#TheTechHustle Podcast 🎙

0039:📱 Raspberry Pi Revolution, iPhone Secrets Unveiled, Salary Negotiation Hacks, Plus Essential VPN Tips and Entertainment Picks! 🚀🏆

BobbyD, D'Hustle and Raymond...don't call him RayRay

Can a pocket-sized computer revolutionize your tech experience? Join Bobby D as he brings the mighty Raspberry Pi to center stage, showcasing its endless potential. Whether you're keen on mastering Linux or taking control of your smart home, we break down how this compact powerhouse can transform your digital landscape. Plus, get a sneak peek at what's buzzing in the world of tech and sports, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

Ever wondered why your iPhone messages turn green and lag? We dissect recent Apple updates, including innovative features like "Message via satellite" and the beefed-up privacy settings in iOS 18. Discover how Apple's incremental software improvements can significantly enhance user experience despite hardware criticisms. From locking and hiding apps to the potential integration of satellite internet services, we cover it all, making sure your iPhone knowledge is cutting-edge.

Raymond takes us on a journey of self-discovery in the job market, using tools like PayScale.com to reveal your true worth. Hear an enlightening story about a colleague's salary negotiations and understand why knowing your value is crucial during job transitions. We also emphasize the importance of VPNs for privacy and security, and wrap things up with some top-notch entertainment recommendations, including must-watch TV shows and the latest sports updates. This episode is packed with insights, advice, and a touch of fun, ensuring there's something for everyone.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Tech Hustle. I'm your host, Bobby D. We are here for episode number 39. 29.

Speaker 2:

29. What up player? What's up D Hustle. What's going on? How's everything? Player.

Speaker 1:

Good, good, good. I like your shirt, man. Thank you Looking fire.

Speaker 2:

How about you, raymond? Don't call him Ray Ray. What up player?

Speaker 1:

I'm here, Good morning yeah good morning, I'm here, good morning, good morning. Well, welcome audience to our next episode of the Tech Hustle. We're here to give you all some gems about tech. This is where tech, engineering and the culture intersects and we're definitely going to be holding it down. If you haven't already done, like and subscribe, follow us so that you can get updates when we post, and definitely we give you a quick rundown of the show here. So I'm going to be giving you a tech talk today about Raspberry Pi. I actually bought one in with me. I'm going to pop it open and take a look and then we're going to have D House will talk about the tech news and current events. I know that Apple has a few things going on this week. Raymond got some nuggets in Raymond's nuggets section. My guy, it sounds like you're going talking about some salaries, some security, privacy stuff and maybe even have a movie or a TV show review too, I always got something in there and then we're going to bring it back to DeHustle with some sports.

Speaker 1:

I know that all of the NBA and NHL is coming to a close. I mean we definitely want to get caught up on that, and then big shout will definitely give a chance for them, and then I'll close it out at the end with a few updates, a few things that we got going on, and definitely stay until the end because I got some gems to drop. So y'all ready to kick this thing off? Sure, what do you think? Audience Y'all enjoying it. Y'all like it, for sure, for sure.

Speaker 1:

All right, so we're going to jump right into the Tech Talk. D-hustle talk to you. So let's go ahead and switch the music up a little bit here. That's how. That's how they welcome you to the stage with a round of applause. The days will come sooner than later, oh boy. So welcome to the first segment of our podcast today, which is the tech talk, where I'm going to talk about a technology that, or talk about tech in general. This segment here is I usually bring up a question that either somebody's asked me or a mentee's, you know, inquired and definitely always trying to teach and, you know, level you up on some of the skills that I've developed over the years, but one of the things that popped up in our community last week, I believe is we do have an AI. So if you are not already in our community, sign up for our community, because our AI educator posts things throughout the week, and one of the things that it posts was how to learn the Linux operating system with a device called Raspberry Pi.

Speaker 3:

Now, how many of y'all know about it? This is not a food right.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's not a food my guy's like yo, we'll be baking it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

the ingredients.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure. Have you ever heard of Raspberry Pis before I?

Speaker 1:

heard of it. Yeah, yeah, how about you, raymond? Yes, I have. Yeah, actually, I think I recall you did a segment here, a nugget on Home Assist right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then?

Speaker 1:

you were talking about how we could basically set up our computers or set up a computer at the house to be the centralized place for all of our connected devices. And when I looked at the site, it actually said to set up a Raspberry Pi. So I was like, hey, this shit perfectly aligns up with what I, you know, what you had talked about and what the AI had posted the other day. So I actually went into my archives and pulled out my Raspberry Pi just to kind of give you all insights and see what it looks like. It's literally like a computer in a little box. But the cool thing is is that if I pop this open you can kind of take a look inside. There's this fan that's in there where obviously the processor gets a little heated, but inside there there's this really small chip. It's like this little, it's only like a few inches, and I don't know if I can pop this all the way open to give you a full 360 view, but let's see, let's see If you're breaking.

Speaker 3:

you're bored of it.

Speaker 1:

D-House is going to give me a new one. There it goes. It came off a little bit and I'm going to pop off the fan off of it, but this is it right here. This little motherboard right here at the bottom is the actual chip. There's this little base on the bottom of it that, oh yeah, I can pop it all the way out. Look at that, this is it right here.

Speaker 1:

So this is a Raspberry Pi device and one of the cool things about it is it's actually a computer Like there's your network connection, your USB connections and stuff like that. There's a processor here, there's memory and actually right here on the side here let me see which side it is oh, right here under it you can actually install a small SSSD card to make this thing as big and large as you want it to. I mean, the other day I seen a two terabyte one for about $120. Imagine you have this as a computer with two terabytes in it and it's connected to the internet or connected directly to your house router or access point, and then you have USB connections.

Speaker 4:

That's pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's wireless too bluetooth wow um, the only thing that it doesn't have is wireless power, so you do have to plug it into a real outlet, um, but in general, this thing right here is so powerful. This is version number four, I believe, and they have more versions out there and they only cost no more than 70, 60 dollars, and you can get them even cheaper for, you know, older versions like 40, some dollars yeah so, um, as a community, I definitely want to encourage you all.

Speaker 1:

If you're interested in, you know, breaking this stuff down and diving more deeper, um, definitely holla at us. We can give you some specs, maybe even some links, maybe some affiliate links. You know, maybe we make a few dollars off this. That's cool, but in general, um definitely want to encourage you to check out these devices, because one of the things and why I bring this up is one of the things that I have a lot of mentees asking me about is upscaling in the era of AI. Right, like, so what should I be learning or what should I be developing as a skill? And my response is always go and learn systems. Learn systems and platforms and how they work, but, more specifically, learning the operating system and developing some skills around it. Because you can definitely have a job.

Speaker 1:

Even if software engineers get obsolete because of AI, you're always going to need people that understand what's going on on this chip or on a computer, or what's going on inside of the operating system. So one of the things that I recommend is purchasing one of these little Raspberry Pis installing an operating system, so you don't have to do it on your computer, you can do it on this device here, and it only costs no more than 70 some bucks, right, and then you actually have a way of developing. Now, if you all are really down for it, I told you all that the AI that we have in our community already has made some recommendations for it. The thing is that you all don't know. Did you hear something in the background? They're cheering for me. That's what it is.

Speaker 2:

I like it.

Speaker 4:

They love the raspberry pie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they love the raspberry pie.

Speaker 1:

But it's like hey, if you're unaware, the AI is already developing a course or tools around setting this stuff up and learning Linux. So that's what the AI educator is in our community is to help people develop. And one of the first things we're going to start tackling is starting from the lowest level with hardware, with a Raspberry Pi, and then installing the operating system and then starting to develop some skills. So I'm really interested. I'm really excited about it. I already got my Raspberry Pi ready to plug in. I might get one for each of the guys so y'all can have one to play with.

Speaker 2:

You heard it. He's going to get me one.

Speaker 1:

He's like yo, when am I accepting delivery? But, in general, these tools, not these tools, but this tech is really going to give you an upper hand for you, to help you develop, because these same skills will be able to transition into working in the real world where you're managing large scale computers, systems around the world, edge computers, virtualization, cloud infrastructure. I mean I can basically do all of that from this device here and I definitely want to encourage you to follow along. So definitely holler at me. I'm not going to talk and belabor the concept or points about the Raspberry Pi and Linux, because I want you all to come and find us in our community. Come to our website, thetechhustlecom, click the button that says Join Community. I guarantee you won't be disappointed and we'll always be dropping gems in there. So yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3:

I like it.

Speaker 1:

It's going down going down Any questions from you all before we jump right into the next segment here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, are you using it at all? Do you? Yeah, are you using it at all?

Speaker 1:

You don't have anything installed on it, or yeah? So this, this first one that I have I first installed something called a NAS. You ever heard of a NAS network access storage system, right? So the real hustle behind why building this is on the back of this thing. Here. It has, like, all these USB connections, right, and imagine, don't you know, those USB hard drives that you can get, even the ones that just pop right in. You can get a few gigs or close to a few terabytes with this device, no-transcript. So that's what's actually installed on. This is a mini NAS device that I have, at least I believe, about 10 terabytes plugged into it, and then we back up everything to it.

Speaker 4:

Okay, nice.

Speaker 3:

Is it a portable charger also?

Speaker 2:

Actually you could plug in a portable charger to this thing. It's big like a portable charger also. Actually you could plug in a portable charger to this thing.

Speaker 3:

It's big, like a portable charger also, so I'm just trying to figure it out D-House is like, yeah, I want to take this anywhere I go so it's always with me.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I mean, there's always these cool things that you can do with these devices. You can enable some type of portable device. I mean, if you're really into it, especially electronics is you can solder on here a new power adapter and then have that power adapter connected to a portable charger. I'm not doing it, you do it and then you let me know.

Speaker 3:

The one you bought me.

Speaker 1:

The one you bought me.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to try it out For sure. But yeah, any other questions, fellas?

Speaker 4:

No, that's cool.

Speaker 1:

I'm really trying to like get all of my stuff data. I'm trying to get all of my access centralized back to the house and basically I don't want to go buy my own servers and running servers at home. I'm like, hey, let me just start to install these raspberry pies to do certain things and then we kind of localize all of the stuff that we have, I mean from the nas being the network access storage system for all our images. I'm setting up a vp, so whenever I connect to the internet or anybody my family connects to the internet, we kind of connect to our home VPN and then go back out to the internet Security stuff in terms of our wallets and keys and crypto stuff. Like I'm bringing it all in-house.

Speaker 1:

I'm a little sick of these cloud providers and if you really think about our data, which is kind of another subject, we are really giving it away for free and they're making so much money off of us, so why not just house it locally and then we manage it ourselves? But you got to learn how systems work for you to be able to do that. So come and holler at your boy, I got you.

Speaker 3:

He's got it.

Speaker 1:

All right, fellas. So that's a wrap for Raspberry Pi. Like I said, follow us. Go to our website, thetechhustlecom, join our community, check out our AI educator. And she got you Next up. We got D Hustle. What up?

Speaker 3:

player. What's going on? How's everybody doing? Yeah man, Good, good, good.

Speaker 1:

So what we got going on in current events and tech news man.

Speaker 3:

Apple, apple, apple and more Apple. So just wanted to make sure you guys got Apple phones correct. Yes sir, did you have any issues today with text messaging?

Speaker 1:

Actually I noticed something was a little bit off Long delay.

Speaker 3:

But what was going on. I guess their server in the back end went down.

Speaker 4:

Really, oh wow.

Speaker 3:

It's been a while since they had that issue going on for them. So everybody that's getting text messages is getting green 75% of the people got the green.

Speaker 1:

So then that means that it's not going through the messaging, it's going through the regular text. Oh my gosh, that's what the difference is. Huh, that's what it is, yep.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And any reasons why it went down yet.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, but from what the news, people are saying that with the new iOS 18, this is going to be very bad for relationships.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So if you see a lot of green going on here, don't be alert.

Speaker 2:

Exactly right.

Speaker 1:

It's like where did that chat phone come from? That's replying to me in green. Yes, sir.

Speaker 4:

So interesting Okay.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, so also they are having this is more for privacy.

Speaker 1:

What's that?

Speaker 3:

For new privacy feature. Design for the new iOS 18 is now. Users can now lock an app for an additional privacy that can be hidden as an app, moving it to a locked hidden app folders. This is good for Raymond here. That's dope as an app, moving it to a locked hidden app folders.

Speaker 4:

This is good for Raymond here. That's dope.

Speaker 3:

This has been like well needed when an app is locked or hidden, contents like messages or emails inside the app are hidden from search, notification and other places across the system.

Speaker 1:

Wow, congratulations, apple Wow.

Speaker 3:

Apple here is trying to do a lot of crap for the people who are freaky, deaky.

Speaker 4:

Freaky ass boy.

Speaker 3:

They don't want them to figure out what the other significant other. Let me put that on the Discord here real quick. This is crazy right now 69. God, wow, you know there's a lot going on right now. This is crazy.

Speaker 1:

I guess that's maybe some parental controls that are being enabled. This is cool, allegedly.

Speaker 4:

This is well needed. Too late, Apple, I mean you should have bended this Because you know when you have to let the kids hold your phone temporarily and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

They've seen some stuff on my phone that I've been embarrassed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, off on my phone, yeah, yeah. So yeah, this is well needed. Let's go ahead and create that folder for you, but you gotta upgrade to ios 18 though, right, yeah, you gotta upgrade ios 18, okay, uh, also for that.

Speaker 3:

also, here's another fun fact of the app is doing here um users able. Once you download the ios 18, users are able to send message via satellite. What? Let me give you a little example exactly what this thing is. As part of the iOS 18, the name explains Message via satellite will send users using satellite. So there is no cellular service, no Wi-Fi Messages will let users instead of ping from the satellite.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's dope. That's dope, I mean nowadays, with all those satellites out there SpaceX, Would it come?

Speaker 3:

out green, or would it come out blue?

Speaker 1:

Actually orange. That's cool.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because if you don't have any signal, depending on where you're at, it's so frustrating and you know like when you're on the plane and you get off and boom, that's when you get all your alerts and all your messages.

Speaker 1:

this is pretty cool I mean it's, it's, it's. It's amazing actually if you think about it, because when you think about cell phone towers you almost have to be like um and like site view of a cell phone tower for you to connect. Obviously you're being in a home. It's a little different with the wi-fi.

Speaker 1:

Cell phone tower is a site but now it's like the distance for you to actually go up in terms of getting that frequency they've how long it's gonna take to go up there, it's gonna take a, it's gonna take a latency, it's gonna have a good latency, but that the cool thing is that they've had satellites come closer to the earth so that we don't have to go as far as what I'm getting to. Like that's really amazing that they've opened it up for everybody. That's that's wild, that's great yeah I think I think the future is is that they're gonna be servicing internet through it too.

Speaker 4:

So I don't know, so why not?

Speaker 1:

they are servicing internet starlink yeah, starlink, yeah, starlink to the phone oh, I don't know about to the phone you.

Speaker 4:

I don't know about that. I know they do it with their own dish.

Speaker 1:

They have like they do it to the planes and the boats and you can do it to your home yeah, yeah, so I don't know about the phones though hey we getting there, but hey uh, jump, jump on ios um 18 and you you'll be texting an orange now just a little.

Speaker 4:

Add someone to that. Everybody always makes phone into iphone. Oh, it's stale, it's just. You know they haven't invented or it hasn't progressed in years, but these are little cool things that apple does, yes. Yeah, the phone is the same for the last five, six years, but you know where they kill it? As little stuff, but you know they're always updating their operating system and making cool stuff like this. So this is. I kind of give them the props on that. Yes, the phone is stale, but what do you?

Speaker 1:

mean no, but the price ain't coming down yeah, but you know so I mean it's, it's. It's almost like you're paying for software updates rather than getting better hardware and and, and, to be frank, right each year they come up with a better camera, better camera better camera, but that's still each year your service gets worse because a new phone is coming out.

Speaker 4:

I mean, it's like the PlayStation. You get a new PlayStation every four to five years. It's the same thing almost.

Speaker 3:

You do oh shit, I don't. I went into that shit, but you know what I mean. I still got a PlayStation 2. You still have this.

Speaker 4:

My point is all right. That's a good point. Like around the PlayStation, they had an article that came out last month where PlayStation has like over 100 million active users and half of them are still on the PS4. People have still not upgraded. So my point is people are using, like, better games and they're still using old hardware. So that's where I'm getting at here, bobby D, so that's just where I'm getting at.

Speaker 1:

But I guess my only thing is that I'm more or less thinking about the pricing. I get you the pricing model has not really reflected, in my opinion, the leaps and bounds. We went from a BlackBerry to the iPhone, or we went from the Razr to the BlackBerry. Those are big leaps and bounds for me.

Speaker 3:

What price are you talking about? Because there's three different versions of prices. Are you talking about the regular iPhone, which is the $699 one Damn. Or are you talking about the Pro, which is the $1,100?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

See, that's the thing. Or are you talking about the Max, which I don't need? The Max, I don't need it either. I'm in the Pro, and the thing is just to give you a heads up. I used to be that guy that used to buy iPhones every year when it comes up.

Speaker 3:

Every year. I got to the point now that, for example, iphone 15. Now, if I were to buy a phone, I would buy the iPhone 15 Pro and I would keep it for like four or five years, yeah. And so I hand me down or I say you know what, fuck it, I'm buying a new one. Which phone are we talking about here?

Speaker 1:

So the thing that you just broke down right is like with the basic one, it's already still $699. That's almost $700 for a phone.

Speaker 3:

It's the same thing with Google.

Speaker 1:

No, samsung. I think they're all freaking raping us with these freaking phones For real. Like I mean, you basically have me on a plan for almost three years for $699 and then that time comes in three years there's a better phone, like in terms of tech, but it's still the same thing. Like you can literally almost hold a 14 and 15 next to each other.

Speaker 3:

you can't tell the difference you also got to figure out the same thing too, man. Uh, sometimes you gotta, you gotta be like all right, what's? Let's say you get an iphone 15, iphone 16 comes out, what upgrades have they done to it if they don't? If, if it doesn't benefit you to get the iPhone 16 because there's a better camera, I'll still stick to the 15. Facts If 17 comes out and there's nothing, just one or two more apps, I'm still sticking to the 15. Totally. Now if the 18 comes out and saying yo, your shit is garbage, just making things out of nowhere, out of everything, then I'll get the 18. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:

But I don't know, man, these phones, like I said, I'm not going to be every year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, my daughter loved it.

Speaker 3:

She loved it Now that I went back just getting one phone every year.

Speaker 1:

Well, she was getting the hand-me-downs. That's what it was Every year.

Speaker 3:

Every year she would have got something a brand new phone, yeah 11. After that I stopped at 12. We at she got so mad at me that she went and bought her own phone. Wow, doing her own.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's funny, but shout out to her because I didn't have to pay for it. Facts I can't wait for that day.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait, I can't wait.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, man, it's completely. Every phone that I see now is like $600 plus Even a garbage phone I see now is like $600 plus Even a garbage phone. Yeah, that, I never even heard of $600. Oh, I'm sorry $499.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, or something like that. But yeah, you're correct. I just think that that's how they're keeping these trillion dollar companies up is with these high-ass pricing on these phones, because everybody has them.

Speaker 3:

Everybody has them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hear you. So what else you got player?

Speaker 3:

Last but not least, all I got is the Apple announcement WWDC 2024.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Worldwide Developer Conference. Big, big news for them, right? Big news for them, yeah, shout out to them.

Speaker 3:

I guess they're doing AI for the rest of us. Yeah, a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff. So's gonna work with ai partners beyond, uh, beyond open ai. Elon musk lump over open ai and then they're gonna work guys together on apple together. Interesting apple intelligence, limited availability, all right. Of course, chat, gbt and siri apple intelligence and images and emojis, playground. Of course you got apple TVs. You got the Siri Apple.

Speaker 1:

You know et cetera, et cetera. Plug all that stuff in, wow and and I think maybe this is their strategy, I don't know if if saying like, hey, we're not going to go build our own, we're just going to partner up with companies like open AI or whatever, you know, elon's working on over there Um, I think I think that may have been their strategy. So so much. So I do you think Apple could end up buying those type of companies?

Speaker 3:

I mean.

Speaker 1:

Microsoft already bought or invested in OpenAI. So I don't know if OpenAI is on the market, but I'm kind of seeing them saying like, hey, instead of building it, we'll just buy it, like they got enough money and cash to do that.

Speaker 3:

I don't see why not Interesting, interesting.

Speaker 1:

Well, I guess that World Developer Conference was a hit for them. There were some cool things that I seen pop up on my timeline. Nothing like groundbreaking, like oh my gosh, the world is going to be flipped upside down like the new iPhone or when they first came up with the iPhone or the iPad. But it just more or less for me, enlightened me that they're going to do a lot more partnerships and establish that way. But we'll see. Congratulations to him, big shout-outs to Apple.

Speaker 3:

Shout-outs to him. That's all right. No, oh, he was raising his hand, my bad. Oh. Talking about Raymond, there we go. He was like yo. My section is next bro.

Speaker 1:

Cue me up, what up?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Don't call him Ray-Ray.

Speaker 2:

What? What up? Raymond, don't call him Ray Ray. What up player?

Speaker 4:

What's up, gentlemen Ray?

Speaker 2:

Raymond said put me in, put me in coach, what's good man.

Speaker 4:

Thank you for those Apple updates. There D no problem. All right Morning, gentlemen. So I think we all love you know money and stuff like that, who?

Speaker 1:

loves money. Who loves money?

Speaker 4:

Or I mean you know whether we love it or it's an essential thing. So kind of wanted to drop a gem for you guys here, whether you are looking at your current situation in your job. So I have one of my colleagues. When we go to lunch and stuff like that, this guy's always complaining and they're hyping him up.

Speaker 4:

Dude, you're getting underpaid, man you know you're going to be getting paid more if you left here and they're always filling his head up and he's like, yeah, I'm going to leave, I'm going to go look for another job. So if you're ever questioning in your current role, in your job, or maybe you are going to interview for another job and you kind of want to entertain to see what the market is for that position, so if you check out this Web site here called PayScale, payscalecom, payscalecom, called uh, pay scale and payscalecom payscalecom, and if you click all the way to the right there, bobby d there's a little tab there just right here.

Speaker 4:

Yep, you click on that and you just kind of fill out the current information. You put your employee, you put your current job, you put your title, you put your years of experience. You just kind of go through and you kind of put like all the skills you have. It will tell you what your current salary should be and if you're thinking about looking for another job, you know and you want to see if the salary entertains or comes close to that. Check out this site. So, because my co-worker is always bitching and complaining that he's underpaid and his role so and I do think he is. So this is something for you guys or my co-worker, to check out. Check out pay scale pay scale?

Speaker 1:

yeah, definitely, um, and and first of all, one of the things I think we don't take advantage of, especially when you're transitioning from jobs or looking for a job, is understand your, your value, your worth, right, correct? I don't know if y'all notice on a job description, or usually, this range is like hey, you're gonna make a hundred to a hundred and 120, right. And it's like where, where do you choose? Where you, at right, you don't want to be at the bottom, you don't know if you can pull the top, are you in the middle? Or you can just let them know like, hey, I'm, I'm, I'm at 120. Now, right, what are you talking about in terms of range, wise? But something like this will definitely give you that data so that you feel confident to be able to talk that issue, especially when the recruiters are throwing the offer on the table, correct? Yeah, all right, this is actually really cool man.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so yeah, check it out, you know. So yeah, even if you're not looking for a job or whatever you're curious.

Speaker 1:

Raymond said if you really want to know your worth, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That might be a problem.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you know, gonna go here and figure out like yo, I should be making what this?

Speaker 4:

guy's always complaining and I agree, like he let it loan what his salary was, I was like, yeah, this guy's getting beat, he's underpaid.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, yeah sure, man definitely check it out yeah hey, scalecom, all right, what up? What's else you got player?

Speaker 4:

uh, another thing here. You had mentioned something when you were talking about the raspberry pie here, bobby d, I wanted to kind of pick your brain on it what up, what up. You stated that you have, like everybody in your family and stuff like that, you go through a VPN. Yeah, so do you. What do you use for your VPN? Is it like in-house? Is it software? Is it hardware?

Speaker 1:

So there's this software and I actually have two VPNs that I work with one um by the service provider, because we use google fi for our internet um or not internet but for our phone service, and they offer vpn. But they also enlightened me on that. You can set up your own vpn internally and I use something called open vpn. It's one word, um and it's an open source vpn server and client and basically what you're able to do is do exactly what I said is like hey, when people connect to your you connect to their internet or connect their phone to a wi-fi connection, or even over three or 5g well, I said three, four or 5g um it automatically goes back to my house and then, from my house, it leaves out, so that all the internet traffic makes it look like it's always coming from my house. But I use open vpn to do that.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay, interesting. Okay, all right, cool, cool, all yeah. The reason why I brought it up is I was going to talk about VPNs, how this is pretty important right now. Oh, look at that. So, yeah, privacy and security are very important these days, and if you cannot afford to pay for VPN, this obviously seems like a good solution. You're using and I wanted to drop another one in there, too, is our proton vpn. It's completely free. Um, check it out. I'm gonna drop the uh site in here. So, while I talk about this, here is the reason why you should consider using a vpn. Here is bobby d and d hustle and our audience is when you guys are surfing the internet, when you're at the airport or you're at mcdonald's or wherever, and you're just using that open v're at mcdonald's or wherever, and you're just using that open vpn specifically for me, too, when I'm you know like I'm doing those bad sites, like the hustle was saying bad sites, you know so definitely I.

Speaker 4:

I try to be on a vpn so because you don't want people looking to see what you're doing yeah and proton vpn is free.

Speaker 4:

They have a paid version, but I think for my, the free version is all I need. All your data is encrypted. They're based out of Switzerland. So let's just say, like you know, the big bad cops Not that I do anything bad, though If they wanted to come and say, hey, I want to see what Mr Ray has been looking at you know they're going to tell the US government to F off because they're based out of Switzerland and also Europe as well. So Europe US doesn't have jurisdiction over ProtonVPN. They have a few servers all over the world, so it's free. Like I said, all your stuff is encrypted. So something to consider when you are surfing the Internet and you're connecting to the open Wi-Fi, like me.

Speaker 4:

So try to use a VPN guys. Another thing, too, I've heard is using a vpn, you can get cheaper flights, changing your location in the country, like supposedly, you know, tricking the air? I don't know why I'm saying it's over the airwaves, but tricking or whatever, changing your location, could you know?

Speaker 4:

possibly give you a better a better rate like you know, if the airlines think, hey, this guy's calling from here, we're gonna give him this rate or whatever. So yeah, I've heard people use vpns for that. So yeah, something to consider and check out, guys. So proton vpn.

Speaker 1:

So all right or open vpn that bobby d's for sure, for sure, I'm telling you like this, this concept of vpns, I think it's going to be something that's more um, commonly, uh, uh, found, especially when we're in, when we travel and visit the world and visit all different places, because the cool thing is is that you can almost be anywhere in the world and make your device that you're connecting to look like it's coming from somewhere else, including switzerland or some other country or wherever the access points are.

Speaker 1:

And the way that I like to do it is like hey, I always want things that come from my house, so, literally, I have some things like you, can you and this is kind of like going even more onto the edge of like security is like you can even have, like some of your bank stuff that says, hey, I only allow bank access from this range of IP addresses or this region, so that nobody outside can ever access your account, like that's. That's what I feel like the next iteration of where VPNs are going to get take advantage of. But if you want to be anonymous on the internet, definitely anonymous.

Speaker 4:

It's just privacy. Let's, you know, change it to privacy.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you know if you want some privacy on the internet, sorry, not anonymity. If you want some privacy on the internet, sorry, not anonymity if you

Speaker 3:

want some privacy.

Speaker 1:

You want some privacy on the internet. Definitely uh jump in on a vpn yeah, and they're real easy to set up, they're they're not that difficult, um, and yeah, they definitely provide a lot of value. Yeah, all right, that's what's up, man yeah, for sure, jim there. Appreciate you. Raymond. All right raymond, don't call him ray Ray. All right players. So you usually have like some movie or TV show review. I know you definitely caught up on Netflix type stuff, but what's good, you got anything new this week.

Speaker 4:

I do, so I didn't watch it. But just before I go into the nugget, did anybody here watch Bad Boys 4?

Speaker 2:

I did, the wife and I yeah, oh, you watched it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, she was heading out of town and I was telling her, me and my son were going to be like, yo, we're going to go watch it while you're gone. She was like nope, we're going to go watch it tonight. I was like all right then. So we watched it Saturday night before she left. I rated on a real 9 out of 10.

Speaker 2:

Wow, Close to close to a 10 close to a 9.5 it was really good.

Speaker 1:

Better than the first two, I think it was. I think it was really good. I think the action was good. I think the comedic was good. I think Will did an awesome job. Martin did a freaking amazing job he got fat, he got a little swole well, he's older now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's older now. He's not moving as much as he's older now. Yeah, he's older now, he's not moving as much as he used to then again.

Speaker 1:

Will Smith looks the same for like I mean he's in Gemini 30 years since the first one came out.

Speaker 4:

That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe that but yo, it was actually a really good movie. I'm not gonna front. I thought they did an amazing job 30 years with them.

Speaker 4:

There's no way, because I thought this is like a 2000s type of thing right now.

Speaker 1:

They said 30 years it's been 30 years with this cast.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so that means it came out in what like oh, I guess yeah, 95 okay wow 1995 yeah, almost 30 years.

Speaker 1:

That is crazy give him a round of applause for holding it down for 30 years yeah, 30 years.

Speaker 1:

You know what that means is that we just getting old kid 30 years 1995 is when they came out with it. But I will say this one definitely go see it. It's a real action-packed comedic. I think they did an amazing job. There's a come-to-Jesus moment too in there, but I really thought it was really really really good put together. Um, and obviously, being down here in south florida, anything representing south florida is always good too, so yeah, okay, cool.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I've heard nothing but good things about it. Awesome, all right, pretty good. So you were saying, um, yeah, so I'm gonna move off of netflix. Generally, I keep you guys on netflix, right? Um, this is on prime video. Any of you guys have prime video?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, I mean, if you got amazon prime yeah so prime video's got some gems on here.

Speaker 4:

There's a show on there. It's produced by prime video. It's called outer range outer range. Yeah, check it out. It's kind of quirky. Um, I don't know if you guys are into like space travel. It's not really space travel, it's kind of like time travel. You know time travel. I don't know if you guys are into like space travel. It's not really space travel, it's kind of like time travel Time travel, time travel. I don't want to give it away, but it's kind of Back to the future.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, kind of like that, Some stuff in there, but it's got present stuff in there as well. After who. Yeah, it's, you know. I highly recommend it. It's made by Amazon. It's called Outer Range. They just dropped the second season and I blew through it Very good, A little quirky at times. You blew through it like you didn't see it at all, I mean. I just I finished it. I finished that sucker in like less than a week.

Speaker 3:

How long are the?

Speaker 4:

episodes. Episodes are like under an hour. So yeah, highly recommend it. It's good, very good, it's different.

Speaker 3:

The thing these days, these shows man is that it's not under, it's like 30 minutes. They got these commercials now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got to make some money.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

See, they got to make money, bro. Fuck, I'm trying to watch them.

Speaker 3:

It's the worst because you know you watch. You're in the movie, you're watching the movie. And then next thing you know a commercial for an hour 20 minutes, 20 seconds. I mean, which is good, you got to do. But the thing is, you get caught up. Let me do this, let me do that. Boom, boom, boom. The more show comes on, you gotta run now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, you're killing me guys, I totally, totally get it because we was. I forgot what we was watching. We was watching, um, it was some type of horror movie or something like that. Um, I can't remember. The wife had put it on and all of a sudden we're into the movie, into the movie, and then all of a sudden, boom, 20 second. I was like where are we watching this at? And she was like, oh, we're watching on hulu. I was like when the hell did hulu get?

Speaker 1:

commercials like this, like that's crazy man it's not like we're watching a sitcom or like a tv show. It's a movie that's in the middle. I don't know. I guess they got to get their checks.

Speaker 3:

It is what it is that's fine, I mean, I guess at least make the commercials interesting.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Shit, I mean sitting down with the commercials too yeah. But one thing about the show, man. I just watched the news yesterday. Man, did you know Remember that show? You was talking about Baby Reindeer, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So the lady, the woman sues Netflix for defamations over the series Ooh.

Speaker 2:

I told you she's going to go get a check.

Speaker 4:

What I told you.

Speaker 3:

she's going to go get a check what the fuck, I told you she's going to go get a check. Yeah, I did mention that. Yeah, I looked and it was in the news and I was just like oh shit.

Speaker 2:

It really came out, it really came out how much money did they throw it out?

Speaker 4:

I don't know, I don't know yet I don't know the price, yet they didn't throw it out.

Speaker 3:

No, god.

Speaker 4:

That's crazy.

Speaker 3:

From what I hear, you said it was the real actor. That's the real person.

Speaker 4:

Allegedly. Yeah, that's the real person. Wow, did you finish?

Speaker 3:

it. No, I didn't even get to finish it yet.

Speaker 4:

I didn't finish it yet it's a good show. Because, there's so many other shows now, I get it, I get it.

Speaker 3:

It's a good show oh my son's been wanting to watch that. I was like ah, the first two episodes. Like ah.

Speaker 1:

I heard Disney ruined it, so there was a remake, they bought it and changed it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I've heard, so yeah, it's like I'm not to episode four. I'm like, but I didn't want to finish it.

Speaker 2:

You almost committed, bro.

Speaker 3:

That's what it is man, Some of those I'm like.

Speaker 2:

Don't you hate that, Like when you get to a certain level of episodes, you're like I already did I got to just suck it off for one more episode and just call it a day, I don't even know.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and also, disney Plus also has that new show, ako, the Star Wars.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, how is that? Oh really nice, oh really nice yeah.

Speaker 3:

I was watching a real good show, man you guys got a real good. Star Wars did the thing there, man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought they did an awesome job and it opened up with a really nice fight scene too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was like that's how I like my movies. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

You ready to go? Action packed Ready, you guys?

Speaker 2:

did good on that one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, every episode is out every Tuesday. Just a heads up.

Speaker 1:

Oh for the Star Wars one For.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Wars. Ah, okay, okay. Yeah, my son's all into that and he was dragging me to watch it. I watched the first episode and then I guess the second one is the second one already came out. They already got a few episodes out. Two episodes, two episodes All right, because that's the one he was catching up on, but but dang well, Raymond and D-Hustle, thank y'all for those nuggets. Definitely check out those movies.

Speaker 4:

And yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hulu and whatever Prime, slow up on those commercials. You know we need to only be getting content, not that type of content.

Speaker 4:

But we'll see you got to pay extra for.

Speaker 1:

Prime Video for no commercials A little controversial.

Speaker 4:

They just started it this year actually. That is hilarious.

Speaker 1:

That is hilarious, crazy, they just started that this year actually.

Speaker 2:

That is hilarious. That is hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Crazy Like this if you think about the reasons why we left Comcast and regular cable, they're finally starting to get us to where we're about to leave all of their asses the same way, too right. It's like the prices are going up. Now you got to pay for this feature, that feature, and you know what I'm actually waiting for them to start to have. Like you can't watch this unless you pay an extra. Like you have to have a premium premium plus a premium plus plus right it's like you remember when netflix was eight dollars.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember that. How about eight dollars? That's why that was one of the bills that my wife got. I was like all right, this is gonna be your bill the eight dollar8, one right, and now I think it's like almost $20-some.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this one crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and low-key. I actually seen this feature I don't know if y'all saw this when you logged into Netflix that they allow you now to pay for somebody else's Netflix services. You remember how they were like oh, you can only use Netflix in your house on your TVs and then we was giving out our Netflix password At least I was giving it to my parents and stuff like that and then they shut that down. They're actually re-enabling that, but you got to pay, but you don't have to pay the full price.

Speaker 1:

You got to pay a portion of the price. So they'll keep their profile, they'll keep all of their watch and stuff like that. They're still through your account, but then they can go use it on another device.

Speaker 4:

That's cool, I didn't know that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Interesting Netflix trying to get all the money, man hey.

Speaker 4:

They're trying to get it.

Speaker 1:

They're trying to get it All right, raymond. Well, thank you so much for them nuggets man For sure D-Hustle you're up next, man. What's going on? You got some sports man.

Speaker 3:

What's going on in the NBA, nhl and all of that. Let's start with football man. Camp is not looking good right now for my Giants.

Speaker 2:

How are you starting from camp?

Speaker 3:

bro, camp is not looking good you know Darren.

Speaker 4:

Waller retired so that means we got to look for a new tight end. Sticking on that question for you who broke Darren Waller more? Is it Danny Dimes or was it the guy from the Raiders?

Speaker 3:

that caused him to retire, I want to say the Raiders. He only did like a year, a year and a half, maybe two years in the Giants. Yeah, I think Raiders did discombobulate my guy.

Speaker 4:

That's crazy, that's, but still, man, that's clown stuff to retire, though, like that. I mean, come on, man, I'm sorry, hey man, sometimes you're dumb bro, that's what it is. I mean, hey that sucks.

Speaker 3:

That's more of a cap for us.

Speaker 4:

We're looking, I can do something on the weekends. I got Thursdays and Sundays. I'm available for you, I don't worry about it. He's gonna go start his rap career now. The worst.

Speaker 3:

Also, mike Tomlin Signs a three year extension With Pittsburgh.

Speaker 2:

You didn't like that move. No, I didn't like that move.

Speaker 3:

Tom has done a phenomenal job, as Pittsburgh right now Just retired, looked for another team. I'm still amazed You're still in Pittsburgh. I mean he's. Thomas did a phenomenal job, as Pittsburgh, right now Just retired, looked for another team. I'm still amazed you're still in Pittsburgh. I mean he's been holding it down for a while though I got a different take on that.

Speaker 4:

I respect loyalty with Pittsburgh, this being there, like you know, because these coaches, like I mean these teams.

Speaker 3:

But let's be realistic here man I hear what you're saying but he's only had one losing season no chip.

Speaker 4:

He has one chip. He's been to the Super Bowl twice.

Speaker 1:

I mean Big Ben game one right.

Speaker 4:

He only has one losing season. The guy goes to the playoffs every year. I'm just saying, come on.

Speaker 3:

Yes, let's give him a round of applause. Let's give him a round of applause for that.

Speaker 4:

But again in the real world. Yes, I hear what you're saying. I respect the loyalty, that's all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but look what loyalty did to fucking Russell Wilson. Not Russell Wilson, russell Wilson, yeah, I mean yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now he's everywhere. That's true. Now he's flopping everywhere.

Speaker 3:

But hey, tom, if you can get that money, get that money. I'm not hating at you, but just I'll go to a different team. Man, you got the skills, you know it.

Speaker 4:

People see it, oh yeah he'd get hired in like two seconds.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, for sure, for sure, for sure. I think he's going to be in the league for even longer, right, this ain't. But I mean the thing is that when they put you on that type of contract three years are they kind of giving you the runway to really go and run for a chip or kind of position yourself to slide out?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this could be his last run, though, like Dee said, I get what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah I hear you Big ups to him, man, big ups to him.

Speaker 3:

You guys following Olympics.

Speaker 1:

I heard it's ramping up in France, right following uh olympics. I heard it's ramping up in france right, that's what's going to be happening right things are moving very well um you know when's the opening ceremony?

Speaker 3:

I don't even know.

Speaker 1:

I don't watch the olympics unless it's on tv and I'll tell you when I was at twitter we used to have like summer, winter. I don't even keep track wow, the summer olympics coming up okay summer olympics okay yeah, but I mean, uh, it's um, it's in france this year, um, and definitely uh, july 26th is when the opening ceremony is july 26th so it's coming up soon okay, cool.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's looking good over there in that camp. Uh, from what I was advised, other than that, you know it is what it is over there. Nfl we already talked about that, but hopefully to see Aaron Rodgers do something good with the Jets and then Kirk Cousins hopefully comes back with a boom.

Speaker 1:

I mean he's starting off the season right.

Speaker 3:

That's what they say. I don't know, because I don't know what's going on over there.

Speaker 4:

Some organizations deserve to fail. Wow Kirk.

Speaker 3:

Cousins there. Then you got freaking Josh Dobbs over there. I don't know what's going on over there, but they need to figure that out. Let me give you guys a whoop, whoop, whoop, because your man, josh Dobbs, could have done something for you guys, and you guys put him back on the bench.

Speaker 4:

Anyway, it is what it is. They use the number eight pick on a quarterback.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know what they're doing over there.

Speaker 4:

Like I said, some organizations deserve to fail.

Speaker 3:

Wow, I don't know what they're doing over there, but anyway, let's get to hockey NHL, nhl, panthers, oh, let.

Speaker 4:

Lord Stanley, I'm sorry to say this, but Screw you Canadians, that chip's coming to the US. Holy shit, my man is going berserk.

Speaker 3:

I'm going nuts.

Speaker 4:

I'm just saying I know that Canada is a hockey. I'm just saying I know Canada is the hockey capital, but the cup is coming to the US Wow.

Speaker 2:

And Florida and.

Speaker 4:

I got a good stat for you too Florida is the hockey capital in the country. Now, why do you say that, matt? Five years in a row, a Florida team has been in the finals.

Speaker 1:

Oh, with the Tampa yes.

Speaker 4:

I'm just saying Florida is the hockey capital of the country, Wow.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying hey, I mean give Florida a round of applause.

Speaker 4:

So sorry, canadians.

Speaker 3:

The cup ain't coming to, whatever you guys talk.

Speaker 2:

Was that your accent? Was that your Canadian accent?

Speaker 4:

so, whatever, no offense to my Canadians.

Speaker 2:

We love you so you gotta let the series be done first, bro, people's come back from worse, I still got faith in you Canadian.

Speaker 3:

If it wasn't for you guys, hockey would have been around.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to cross the border, he's like yo when I go to.

Speaker 1:

Canada. I want no problem. No problem, They'd be like where do you work At the Tech Hustle Podcast, Sir? Access denied, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oilers down 0-2. Panthers up 2-0. Up to it's not looking good for Oilers. Oilers got to step that game up.

Speaker 2:

If they want to get at least one.

Speaker 3:

Don't get swept, at least. But congratulations to the Panthers. I'm rooting for the Panthers because I'm in Florida.

Speaker 1:

Why not Home team? Let's go.

Speaker 3:

Alright, guys, basketball, here we go. Before we get into the you know championship Thunder, I'm looking to get my Knicks Isaiah Hirsting, listen. I don't know what's going on in the Knicks organization, but if you lose my man, we're going to have a problem. Okay, I don't know what's going on over there. Thunder, better not even look, don't even scratch, don't even blink. Are we good right now?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Let's talk about a trade with Randall. How about that? He ain't taking Harsh thing out, randall? Yeah, yeah, but let's see what's going on.

Speaker 2:

Other than that, in basketball there is you can't, even you can't easily Give him the round of applause.

Speaker 3:

Give the round of applause To the Celtics Up 2-0 right now against the Mavs. I am not going for the Boston, just to give you guys heads up right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if Bill Russell says let's go Celtics after he's been dead for two years, these are things that we need to fucking figure out. That's funny. Bill Russell tweeted let's go Celtics. My man has been dead for two years. Guy Ress is so phenomenal basketball player, but how are you tweeting?

Speaker 2:

if you're dead.

Speaker 3:

Who's managing his account? Yeah, that's interesting, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

And then Celtics wins.

Speaker 3:

No way, wow, is this?

Speaker 1:

rigged From the grave. Is this script? I mean they're up 2-0.

Speaker 3:

Up 2-0. At the end of the day I don't know what's first game. I'm going to break it down for you guys right now. First game I don't know what the fuck happened. Celtics took a late, fucking pour. Zingas is what has happened. X-naked.

Speaker 2:

Tender. We should never let that your roster. That's why Knicks fans are salty.

Speaker 3:

X-Knicks. Anyway, it is what it is. Two-zip Mavs Luka can't do it by himself. Irene got to step up. Pj Washington got to step up. Lively, whatever his name is second step up. I'm expecting Mavs to win three games in a row. Holding it right now, from this point forward, calling it right now, from this point forward Both games in Mavs and one game in Celtics.

Speaker 4:

That's what I'm thinking Fight back, predicting, I don't see it, but fight back Dallas Raymond's like you're watching a fight and you're telling him to fight back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I see it but it is what it is. Much love to you guys. I'm a Mavericks. I like to see Luka win, but Celtics got some shit going on over there.

Speaker 1:

They really it looks like it's a 20-point spread first game.

Speaker 4:

Almost 10 the second game. They're in it every year, so this better be their year.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they're running after it, they're chasing after it, do you?

Speaker 3:

consider them being the basketball for like hockey and shit. The Celtics I, I mean they got the most chips, but I don't though. Yeah, I mean, I mean even though they've been there more than four or five years. Yes, they have you consider them being the basketball capital of the world?

Speaker 4:

I don't know, do? You consider, but you consider the panthers before I'm saying that tongue in cheek, you know, I mean I'm being kind of facetious, so but yeah, I mean obviously celtics, yeah, basketball, yeah, they gotious. But yeah, I mean obviously Celtics, yeah, basketball, yeah they got the most chips.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, you know he still ain't going to give it to them. I don't know.

Speaker 4:

You know they got more chips than the Lakers. So yeah, I guess you got to give them the edge you know what Okay.

Speaker 3:

It's just like Dallas they right, or is it the Steelers? Well, football, yeah, oh, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, football. Is it Steelers or is it Dallas? I think Dallas or San Fran.

Speaker 4:

Okay, one of the two. So let's just say, if it's Dallas, would you consider them?

Speaker 2:

I'm just yeah, it's just touchy of course that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, of course I don't think Packers have the most bro. Oh wow, 13, wow, all right, my bad then. I thought it was the Steelers. Interesting, yeah, alright then.

Speaker 3:

I stand corrected. But now that you talk about, you know your Lakers, dan Hurley, shout out to my man Not taking the job. How do you feel about?

Speaker 4:

that Embarrassing.

Speaker 3:

For the.

Speaker 4:

Lakers to offer you a job and you turn it down. You stay in college. The Lakers are in sad shape, Wow. But there's like a and you stay in college, the Lakers are in sad shape.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, it's embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

But there's like an ongoing kind of behavior that the Lakers and that organization have members of the team.

Speaker 3:

that would ultimately Lakers are embarrassed now, yeah, but they can recover. After Hurley's rejection, how are you going to recover? After that I would like to hear about that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's not a good look. That's what I'm saying, you know what's going to happen?

Speaker 3:

What happened?

Speaker 4:

there, right, I'm going to tell you exactly what happened.

Speaker 3:

Hurley gets the job right. They don't win nothing. Lebron's going to get him fired again. Then what happens? Who do we value the most? Who do we value the most this is true Hurley or LeBron? At the end of the day, everybody's going to go at LeBron, this is true.

Speaker 4:

That's what it comes down to.

Speaker 3:

That's the only reason I applaud him for not taking that job.

Speaker 4:

I agree. Stay where you're at Hurley, I agree. Still embarrassing, though, as a Lakers fan, to get rejected by a college coach.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, come on, man. It's a history with LeBron bro, I get it yeah.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. I mean, I didn't say it, but that's what I was saying.

Speaker 3:

It's like saying Pat Riley, coming down to coach the Lakers, the Lakers aka LeBron says I would like Pat Riley to be our coach. You know, he decides it. Great coach player, Great this Great that Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, ETC. And then they don't win for two years and then LeBron's like no, I don't want him, that's not the guy who I expected it was going to be.

Speaker 4:

Of course, no. Well, do you remember when LeBron was down here in Miami, he tried to get spolstered? Yeah, and Riley told him to kick rocks.

Speaker 3:

Damn right. Shout out to.

Speaker 4:

Riley LeBron has a history of this. I mean, it's just what it is. That's. The only time he didn't get his way was in Miami, so that's why he left eventually. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what I mean? It's those behaviors. You just cannot deny them. I don't know if I would want to take a job especially. Do you think they could come back to him?

Speaker 3:

It's a risk. It is a risk taking a job. Yeah, taking a job, yeah, knowing that you have LeBron there and if shit doesn't go his way, you're going to get it.

Speaker 4:

He doesn't like you. You're out of there. Exactly, I can't I understand.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to I don't even want to work with somebody like that that's going to fucking, fucking trying to fire me right away. Like, oh you crazy, completely agree, yeah. And at the end of the day, your man, uh, ham, uh, went to Milwaukee assistant coach. Screw him. Uh. So what happened? If he wins, they went to chip next year. Will you say, ham is still a bad coach or assistant?

Speaker 1:

Uh, what are you going to say?

Speaker 4:

He was always lost to me on the sidelines with the clipboard. He just looked confused. I just never liked him.

Speaker 1:

Now he's going to go prove himself. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Hey, but to end my session here, I'm just going to say today is the day that the Chicago Bulls played the Utah Jazz to get the 3-2 victory after the flu game. You know what? And what I'm going to do is I'm going to put that on Discord so you guys can have something just to memorize yourself of. What a real champion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, a six-game.

Speaker 3:

You know never went to a game. Seven champion guy. I'm going to put it on Discord here for you guys and other than that. That's all I got for today.

Speaker 1:

Those were some good stories there. Some Utah Jazz, bulls man, that was some good series there, did you?

Speaker 4:

guys see where Kevin Hart was trolling LeBron on Kysonat's stream.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, he was like LeBron when do you play? So it was pretty funny, so I saw it yesterday.

Speaker 3:

I mean technically, he knows, he's already out right yeah, so that is hilarious, and also that my man you remember, Stuart Scott. Yes, he's there making the commentators. So something for you guys to enjoy yourselves.

Speaker 4:

Recipe Stuart.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Sir, sure for sure. All right, fellas we coming to an end of our show?

Speaker 2:

here. What do y'all thought about the show today?

Speaker 3:

Everything good, it felt good, I'm here you know, Apparently they make it to the Lakers. I feel good.

Speaker 2:

And Raymond, you know he's starting to really accept a few things. Right, he pulls back a little bit, right.

Speaker 1:

But definitely he's going at Canada's neck, so, but anyways, thank y'all so much for tuning in. Oh, pause the music real quick. Big shout-outs we're about to do a commercial here. Big shout-outs to our sponsor, marvelous Creations. I want to send her a definitely big shout-out. She runs a cake design, decorating treats business here in South Florida. If you're looking for anything for a party, definitely holler at her. Check us out on her website. You can get access to her link. She's been our number one sponsor since day one. So definitely big, big, big, big shout-out to you. Shout-out All right.

Speaker 1:

Music back up. All right, fellas, need to make sure we got to pay our bills too. Put some you know promotions in there and listen. If you want to get your show mentioned, your product, your company, your business, if you're working on a community, if you're doing something really impactful to you know communities that look like me and you holler at us, we'll get you in our spot and we'll definitely shout you out.

Speaker 1:

Um, put some links on our website and definitely represent for you, um, and definitely want to grow as we grow. So let's grow together. But wrapping up our show here, um, the thing I want to make sure y'all know is that we have a weekly, or I say a monthly newsletter that we just recently published for the month of May. Big shout outs to our staff writer, jasmine. She's holding it down on our newsletter and I want y'all to keep a lookout for next week's spotlight, because my guy Raymond don't call him Ray Ray is going to be our spotlight member from our community coming up and we're going to have a really nice article about him. So I want you all to tune in.

Speaker 3:

That's why you're all about the secret sites, all of them.

Speaker 2:

Actually how to hide them.

Speaker 1:

But also I want to give you a big, big, big plug to our YouTube channel. This is where you can find all our most recent content, all of our podcasts. We got backstage with Bobby D. We got our normal podcast episodes there. We got some career stuff there. So if you're trying to, you know, level up in technical interviewing, scroll all the way down to the bottom. You'll see some free workshops that we have there, and then you can also check out some of our partners too Definitely, if you are not already subscribed and follow what we tell them.

Speaker 4:

Raymond like subscribe. Turn your notifications on or you're a hater I'm facts right.

Speaker 1:

Let's make this thing happen. We're building a community. Why not build it with us, right, um? And then the last thing that I want to mention is join our community. I mentioned earlier when we was talking about the raspberry pi and setting this stuff up. You know, we're really techies out here and we're really trying to find a space for us to hang out together, and I really want to be in an environment where it's not just me showing casing, these toys and not toys, but tech that we're learning. Sometimes they are toys because I'm playing with them, but in general, this is where you can really get access to us on a daily basis. Go to our website, thetechhustlecom, scroll down and click join community. It's free. We do. Scroll down and click join community. It's free. We do have some premium services, but hey, let's start off with free so you can see what we're kind of working with. Um. And yeah, fellas, I think that's a wrap for us all, right? Any last words? No, no, no, no, sir raymond, don't call him ray ray go panthers.

Speaker 4:

And last thing, those secret sites are educational sites, for your information everybody. So they're educational sites.

Speaker 3:

Educational sites, so other members like them.

Speaker 2:

But anyways, as always, we really do appreciate y'all pulling up Holla at your boy, it's Bobby D.