with sports, current events, some sponsorships, big shout outs to our sponsor, marvelous Creation Shout outs. Yeah, we're definitely going to get a chance to drop some info on the.

Speaker 1:

I guess she has a special or a menu coming out for Valentine's Day. Oh, y'all better get ready. Yeah, yeah, raymond, you ready? Yeah, raymond, you ready or not? Valentine's Day is coming up Not ready, not ready for Valentine's Day and then I'll close it out at the end with some updates on our Tech Tour coming up and some new. A new video or a talk that I did overseas that got dropped. So definitely going to give some space for that. But how does that sound, fellas? What do y'all think? I feel good about it. Yeah, how about y'all audience? What do y'all think about it? Give me a round of applause. Yeah, oh, it's getting right into it. Thank you, d hustle Tech, talk up. Thank you so much for that intro player. We're going to jump right into the conversation today and we're going to talk about a technology called containers. Have either of y'all ever heard of containers before? Ladies and gentlemen, it's not ship containers.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, not shipping containers. Thank you for that clarity real quick. D yeah, I'm talking about operating systems being able to containerize applications so that they can almost work like they're the only thing on the computer and or isolating it from other applications. But the thing about containers and I can't really talk about containerization without first talking about virtualization Are you all familiar with VMs like VMware, a hypervisor and things like that? And let me tell you this is like all of us has been in this industry for a good minute and in general, this technology got introduced in the early 2000s, specifically around virtualization, and we'll get to containers. But I want to make sure that we get some clarity on what and why we're doing this. So, if you think back in the days and I'm going to say the 90s, 1999, 2000.

Speaker 1:

Something like my kids know talking about back in my days, back in the days, back in the days when we used to install programs. We used to install programs only on the computer, right? And that one computer basically managed just one application or one program, right? So let's say, sap is something that you mess with back in the day, right Dehustle. So we would actually have one computer, install the SAP server on it and then that computer, that's all it did.

Speaker 1:

But one of the challenges we ran into during that history is that computers start to have more capacity, meaning that they used to have more memory, more disk, more CPUs, and they just became really big in terms of like mainframes. You remember those pictures of those big mainframe computers and stuff like that. So those used to be individual computers. But one of the problems that we had is that when you install an application, if you don't use all of the resources on there, you basically wasting resources. So there was this technology that was invented, basically creating something called a hypervisor, which you're able to take that big old mainframe and split it up into smaller computers so that that mainframe would not just be one computer hosting one application, but it would be a mainframe or one computer hosting many computers and inside of those many computers runs an application, and that's where virtualization came in.

Speaker 1:

Now, virtualization hypervisors you may have heard of VMware. You ever heard of VMware, raymond? Yes, yeah, vmware is one of the first ones that came out, really get enterprise with it and really just take it to the next level. There were some open source versions of the hypervisor called Zen. Big shout out to Citrix Systems. You remember Citrix?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I worked at Citrix for a minute too, and Citrix actually helped bring forth Zen, being one of those hypervisors that was open source and being able to take it to another level. But the challenge with virtualization in that time is that you actually created more work for administrators of these computers because we used to be half the managers, one computer being that big mainframe. Now we're actually managing five to 10 small computers on that big mainframe and that actually became a challenge for us to be able to manage them and also resource allocation and just basically how you carve out the computing resources on those mainframe. Computers still introduce some inefficiencies because it didn't really give us the flexibility that we needed, and forth comes a technology called containerization. Now containerization is the next level of isolating that workload or isolating that application, where instead of installing another operating system or each of those many computers having its own operating system is now you just have the mainframes operating system and then inside of that mainframe the application is isolated in its own workspace.

Speaker 1:

Now I know some of this technology and conversation might be a little bit over people's head, and that's all right, and this is what the tech hustle is about is just giving you some enlightenment on some of this stuff. But the value around containerization is now that we can actually reduce the amount of resources that were isolating, not at the operating system level, but down to the application. So let's say, raymond, you install like a web application, what is Microsoft IAS? Isn't that what the Microsoft web services? Right? And if IAS itself is just isolated into a container, you would probably need no more than a gig to two gigs of memory and maybe one CPU. That's what containerization gave us is the ability to narrow it down to that use case, instead of having to install a whole virtual machine, an operating system, and then installing IAS on it or, in the Linux world, installing something like Tomcat or Apache type of web services.

Speaker 1:

Now, this technology is not new, because that technology called containerization came out in about 2004. And the reason why I know about this is that back in 2004 I was at the keyboard working for the state of Florida at the South Florida Water Management District. You remember the South Florida Water Management District? Yes, sir, yeah, big shout out to the South Florida Water Management District CIO over there. What's up, dp, what up? And one of the things that working there at this agency is that it gave me a chance to work with containerization so early in my career and actually, if I think back, it's about 2006 is when I was first introduced to it and we were able to level up in terms of just the amount of resources we were able to consume inside of one of these mainframe computers running on an operating system called Solaris. Do you remember Solaris?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, sun, solaris.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, solaris 10, solaris 11. Those are like one of my foundational UNIX operating systems that I got some skill sets with and sharpened my knives with, because during that time they introduced a concept called zones, which, if you like, look under the hood it's containerization just a few years before it actually was introduced into the Linux kernel. Now we're going to jump all the way to about 2008, time where there was this technology introduced into the Linux kernel, specifically around C groups and namespace, and I know some people are like what is he talking about? But if you want more information, come on, I'll let you have. I was going to give you some more insights into this stuff, but containerization is two kernel modules that were introduced in the early 2000s C groups and namespace. That just gave us that same facility for us to containerize applications.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to fast forward to about 2013, where something that was introduced that everybody should know by now, which is Docker.

Speaker 1:

You ever heard that word? Docker containers Dockerization, so Docker itself basically introduced a way to simplify the use case of containerizing applications in the Linux operating system and you know, it just leveled up the game and definitely big shout out to the whole team Docker and definitely if you're not familiar with this technology, I really want to encourage you all to check it out. Containerization has changed the game for us, especially when you're talking about the scale that we had at Twitter, because I mentioned during the last episode that you know it was like hundreds of thousands of computers around the world, but Jell also didn't know that it was hundreds of thousands of containers that we were running around the world. So let's say that we had 100,000 computers. We literally had 500,000 containers running, and this is where the cool part of my job working at Twitter is introducing that containerization at that level and watching us being able to scale it to that very hyper scale or hyper distributed infrastructure. So what's up, raymond, and it looks like you got something to add there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a question for you. So it sounds like this containerization has been pretty means. Has it been mainstream? And do you call it containers when you're talking in general? Because even where I hear some of the guys and you know the server, guys they still say hey, you know, we'll spin up that virtual machine for you, right, Is it? Do you say container or is it a virtual machine? Is that two different things, or what?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, those are definitely two different things, and what you'll find out is, like a lot of people still haven't adopted containers fully. Right, because it does require you to change your applications, and that's why I wanted to talk about containers before I talked about the next week's concept of which is micro services. If you don't really make that transition to containers, you can't really adopt micro services so that you can scale at a hyper scale. Because, you are right, most IT organizations are still spinning up VMs. But when they say they spinning up a VM, or let's even go back, when you start up an instance in AWS or GCP, you're basically spinning up a virtual machine. Is that you still have to manage that virtual machine like it's a real computer?

Speaker 1:

So, yes, they are two separate things and everybody hasn't fully adopted containerization yet. But when you're working at hyper scale, like Twitter, scale Google, squelch, scale Amazon, let's say Facebook they have a product called Tuberware, facebook meta, and like open AI all of them are using containerization in the background. You all, in terms of consumers of those products, just don't know that it's a container. You might think it's a virtual machine.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Yeah, that's what I was getting at is how mainstream this is. So, okay, I guess that answers my question, dan, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why we're here, bro, the tech hustle man.

Speaker 2:

We're here.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to get our community leveled up to the bleeding edge. New tech and really, when you're talking about, just the value of me working at Twitter is, this is what I bring to the table is like hey, virtual machines are definitely the thing, that of pass, let's transition into containerization. We're going to see how high we can go right. Okay, yeah, for sure, for sure. All right, then. So I've been chopping up a little bit about containerization, virtualization, hardware operating systems and stuff like that. Obviously, you can see, this is stuff that I'm extremely passionate about and I really, really, really want the community to reach out to me so I can talk even more about it. If you do check out our podcast discord channel, we do have some diagrams, some links, some information that really just hones in the concept of what I briefly talked about, and yo, I can talk hours about this, for sure. What's up, raymond?

Speaker 2:

Another question Is there like a leader in the container spear? Yeah, what did you?

Speaker 1:

say at all. So the leader in the container spill will be that Docker is the and let me make sure I'm using this to write is the runtime container orchestrator, which is Docker images. Well, docker images themselves are the kind of like the binaries, but Docker is the leader. But you can't just really do it at the level that you need to do, like what we did at Twitter, with just Docker, because you need an orchestration system, something called Kubernetes. Have you ever heard of Kubernetes? Yes, I heard of Kubernetes. Yes, you definitely heard of Kubernetes. So if I would say the leader of the pact is Kubernetes and Kubernetes leans on the same technology that Docker introduced, which is that simplified interface to access the C group in namespace and something called file system isolation and stuff like that. But if I were to say the leader of the crew Kubernetes, is it Kubernetes? Okay, yeah, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just wanted to put the name. Like you know, when you think of VM, where you know it's virtual machines, I was just curious, yeah, yeah, who was the?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the inventor of Kubernetes is Google. So you know, yeah, so Google actually wanted to came up with Kubernetes.

Speaker 2:

Is that open source or is it for profit?

Speaker 1:

It's open source. Okay, yeah, it's open source and low key. The predecessor to Kubernetes is a system that we build, that Twitter, called Mesos and Aurora. So a lot of people don't even know that Twitter has been in this containerization game. It's early. Since 2013, 14, we've been doing containerization.

Speaker 1:

But Google's definitely leading the pack with their open source project called Kubernetes, and if you're involved, then I'll give you some skill sets title wise and engineering. So if you're involved in DevOps, if you're involved in software engineering, systems engineering, cloud engineering, you should be familiarized with this containerization and this technology so that you can level up in your career development. All right, all right, all right. And then I'll throw in another plug. If you want to check out our GitHub repository, we got some material out there for you to learn how cloud infrastructure works, how containerization works. Yeah, we're trying to level everybody up and remember, this is all open source. So a big shout out to everybody that's supporting us on GitHub. It's githubcom, slash the tech hustle, check us out. You can learn a few different technologies, including containerization and cloud tech. All right, all right. So how y'all feel about that? Feel good, yeah, interesting. So I think we're almost ready to move on to the next subject, aren't we? I was low key, trying to find something for you, dee. Let me see if I can find this thing.

Speaker 3:

You are killing me.

Speaker 1:

I know, bro, I wasn't ready, man. That's the problem, man. It's like every time I get so excited about all of this stuff, I more or less always just want to make sure that I'm queued up, but we got something coming up Sound like 1982. Sorry about the audio, it's the best I could do for you right now.

Speaker 3:

What up player? What's good Dee Hustle. What up player? Good, good man. I hope everybody had a good weekend. Everybody spent time with the family and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

So that's about the cold weather. Yeah, I know you do, no, no.

Speaker 3:

I know you guys are. Get away cold weather, You're going to get in the water with these nice sweaters and stuff. But back to our original program, apple. We talked about this in the last podcast. My man, raymond don't call me Ray Ray Do it. I went up. He was talking about the Apple version, about these pre-orders. They sold out.

Speaker 2:

They sold out. Apple vision they sold out.

Speaker 3:

Not back order. You're not able to get it now. That one is wild.

Speaker 2:

I mean I figured the $3,500 price range would have scared people off A lot of people has been jumping on that.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy. The back order is there. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

So they're basically saying, hey, we'll still collect that money, though, but you ain't getting it until a minute from now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're not going to get it. That's crazy Wow.

Speaker 2:

You guys put your orders in.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm good, the wifey ain't going to let me spend $3,500.

Speaker 2:

What's on you guys? So let me know how it is. I'm not helping you.

Speaker 3:

I was hoping you get it first and then you get back to it.

Speaker 1:

I actually heard that if you drop it or if you need a repair, you need to send them like $2,500 just for them to even repair it. That's great, yeah, bro.

Speaker 3:

That's wild. You don't pay $2,000? I'm not paying $2,500.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I'm good, I'm good, that's not even.

Speaker 3:

That's a warm there for me Definitely.

Speaker 1:

What's up? What's up.

Speaker 3:

You know what Apple? Apple's watch saved the kid 1,400 feet up.

Speaker 1:

Wow, right, where is that? He was on a plane, or?

Speaker 3:

something like that. You were on a plane. Yeah, so a 14-year-old kid was out of two sickness and kept stable through the night by being monitored by the Apple Watch with the blood oxygen detection.

Speaker 1:

Wow, shout out to Apple. Big, shout out, shout out.

Speaker 2:

That's great. Yeah, so he had it on him and it detected that, or?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he had it on him and put it on the sun. So the Apple Watch user named Joseph reached out to Apple CEO Tim Cooks, which is a.

Speaker 1:

The CEO.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let him know about the incredible story that happened. His son was developing altitude sickness at 1,500 feet in Peru, which can quickly turn into a lethal if not monitored.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So Apple just saved this kid's blood oxygen level through the night until he can arrive to a store.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's amazing. That's amazing. Big shout out to Apple, big shout out to Apple, big shout out to Apple, big shout out to technology. Right, I mean, that's, the cool thing about tech is that we'll be able to do stuff like this.

Speaker 3:

The thing we really missed the last time, man, that option for the Apple Watch for the blood oxygen is not in yet.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's banned, right? Yeah, yeah, it's banned, it's banned, it's banned.

Speaker 3:

It's banned. I guess he was in another country. Yeah, yeah, to get it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You're gonna get this, watch another that has that feature on that feature and I guess he was flying from one country to another that's amazing and was able to get that and I guess you know wow, things went well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's that's, yeah, that's wild. I hope apple works it out with this, whatever they got going on with banning this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, some third-party licensing type stuff. But yeah, big, big shout outs to apple and they need a little the price of the, the vision pro and and definitely get more watches out there to save lives. You know, I'm saying that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

See what apple saying about the vision pro. They're saying it's gonna replace your laptop in your computer.

Speaker 1:

That's what they said yeah, well, for that price you should, For sure.

Speaker 3:

I mean for that price, I think you should.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I mean that's, that's interesting and you know what I think it is is that once you have the lens on, you can have virtual desktops. So imagine you have, instead of a, an lt screen in front of you, or a symptom screen is that you have these virtual desktops and you can just basically Do your work from what your headphones on maybe, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, but I mean From what I was advised when you guys built your pc's. I mean you're ready, almost up there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and in price, wise price. Yeah yeah, you know your own, yeah You're getting up there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's true, I've seen price, but I don't know about that you know, do they have them in the stores yet, so you can go check them out at the apple store.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to go check one out, like you know yeah, I mean, if anybody out there listening in and you got access, howl at your boy, I mean rame. Rame is trying to, you know, give you his undivided Feedback on it. So let us know, ship us one, right? Well, we'll give you some feedback and post it on youtube, you know.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully apple's listening product test right here at the tech hustle right here at the tech hustle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, all right. All right, I guess. I guess we got my main man coming up. Raymond, don't call me Ray. Ray got some raiment's nuggets. Oh my god, my god, what's up? Player.

Speaker 2:

How was the weekend, man? It was good. You know, I went to extreme down south. Yeah yeah, extreme action park. You guys ever been there? Oh yeah, that place is fire bro, yeah, largest indoor, or yeah, it's pretty crazy.

Speaker 1:

The kids had a good time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I took my son out there and his you know friends and all that. I had to take a loan out of my mortgage to pay for this. It's all good, Angie went to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, she had a good time niece and his friends.

Speaker 2:

Good lord. But yeah, no, we had a good time. Yeah, the gold cards out there, some of them go up to 65 miles an hour, the pearls Sure. So yeah, no, that place is. Yeah, that place is a blast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but but make sure you bring your checkbook with you. Basically, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It is like I said, yeah, I took a second loan out the mortgage, but you know, yeah, for sure, they gave me.

Speaker 3:

Charge your high interest rate too.

Speaker 1:

So was good rain, with so much in Nuggets playing.

Speaker 2:

Whoa. So come to find out. You know, I got a you know screaming voice message or text message from my ex-wife, a bunch of screenshots of videos. Yeah, yeah, did you know? She's like did you know this? I'm like, no, what? So apparently she sends me a video. My daughter has a TikTok account.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and you got a TikTok account.

Speaker 2:

So I'm like Fire alarm. Yeah, I was like no, I did not know this. So we need to destroy and kill this account. So, for those of you who haven't encountered situations like this, where you need to destroy or Kill an account, like a Facebook account or TikTok yeah yeah, I have a website for you. It's called wwwaccountkillercom accountkillercom. I don't know if you guys know this, but it's impossible to delete your Facebook account.

Speaker 1:

I know it deactivate it.

Speaker 2:

It's still always there. It's like you cannot delete your Facebook account. It's impossible. So, but yeah, supposedly this website here. If Encountering like TikTok accounts with my daughter that I need to delete or any other websites, you go into this website here you type it in which you're trying to. Disable, yeah, yeah it will give you instructions on how to do that.

Speaker 3:

I got two things for you number one. Before I get to to your daughter Number one why is it? Am I only able to do TikTok or am I able to do other accounts as any account you want?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, any account. So I like that. Yeah, disabling and destroying accounts is like it's like a science.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, for sure so yeah, check it out.

Speaker 2:

You know, if you ever encounter a situation like that, what I am and yeah, so, and she being innovative, she's, she's using the internet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So my second question is why you want to take the tiktok away from you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's, that's the real. That's the real.

Speaker 2:

That question the tiktok challenge and all that tiktok was.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've heard of so many challenges, tiktok.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that tiktok was designed to destroy Americans. That's what I'm saying. All the stupid stuff they have on there and people killing themselves and doing that.

Speaker 3:

I don't want my daughter on there, so Well, yes and no, it's like Having her watch tv or not watch tv. She goes to bad debates there, ain't?

Speaker 2:

no youtube challenge. All I hear is tiktok challenge and somebody doing something stupid robbing a car or all that I don't want her on.

Speaker 3:

As parents, we should tell them not to follow that trend.

Speaker 1:

Mm or Raymond has a hard stand here.

Speaker 3:

I understand that completely, because when my kid has snapchat, I'm like hold up for sure. But I rather her do it in front of me, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but your daughter is older, my daughter's nine, so yeah, you're still the parent, though. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean I, I get you kid. I had the same challenges to my son. One is snapping instagram and all that stuff I like. Now I play. You got to chill for a little bit, so yeah, that's what these things is.

Speaker 3:

Now I'll tell you the truth. It's not like it is back in the days, man. I hear you now is instagram tiktok. Whatever new platform that's going to come out, guarantee you. Yeah for me is just another account, another password.

Speaker 1:

But, but I will say, I will say this Um somebody that's working the tech.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you something. What up, what up? The tiktok ceo doesn't even allow his kids on tiktok.

Speaker 1:

The app was just not to say something about that.

Speaker 2:

Tiktok yeah, hustle does not even allow his own kids on the platform.

Speaker 3:

So I mean, I'm just saying I want to say you're correct, but I also want to say I bet you they're doing that shit behind his back.

Speaker 1:

The kids are that's possibility.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's possibility.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, well, let me give you a perspective real quick.

Speaker 3:

Timothy, just I bet you his name is fucking john on tiktok.

Speaker 1:

I mean it could be anybody right. So I guess the thing is I get. What he's saying is we do have to be mindful of what our kids access on the internet, because if you think about what access they have, they have access to everything, including platforms like tiktok that are Purposely designed in a way for us to have attention, draw our attention away. The content may not be the best and that's probably the more challenging thing is like the content itself is not giving her value or giving our kids value, but it is at a level of entertainment for them. But as a parent, I totally support you 100 percent on making your decision on what your kids are consuming.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I want to encourage you all To definitely look at what your kids are consuming, because they are looking at that thing more than they look at tv End or time that they're spending with you. So big shout out to you, raymond. Great job being a great dad stepping in there. Uh, just don't.

Speaker 2:

Don't chop her head off, though, but Chopping the head off the account, the tiktok account. I'll tell you.

Speaker 3:

I really don't it reminds me of back in the days when my dad um how you call it? Got internet.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And he was. He got all the channels, you know the playable channels.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that channel was coming through, oh, and.

Speaker 3:

I kept throwing through the going up the channels, channels, boom, boom, boom, and they happen to be that I went into the Playboy channel. Mm-hmm, not knowing. Nobody told me not to get on the on the fucking TV for sure.

Speaker 3:

See, you know no exactly what's going on, mmm. And then so my parents came in and was like what I'm? Like, well, it's on the TV. So that's when they said, like you know, you're not supposed to watch that. Yeah, boom, boom, boom. That's when the pattern went in. And then, like you do black, that channel, suttery set up, but the TV is still there. But I'm not gonna lie to you, when that shit was when they're gone I was like Nothing else from you.

Speaker 1:

At that age my guy was out there trying to get.

Speaker 3:

Like you know, maybe they, maybe they missed the channel. Eventually you grow up now you know it's not, you know you're not true, true, yeah, I'm going like extreme, like even on my network.

Speaker 2:

I'm blocking tick tock. Wow, mr Tech.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna go connect to your Wi-Fi there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, instagram block.

Speaker 1:

And you know what he has it. At the Wi-Fi and also with just regular a cell phone network, you can't access nothing. Hey, uh, good, great job being a parent, bro. At least at least you're concerned about it, and I love you for that kid. So keep it up, bro.

Speaker 3:

Have a camera next to your child, says if he goes next to her friends, yeah. And then starts looking at her tick tock Like what are? You doing looking at.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh boy that's what's up, man. All right, raymond. So I know you got something else to throw on the table. What's what? What next now?

Speaker 2:

Guess you got play yeah so obviously, you know the buzzword has been the last few months now is AI. Ai, that's the big buzzword. Yes, sir, I don't know if you guys know this, but you know Samsung's new phone lineups has generative AI in it, built into it, yeah. And also the new google debuted at its flagship pixel eight Mm-hmm. Oh, snap, yep, it's got new AI tips and tricks in there. So they announced that the only thing is these phone companies are charging for these enhanced oh, yes, oh, they're gonna make some money. That is kind of wild to me. But hey, everybody's kind of wondering, hey, apple.

Speaker 1:

You're like we're y'all at we have with the AI generative AI.

Speaker 2:

So everybody's like wondering, you know, with the new iPhone 16. They don't have a new name for it yet. So iPhone 16 rumored. Are they gonna come out with generative AI in that, or they're gonna wait for iOS 18 to put this where right now, apple is behind, they're being left behind by.

Speaker 3:

Oh, but that's normal. That's like the cowboys.

Speaker 2:

That is true. You're right because look at the headsets now apples jumping in the game. You are correct, so you're right.

Speaker 3:

They always come out. You're right, like I said back. I mean, if you listen to my last podcast you tuned in.

Speaker 1:

I tuned in, I heard it.

Speaker 3:

Now apple's always the last, google or Microsoft, etc. We said it always tend to be on top of the game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3:

Then next year apple will finally these releases, you know so it's like I don't know if you guys see Launch dates between google and apple. Google is always ahead. Yeah, yeah, apple, apple is always later.

Speaker 2:

You are correct about that. Yeah, that was. That's always. You know the joke with the android folks.

Speaker 1:

Like oh yeah apple.

Speaker 2:

you guys have that feature, you know, we've been at this.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that is true, but but I will say that this race that's going on, apple really needs to get into it. I don't think they're gonna lose customers because people aren't gonna get off the iPhone to go get the samsung.

Speaker 3:

Model shape or fucking phone ever created and everybody's gonna jump on that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and still ride with them. Yeah, but I wouldn't count them out though. No, of course not. I would not count them out. They're definitely gonna be making something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and also just you know, still on the topic of AI, like I wanted to get your guys Feedback on this. But, um, samsung, it's coming out with some new fridges. It's gonna have AI built in, ai built into the fridge I built into the fridge. So when you scan your groceries and stuff like that, it's gonna tell you for the expires or whatever. Yeah, there's a light screen.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know if you guys seen I usually go Uh and into these best buys brands in.

Speaker 3:

Costco and if you go to, like the refrigerator section Are new samsons and LG's that I've seen so far that it's been up, like really that she will talk to you. Word, have a conversation when you're shooting. Wow, I mean, don't get me wrong, the refrigerator is for grand. I'm good. I'm good. This shit has all the technologies you need. That tells you you could. It's matter of fact. You look at samsung, the one I looked at. You hit a button and you can see right through.

Speaker 1:

Oh that clear screen things, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

You see right through the refrigerator and what's in there, what's not, and it's coming up, like you said, they're gonna have things that telling you know, hey, your milk is about to expire. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Hey your greats been here longer than fucking one month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, please go this thing out.

Speaker 3:

It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yo, low key. You know what I feel like is gonna do next Is the fucking tea I'm at the refrigerator is gonna have access to insta cart. So the the freaking refrigeration is gonna be like hey you're you're low on milk. I've already ordered A delivery of milk at the house.

Speaker 3:

But again, it's not that far off, it's very, very expensive.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Exactly. Give it to me again.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm in the market for a new fridge, but I gotta tell you guys a secret that I've never told nobody.

Speaker 3:

So I went to. I went to um Boston Um a couple of years back and I went to this beautiful, I like sushi. I went to this beautiful sushi restaurant and they had one of those robots that come and deliver your food.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Right, it just is automatic, and they had a line on the floor that it followed, that it follows, that it brings you to your food or lets you know by numbers, and I was. So it was like a kid, yeah, and I wanted one. So bad. The whole entire time with my wife, I'm we sitting down eating. She's enjoying the food. I'm thinking about this fucking robot the whole time and I wanted one. You know, much that bitch cause how much?

Speaker 3:

$38,000, 38 grand, that same fridge. I said, man, that shit is so beautiful, that's like another car, but I'm I, would you do like this shit? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Do you have to say you can have lines around his house?

Speaker 3:

No, because they have it now that you don't need the lines now. Yeah, it's not great. I was like you know, man, I want this so bad. Yeah, and it's. It's just a robot, it's like a. I don't know how to explain it. The one day I'll show it on the yeah, we'll throw it in here.

Speaker 1:

We'll actually have a segment on it real quick.

Speaker 2:

I mean that doesn't bode well for the servers and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean hey, it's delivering food, if, if they can automate it for them.

Speaker 3:

You mean, if the business is making a lot of you know. Advancements in tech and stuff like that, or if the business is going in advancement and tech that means less waiters.

Speaker 1:

Cost of food should go down. It was a food show, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, but $38,000, yeah, but they come and serve your food. Yeah, I'm saying pump the experience, raymond.

Speaker 1:

That's what we're looking for.

Speaker 3:

The waiter still came to me and it's like, hey, there's anything else you need. Yeah, it's fine, I'm not gonna serve you. What kind of fucking.

Speaker 1:

You went back to the same restaurant. They were, like you know, two days in a row.

Speaker 3:

Martinez, what are you doing? I'm like I'm doing the robot.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy. What was that? In Chicago, you said no, boston. Oh, in Boston, boston, uh no. That's what's up. What were you saying, raymond?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, they had to see yes a couple weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, convention with electronics and man next year, we got to go, bro. We got to go to Vegas man.

Speaker 2:

So, um, they had a robot there. D hustle was making drinks. It wasn't great, it did mess up, it spilled some of them, but I was like, come on, man. Yeah, I'm like, come on, I'm about the bartenders that work hard trying to pay for college and all that I mean.

Speaker 3:

Anybody was giving them tips.

Speaker 2:

No, not that I saw, but I mean, you know, that's what we're going at.

Speaker 1:

Come on, I mean, raymond, we're gonna have to get ready for it, bro, I'm happy. Did you see what uh Elon's making with those uh tesla um Robots?

Speaker 2:

now I did see like a few months ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're, they're. They're literally gonna freaking put amazon workers out of business. They're boxing and finding stuff on the shelf and taping them up and, you know, putting them on the u-hauls and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So that part of it. I don't agree with all the AI stuff built in the phone. Dad I'm cool with, but dad I'm not on board with that.

Speaker 1:

Well, raymond, you let me you better get ready player. You gotta get ready, because it's coming for real.

Speaker 2:

We're not seeing terminator. Do we not remember what happened?

Speaker 1:

I was just watching terminator this weekend.

Speaker 3:

I was like they have a change of heart.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying, yeah, for sure, but yo, I can't wait until we add that to the list of spot. We're gonna pull up in balsam, and I want to see it though. All right, uh, is that that all we got, raymond for these nuggets? Yes, yeah, man, I'm. You had something about some movie thing, what was that? Throw it out there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know D hustle's a big movie guy. You know that he's always, you know, interested on what you know what's latest and greatest. So if you ever interested you don't want to like filter through and looking through all the library of movies within amazon or property or whatever your favorite stream services Check out this site. It's called a good movie to watch Wow Movie.

Speaker 2:

To watch you go on there and it just randomly spends a movie for you to watch. So pick your preferred, you know, screaming service, amazon, prime netflix, whatever the case is, you click on it, you go to this site and then we'll give you a good movie to watch, and usually the movies are rated at least a seven.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so yeah, you know so check it out. So yeah, We'll throw it in the chat room there, for sure.

Speaker 3:

Go in the chat room, Raymond.

Speaker 1:

And yo thank you so much for those nuggets, raymond I know D hustle's always interested.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna use it tonight.

Speaker 3:

Take a look into it. I'm like, I like it Sure for sure.

Speaker 1:

All right, raymond, as always, we really appreciate you player. And Angie, uh sorry, sorry, my dear you pop said no tiktok. No tiktok until you're 12. Sorry, princess, sorry. All right, we got next. We got a D hustle coming back up on stage, oh, I am so done with this guy bro. We're gonna work on your audio soon, bro. I thought it was gonna work, but breaking news. It's horrible news I've heard in my life Somebody would change the channel. Please don't change the channel. Stay tuned.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. What up, d-hustle? What's good player? I'm gonna get something out right away. I love the shout outs to the people in China. Man, they had a 7.1 fucking earthquake yeah, I heard that Killing three people and collapsing 47 homes.

Speaker 1:

Man, earthquakes man. There's something going on with this climate, bro. Like I said it's been for those that is up north, like the northeast, dealing with the snow and now earthquakes on the other side of the planet 7.1 earthquake.

Speaker 2:

Wow, el Niรฑo. Is that still a thing, or?

Speaker 1:

I think so. I mean maybe the major Niรฑo, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I mean, are we talking about El Niรฑo Gonzalez? Wow.

Speaker 2:

He took a way back Mother nature. He took a way back, way back.

Speaker 3:

But now I got CEO man, sony CEO man. We gotta listen to this guy Gaming. He said now it will be on PC MOWS and the cloud. Interesting, interesting Gaming on a PC. Yep, so gaming on the PlayStation is now gonna be done on the PC, wow, okay. So the console has continued to rise since 2020 and the PlayStation division has been working towards keeping its hold to the top of gaming industry for the future.

Speaker 2:

That's interesting.

Speaker 1:

All right, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

Is this any game for PlayStation or select or what? Any game, for not mistaken?

Speaker 3:

When is this coming out? From what I'm hearing, it's in the works.

Speaker 1:

Says the future Wow.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Maybe a few years. I mean, they still gotta make all this money back first bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's interesting, wow Okay.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they're competing with everybody else moving to quote, unquote the cloud to host the games and stuff like that Interesting. Okay, I was expecting it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, man, it's good news, because we were talking about that with my son playing gaming on a PC. Yeah, with the HDMI, yeah, so that's something that's pretty nice man, something that my man is working on.

Speaker 1:

I will say they need to catch up because EA sports, ea games, epic games I'm sorry, all of them are like killing that space right now, so they need to step up the game for sure.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, I'm talking about sports man, let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

Oh sports, what we got.

Speaker 3:

But before that Super Bowl is coming up, ladies and gentlemen, and Best Buy has at least buy a TV and get $3,000 of Samsung and TLC and even more devices. Wow.

Speaker 1:

Big shout out to Best Buy. You said right, yeah, best Buy Best.

Speaker 2:

Buy is trying to get people to new TVs.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you, is this the time that people are buying, you know, compared to Black Friday type thing, maybe the second most you know purchased TV time of the year?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean back in the days people would buy the TVs for the Super Bowl and then return it afterwards. You remember that?

Speaker 3:

So let me give you an example here. So top five Super Bowl smart TV Best Buy deals right now Samsung 70 inch. Samsung Right. So I'm going to ask Q60C, which is the one I got for my son. He got $10,055. A 70 inch, looking at $1,000. Wow, 70 inch Down they got the Xigna, if I pronounce it in the name right, which is Best Buy's model.

Speaker 2:

Best Buy's brand Okay.

Speaker 3:

All right, a 24 inch for $70.

Speaker 1:

Wow 70 bucks.

Speaker 3:

All right, listen to the big boy. Ready A TLC 98 inch. Wow. Why don't you look down Aเนƒเธซ Patriot Go ahead Right, two grand Wow 98 inch. That's the whole wall for me, bro, Bro that's crazy, but if you're looking for some deals, man, best Buy is where is that Wow?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm in the market for an 82. I'm trying to get on. You know Bobby D in your level 85 play, I don't miss anything I like 82, because that's the Miami one.

Speaker 3:

There's something back in the days Jesus.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Ram is trying to catch up, though. And, raymond, I ain't mountain it on the wall unless you write in a check player. Oh sure, last week he was saying that I just come over and help with everything that you got going on your house. I need an invoice, you know, before I'm going to invoice you, before I go over there. No, I'm just messing. I got you for that. That's what you got. Yeah, it's an 85.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That's what I got from you, know the holidays for myself, so all right, Yep yep, yep, I should have waited, though, you should have.

Speaker 3:

You should have but football. Man, let's get down 32 football.

Speaker 1:

This past weekend was kind of interesting, huh Because Raven took that.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, my boy Knocked it out to Texas. Lamar 49ers beat the Packers. Ladies and gentlemen, I was very hoping love can show me some love, but he did not show me that love. Yeah, you know, fucking Lions. I knew Lions was going to do something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they definitely came into play.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and she's got lucked out. Those was coming for that ass, but the kicker did not know how to kick the fucking ball. I know, bro, that was crazy, I got a couple of comments here.

Speaker 2:

So shout out to the Lions, Shout out First playoff win in what? 33 years, Big shout outs for them Big shout outs.

Speaker 1:

That's Jeff Kennedy got assassinated. That's the last time they won.

Speaker 3:

This is crazy.

Speaker 2:

And another shout out too is I want to refer to this man going forward now as the boogie man, patrick Mahomes. I will refer to him as the boogie man now. Just please, lamar Jackson, take this out of our misery, this Taylor Swift stuff. We're all counting on you this Sunday, please, lamar, because if I have to see Taylor Swift for two weeks for the Super Bowl, I'm going to blow my brains out. So, lamar, please, do us some justice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've seen a meme online that the only way that we're going to be saved from this is Lamar coming to play God just.

Speaker 2:

I mean, but yeah, shout out to Mahomes.

Speaker 1:

What you calling that game, though?

Speaker 2:

Six AFC championship. Come on, mahomes. I mean, he's a real deal. Come on, I'm moving for Lamar.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure. What are you thinking there?

Speaker 2:

What are you thinking on that game?

Speaker 3:

Who are you talking, to Me or you?

Speaker 1:

D-Hussell. Yeah, you're in play.

Speaker 3:

So cheese, ray, Rins, lyons and 49ers. Well, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going for Lamar on the Chiefs. Hold on, say that again. I'm going for Lamar, not the Chiefs. Okay, I got you All right and for some of my reason, I'm going for Detroit. You're going for Detroit, yeah. I'm beating 49ers. I feel like upset going on here. That's what you feel. I feel it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think if you don't have a soul, you got a root for the Lyons.

Speaker 3:

I don't have a soul.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's what I'm saying. You know, all of America's going to be rooting for them.

Speaker 3:

Everybody wants a four 49ers is like another. Yeah, but you got.

Speaker 1:

The Bay Area is going to be out there rapping. Yeah, niners fans I don't know if you've ever seen Niners fans. They ride real hard, yeah, but the Lyons are, like you know, 33 years. Bobby Lee, I want to see it, they've never been to the Super Bowl.

Speaker 2:

They're one of four teams that's never been to the Big Dams.

Speaker 1:

I want to see it, but you know what I'm calling Baltimore and Detroit playing a big game. And then Baltimore went in the whole thing, of course. I definitely want to see them, and they went in too, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm going for.

Speaker 3:

So here's my prediction Ravens over Chiefs.

Speaker 1:

Got you.

Speaker 3:

Lyons over 49ers. Lyons and Ravens I'm definitely going for my man, lamar Got you but the weapons in Detroit is serious. I'm going for it.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to like the Y-R-E series is better for me, but don't you think San Fran is a better all around team?

Speaker 3:

San Fran yeah definitely. Much left to Perdy over there, Kiddles and. Dee Bowling Perdy's looking clean though, but again, I've seen a couple of mistakes that they did on the last game and if they do that, detroit is not going to.

Speaker 2:

They played like crap the last game.

Speaker 3:

Detroit is not going to fucking take that away.

Speaker 2:

They've never struggled against. But hey, that's what the playoffs are for. So yeah, all right, everybody's off of the Mahomes train, huh?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I've been off of that. I've already got a ring.

Speaker 2:

Yeah he's got two.

Speaker 1:

Wasn't it what you were going to call. His brother was even out there shirtless.

Speaker 3:

Oh, kelsey, kelsy, oh, kelsey, kelsy's brother, he tires. Yeah, he's been Kelsy for a while. Are you retired?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what's up. Congratulations to him.

Speaker 2:

He's tired.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, getting out healthy and everything.

Speaker 2:

Shirtless and everything at the game and stuff like that. You know picking the kid up to go see Yo.

Speaker 1:

I want to make sure y'all are willing to do the same for me when I go on stage out there.

Speaker 3:

So I appreciate you. Let me know if you want me to write something about brother for you. I'll make a happy voice.

Speaker 1:

That's brotherly love, right there, that's brotherly love.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's what's up. Oh so he retired? Huh, he retired. So that's the thing. His brother might retire too, you thinking about it? That's the rumor.

Speaker 1:

I'm expecting to still see him on TV, though coming up next season, commentating and stuff like that. Yeah, but this Taylor Swift stuff has got to end, I mean the. Nfl's loving it, they loving them ratings and imagine if they do get to the big game, they they gonna love it. But I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, yeah, taylor, who, whatever it is, what it is, basketball.

Speaker 1:

What are what are play Listen man.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you guys watched that spurs and Philadelphia game last night. Man Crazy, two big men's and the right now Joel and B 70 points, 18 rebounds, yeah.

Speaker 2:

one B 33.7 rebounds, yeah how about Joel welcoming them be when B to the NBA like? Welcome to the NBA side?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, pushing him around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just humble his ass yeah point on the MVP, yeah that was basically what it was there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, much respect, much respect.

Speaker 3:

Shout out to my man and be for 70. I don't like you because you always heard of fantasy.

Speaker 1:

So the house is always working on his roster.

Speaker 3:

I can't have players. That's going to be on my bench Right now. I got four players in my bench and that's her, and I'm about to kick them out because you're not making any points for me. But the thing is, if I let him go, another 80 is going to pick him up and I don't want to do that. So I'm coming after you guys. I'm just like you know, other than that man, great game, real stuff, oh my man. And Anthony Thomas 62 points, Minnesota game, I hope you guys watch that?

Speaker 3:

No, you didn't see that Big K, 62.

Speaker 2:

Wow, 62. Where's he been?

Speaker 3:

He's actually, he's behind Edwards. I guess Edwards was doing no, edwards is just the ball over there. Oh, okay, okay, okay. And my man, kd, kd, my man shout out to KD, you know, doing his thing in Phoenix. You need a fucking ring. I can't after that, I can't support you anymore. Okay, 43 points, crazy, crazy shots to finish the game, to win the game.

Speaker 1:

That's what's up.

Speaker 3:

Crazy shots and other than that man I saw. Like God, for sports I can go one depth. I did want to mention that I did have my first experience in a hockey game.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you did when we went to the Panthers, but it's a Florida Panthers, florida Panthers.

Speaker 3:

They got there. Well, they was lost.

Speaker 2:

When'd you go with the Monday game, or I?

Speaker 3:

went Friday, friday. Okay, friday's game you watching HL, yeah, oh look at you. Look at this guy. Shout out to my man watch our next show.

Speaker 2:

I was supposed to go to a game earlier last year but it didn't happen. So, yeah, a friend of mine is an Islanders fan and we were supposed to go. It just didn't work out. But no, yeah, you too Love the Panthers. Yeah, man, home team always represent.

Speaker 3:

So I won the Panthers versus I think it was called the Minnesota Wild. Great game, man. They lost fortunately six to four. Bro, best experience. I was looking for fights Word, he was in box seats, man, I food and everything. You see how this cat roll?

Speaker 1:

He don't sit in the regular seats.

Speaker 2:

He says, box seats is his first game, you know, I expect something else.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't expect less right.

Speaker 3:

I let you know, man, I did bring. I usually don't bring jackets. I did bring a jacket. It gets chilly in there, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, were you able to follow the puck around the ring? And?

Speaker 3:

stuff like that, definitely, definitely, while I was eating a hamburger and one. It's hard, bro, it's crazy, yeah, man. People go crazy. It was a great game, great experience. I will do it again. If I go with somebody, you won't catch me by myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, and it got to be that box seat because he starts at box seats.

Speaker 3:

I got to have my food there. I went up and got my food, came sit back down. I see you. I see you Every quarter. Everybody was leaving their seats. You haven't seen them for the next 15 minutes Because they were in the line. They were in the line. I'm like damn this is great.

Speaker 1:

Going back for second and third, I got to make things happen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what up, what up player Other than that man? Great, great, great experience there. All right, this is the woman in the show. People, special, special, shout out to one.

Speaker 2:

One. Last thing I know D-Hussel was interested about this. Did you guys see the salt that happened the other day in the NBA?

Speaker 1:

The salt. Yeah, I hooked into LeBron. I knew he was going to bring that up. No, no, no, this is the one you wanted.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to make sure that you guys saw that I mean.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

God's sakes, the guy had a bloody arm and they did not call a foul. But I mean, I don't know what else has to be done.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I mean, if it was Jordan Error, they would have just brushed it off and kept moving. Exactly, it's not Jordan's error, right? I'm just saying, I'm just saying.

Speaker 2:

A bloody arm. Bobby, I'm just saying Call a foul. I mean, for God's sakes, what else has to happen?

Speaker 3:

I'm just saying I mean bloody arms poked in the eye, have a mask.

Speaker 1:

I mean he actually had another collision too, like a knee to the back of somebody and he was tumbling and rolling on the ground. I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I got a target on him for some reason, so I got a target. Yeah, that's all I wanted to mention.

Speaker 1:

So, but you know thank you, raymond, for the insights. You're a misnuggets, yeah, yeah, keep that in mind.

Speaker 3:

I did hear a couple of bad news for LeBron. I'm sorry the James family that well. Special shout out to LeBron and Bronny. Yeah, for sure. I hear my boy was telling me yeah, hyping up Brianie very, very much oh the sun. The sun. Yeah that there is players in that team that's better than Ronnie. I believe it's not getting the recognition that they need to get.

Speaker 1:

It's tough.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I mean sorry to cut you off there but, I hear that the man had nobody talked about the game he had when he had no points. And again they're not showing up, they're not showing the other kid that's in that team, not showing him love. So can it be, can it be, that a star that's in the team is not getting the recognition that he's getting for because all the recognition is going to Bronny's son?

Speaker 2:

Okay, now clarified recognition. Is it just media clear recognition?

Speaker 3:

I mean, there's a there's a player I'm not going to say his name. There's a play in that team that's bowling. Every single time that they are playing a game that does more numbers than Ronnie and he's not getting the recognition that he is. But I guess his dad is doing the you know well, because I know he wants to play with that, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's not. Again. It's not about what you know, it's who you know. But just seeing why I'll be upset if that kid don't make it further than what he's supposed to get.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, okay, you know I agree with you. Yeah, I could see the beef there. But then again, yeah, I mean, hey, you know, he's got a superstar dad, he's got a lot, he's got a Hall of Fame.

Speaker 3:

I respect it. Yeah, I mean what I could respect is that if Bronz seen him balling and there's opportunity in the draft, I mean he should be able to speak up for him and say, hey, no, this kid's good too. Somebody, somebody got.

Speaker 1:

We got a way in C plan.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm sure I'm a way to see I'm waiting and then I'm going to give you all that smoke. All right, all right, that's funny. Ladies and gentlemen, special special. Shout out to Marvelous creations. Right now she is doing a Valentine special. If you do not have a gift for your loving partner, him or her, please get the orders in now For sure, for sure. Book your appointment. South Florida. Fear, and now we are delivering to. So stop playing around, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All of South Florida, from Palm Beach, broward and down to Miami. Dade See, she's servicing all of them, all of them, we go to.

Speaker 1:

Orlando too. Yeah, how's your boy? She'll make the trip. Big shout out to Marvelous creation, number one sponsor. We really appreciate it. All right, fellas. So what do you all think about the show? What do you all think? Everything was good. Yeah, cool. You all ready to close it out? Yes, sir, all right, let's see if we get the music cued up. Let's see, let's see. Oh, there we go. Well, thank you all for tuning in and listening into us. You know chopping it up about technology, engineering, different thing that's going on in the industry, and definitely sports and current events. Big shout out to D Hustle Raymond, don't call him Ray Ray, always giving us some gems. Really appreciate you, player, and definitely we'll keep kicking it.

Speaker 1:

Now, to close this out real quick, I want to remind you all that we got a tour coming up. Did I tell you all the name of the tour? No, yeah, bring it down, bring it down. The tour is called the World Knows Us, but they don't know us yet. Let's give it to us. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

And included in this tour that we're going to have is a talk that I'm going to do. I'm actually labeling like a special because I'm trying to be like one of the comedians doing a special on Netflix. Netflix is going to pull up for us to record something soon, I promise you that, and the talk is going to be called Behind the Cloud at Twitter 1.0. For sure, for sure. And you know what. These are topics that I'm well versed on. Obviously, you heard me talk about technology at the beginning of our talk or the show here, and I'm really just trying to level everybody up on this journey. So if you're interested in me speaking at your company, speaking at your university or colleges especially if you're in an HBCU or an engineering school and you need somebody to really level everybody up, I'll let you boys, bobby Day for sure. Wow, that's the producer in the background. Thank you, d-hussell. But anyways, keep that music back up. We're going to definitely close out with a call to action.

Speaker 1:

I want you all to subscribe. I want you all to post. We're really trying to up our listeners. We definitely appreciate everybody that's tuning in on a weekly basis. We love you to your day ones and always will be with us. We also have our newsletter coming out this Thursday. Big shout outs to our newsletters coming out this Thursday, Re-camping the year of all the shows that we've had here on the podcast and definitely a lot of things about technology engineering. So definitely tune in. And then the last thing I'm going to drop in there is you know, I don't know if y'all knew, but I did travel the world last year and spoke on stage in London.

Speaker 3:

Do y'all remember that trip that I made? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

man. So they finally posted on YouTube so you can definitely hear and watch the full talk. Shout out to Postman. The title of the talk is Unbasking Impostors by Debugging Doubt. It's a little bit twist on the Among Us game, but really teaching organizations how to build effective teams. That allows for diverse inclusivity from the team's team. So definitely check it out. You'll see it in the newsletter. And, yeah, big shout outs to London for hosting me and Lead Dev. It's a conference. Definitely big ups to y'all. All right, fletlas. I think that closes us out for today, so definitely keep tuning in, subscribe and the highlight boy is Bobby D.

Speaker 2:

Go Baltimore, we'll see, we'll see Thank you all for watching.

Speaker 1:

We'll see. Thank you all.

Speaker 3:

So much for tuning in Elon has nothing to say to it.

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