#TheTechHustle Podcast 🎙

0030:🎮 Time Machine Tech: Circuit City Vibes, Miami Micro Center Buzz, & Gaming Galore, Plus Weather Whirlwinds and Sports Scoops! 🎧🌀🏀🏒

BobbyD, D'Hustle and Raymond...don't call him RayRay Episode 30

Ever wondered what it feels like to step into a time machine, not just to relive the golden days of tech stores like Circuit City but to also experience the forefront of today's tech innovations? That's exactly where we're taking you in our latest episode of Tech Hustle! We're Bobby D, D Hustle, and Raymond (keep those "Ray Ray" nicknames to yourself, folks), and we're amped to share our insights from the nostalgic to the cutting-edge. From the buzz around the upcoming Miami Micro Center to the potential game-changer that is Xbox Game Pass, we've got the lowdown on how tech is reshaping our world.

But hey, we're not just about motherboards and Python code. We've got a knack for mixing in some hearty chats about the weather (it's got us all in a tizzy down here in Florida) and sports that'll keep you hooked. Can you believe the Florida chill's making us miss the beach in January? We also dish on the missed foul calls shaking up the NBA and wax lyrical about those Florida Panthers gliding through an impressive NHL streak. And let's not forget Cam Newton's surprising gridiron encounter – it's all happening right here.

Wrap your ears around this – our community platform, School, is already buzzing with over 60 members diving deep into IT, Linux, and more. We're tailoring our content to what you want to hear, and we're poised to launch premium services that could just help hatch the next billion-dollar tech giant. Join our tech conversation, where we share not just our smarts but also our personal anecdotes and industry insights. Remember, the conversation doesn't stop when the recording light goes off; we're all about uplifting and inspiring this tech community to new heights. So, hit play, get involved, and let's make some waves together.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome, welcome. We back, we back, we back. What up D Hustle? What's good kid. Yeah, Raymond, don't call him Ray Ray without playa.

Speaker 2:

Hey, what's up?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, let's give him a little sound Raymond where's Raymond sound?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Is this the last week of the stupid weather?

Speaker 1:

Maybe, so maybe. So you over here still trippin' man, this guy here's wearing shorts next to me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's park weather for me, I got the heater blowing and he's wearing shorts.

Speaker 1:

No doubt, no doubt. Well, I am your host, Bobby D, and I'm here to introduce you to season number three of the tech hustle. If you miss season number two, if they miss season number two, yeah, I'll need to go listen. Listen, and we're taking it up to another level because we're going to be doing some audio and video recording this time. See, I can see what we look like on YouTube right, throw it up, d, let's see who you is, right. All right, let's give our host and co-host a quick introduction. We got D Hustle to my left. What's up, my man? Everything's good. Raymond, don't call him Ray, ray, you good player.

Speaker 3:

We're waiting for the camera. Give him a do's man. Just say hi, dan right.

Speaker 1:

And, like I said, I'm the host, bobby D. This is the tech hustle and we over here, holding it down, I'm really trying to inspire y'all to do some great things in tech and really just uplift our community as much as we can. So I'm going to give you all a quick rundown of today's show and definitely give you a chance to kind of tune in to see what we got going on. So first up, I'm going to give y'all a quick talk about a new community platform that we got called School Big Ups to School Give a school, a round of applause Good morning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, and big shout out to everybody that's already signed up. But we'll talk some more details about it. Then we're going to have some news and current events from D Hustle, my guy, and then we're going to have a segment called Raymond's Nuggets. It's back for season three. Big Ups to Raymond's Nuggets.

Speaker 1:

Oh, good it's in the house with the, with the extra sound effects, right, and then we're going to have D Hustle closes out with some sports, and then I'll wrap up everything at the end with some sponsorship and stuff like that. So definitely y'all ready for today's show. How y'all feeling about?

Speaker 3:

it, I feel good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, how about y'all? How about y'all Y'all feeling good about it? Yeah, maybe. Alright, so I'm going to play something new in the background that we're sampling. Let's see if it comes through. Let's see, let's see. Oh, there it goes, the sound filling for Bobby's D segments. I don't even know the name of it yet. We need to come up with a name. Raymond got his segment right. If y'all know a name that you want to call. I got a segment called Backstage Bobby D. We'll talk about it at the end, but maybe we need to come up with something for this one. Let's see when the beat drops. Let's see Turn up a little bit more. Let me hear Uh-oh, big shout-outs to Brandon. We really appreciate you, my brother, and definitely want to give ourselves an opportunity for us to continue to test this stuff out, because we're really trying to love y'all up, get y'all connected, and what I'm going to be talking about today is a new platform that we're going to be hosting our community on, called School, school.

Speaker 3:

Take you to School. Ladies and gentlemen, S-K-O-O-L.

Speaker 1:

Slash the Tech Hustle or just go to theTechHustlecom and click the Join Community. Now Big shout-outs to everybody that's already joined. Shout-outs, yeah, big shout-outs to a few of the members. We got a total of about 60 plus people already in the community and I just wanted to quickly tell you about what it is. Yeah, raymond, can you believe that 60 people already pulled up, bro, and it's only been two weeks, right? Yeah, I do, all right.

Speaker 1:

So School, the platform is where myself, d-hustle and Raymond don't call them Ray Ray hang out on a daily basis, where we're posting and talking about tech, but also it's a community space for us to teach, so that you all can learn some of the gifts that we're going to be giving you. I'm learning about IT fundamentals to tech interviewing, to learning about Linux, programming with Python, and truly, I don't know if y'all know this, but I'm really just waiting for the community to let me know what they want us to focus on even more and we're going to put some more work on it. And I don't know about y'all, but I've been on school for a minute and it's really a cool platform for us to really communicate with each other. So what you've been thinking about school. So far D hustle, I feel good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I feel good. Yeah, no doubt, don't be scared to say something, guys, yeah.

Speaker 1:

For sure. D hustle dropped some good inspiration for today, Tuesday, and I was like man, if y'all not tuned in, I'm tuned in because it motivates me every time and and I don't want to give it away because you got to go log on to the platform to get the info that we're trying to drop. And if y'all been wanting to know what's up with Raymond and his names, that he really unfortunately has some challenges and every organization he works at that they just can't get over. This guy's name is Raymond, but they used to call you what?

Speaker 2:

Sterling Ray Ray, no joke. I got an email from one of my old jobs first, first job in it like from 15 years ago. I still randomly get emails that they're still confusing some new black guy when he walks down the hallway hey, is that Ray?

Speaker 1:

So yeah yeah, even after all these years the challenges they have with my guy. But definitely if you want to get some formal or informal introduction.

Speaker 1:

there's some royalties on that, but yeah, you know every time they say that right and the hustles trying to find that hustle right. But definitely, if you want to get some more info about each and every one of us, we've done an introduction of ourselves. You also get to introduce, be introduced to our AI. So we do have a community AI out there. Her name is Jules AI and her role is to help support and manage the community and definitely when you join our community, you get access to her too. So a big shout out to everyone that's there and definitely encourage everyone that's interested in tech.

Speaker 1:

So what's the platform for? If you need to tech, looking to get involved in tech, or if you're already at the keyboard and you already are in the field, this is the community for you, because what we're going to be doing is not just offering a free space for people to come and learn, but also a premium space for those that are already in the industry and you need the skill sets to level up and or having a peer group. I don't know about you all, but have you ever heard of having peer groups at jobs and opportunities for you to kind of develop under other people that are like, minded, like you? You ever heard of those before? Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah, I used to do peer groups when I worked at a software company. You know I'd have to get one of my colleagues to do a peer review on one of my scripts and stuff like that. So yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's extremely powerful to have like a group where you feel like you belong and also everybody's developing either the same skill sets or skill sets very similar, and that's what the community is going to be offering under our premium services. So I definitely want to give you all the plug, because March 1st is our launch. Let's give this a round of applause. So March 1st we will be launching our premium services. You can sign up now for free and let me tell you everything that we offer. We're definitely going to be giving away some knowledge and gems, but then, if you want to really get that connection right that one on one coaching peer groups we're going to be working on open source projects together. We're going to be developing, potentially, a business idea together Because low key I don't know if I told you all this, but this community that we're building is going to create a billion dollar company one day for sure.

Speaker 1:

Big, big round. I mean, it's already coming and Raymond has that look like he can't wait because I already got a few in the clip already of all these ideas that we're trying to introduce. But I really want it to be driven by a community and I want you to be a part of it. So come and holla at us for real, though what do you say? Yeah, come through, come through, come through, all right, so I'm not going to belabor this idea of you know you all signing up, because the links are there. The tech hustle dot com is going to pop up on the bottom. You can find us online and definitely, if you see us on any other platforms, you know that we still holding it down in our own personal community. You want to see you there, all right?

Speaker 1:

All right, so we got coming up next some D hustle, current events, right? Yeah, buddy, yeah, let's see, I don't got no music for you, but I don't need you. You don't need no music. No, no Professional beat.

Speaker 2:

Where's the breaking news? Yeah, Andrew, I like that.

Speaker 1:

You like that one? Yeah, we're still working on different sounds and things like that, but we'll get some breaking news, yeah. So what's up? D hustle? Tell me what's good player. Sony man, sony, sony, sony, what's up?

Speaker 3:

with Sony Laying off 900 people bro employees Another set of layoffs, yeah. Sony's PlayStation in London Studios closing down as part of the playoffs, oh man.

Speaker 2:

That's sad. I think it was a job that they make any like clarification on why they did these layoffs or no, it's just saying basically the game the naughty dogs saw the gorilla games and has been all the ladies waved are impacting the gaming tech industries for 2024.

Speaker 3:

But then they said that they announced to you know to reduce all over our head counts globally by 8%. Wow, wow.

Speaker 1:

Well, we do send our condolences out to everybody still going through these layoffs. These companies are tightening their belts and or preparing for something. We're all on the sideline to observing and just know that this is a roller coaster. We're on. There was this dot com bubble and all that stuff. But I definitely want to encourage you all to keep pushing. Take the skills that you've learned and level up at the next opportunity and guess what? Join our community, because we're here to level you up too. So that's right, definitely from the high levels. I know yeah, yeah, yeah, yes. What else you got in the last part?

Speaker 3:

Oh man, Samsung doing big things. Man, Samsung's got that big ambition, that galaxy ring. I don't know if you guys seen that.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, galaxy ring, galaxy ring. Oh, what was this thing supposed to do?

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you right now. It basically what it does from when I was reading. Actually, let me tell you the price is going to be up. That's the first thing we've got to see.

Speaker 1:

First thing that's important Between 260 to 450.

Speaker 3:

For ring 260 to 450. Wow, I don't know about that. This thing does a lot of stuff, man. I don't know if you're aware, but have you heard about it?

Speaker 2:

I've heard about it. Yeah, I heard about this at the Vegas CES Tech Show earlier this year.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you did. Yeah, ok, that's a sound. Now is it the idea for it to like heart rate type stuff and yeah, I had all my notes here.

Speaker 3:

For some of my reason this shit went away. But it's going to, you know, it's going to detect sleeping activity. You know resting the heart rate and the heart rate of vulnerability. Really good man. It looks like a regular ring. If you like stainless steel, it looks like it's stainless steel. I don't know if it's going to get scratched up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that's my main concern, but yeah, it's a very nice ring man, especially for that price tag. Yeah, I'm intrigued by this. I mean, obviously I got a question. All of us here kind of a question slash statement All three of us here have Apple watches, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, OK, how many of you guys sleep with your Apple watch?

Speaker 1:

I don't actually put it, I actually don't.

Speaker 3:

I have tried it once a long time ago, but I have not, usually nine times out of 10. As soon as I go to bed, I put the watch to basically charge. Yeah wake up in the morning with the watch on. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm in the same boat and that's I never sleep with my watch. And this is why I love this idea of the ring to kind of monitor your sleeping, because yeah yeah, I think this is going to be cool. So yeah, because people are like hey Ray, why don't you sleep with your watch? You know it monitors your sleeping. I'm like how do you sleep with your?

Speaker 1:

watch, yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

Now, this is a nice little angle. I like that that they're coming out with a ring, so definitely I could sleep with a ring on.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, definitely, and I'm curious to see how. How's your body functioning at night time?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's sure, is your heart rate going down? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

Is it going up or you having nightmares and shit?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it will definitely give us more data about how we sleep, because I don't catch it either. And then you wake up and you're like oh my God, it's restless. And then this ring will tell you hey, last night you were tossing and turning for five hour street type stuff. But yeah, this is actually some really cool tech. But here's the issue.

Speaker 3:

What up? You said we all Apple. How's it going to work? That was my next question. But D-Hussell.

Speaker 2:

Is this only for the Samsung Android ecosystem? Is it going to play nice with Apple, or?

Speaker 3:

I have no idea. Well, we'll find out once we get that green message right.

Speaker 2:

That's going to be, like you know, a missed opportunity if they single this out just for the Android base folks. But you know we'll see.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is, are you willing to become a green now?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm invested in Apple too much, so yeah, they're very watching.

Speaker 1:

Raymond loves the idea, but he said nine.

Speaker 3:

I'll be a green nine. Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2:

Not at all.

Speaker 1:

But you know what I would say in less than a year, maybe two, Apple's going to come up with something too.

Speaker 3:

Probably yeah, you know what? We said it here first.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we said it here. It's not even funny anymore.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to show you the video. Watch next year You're going to hear the podcast Apple's going to come out with this year For sure.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious how you know got anybody with the Samsung watches. How do they compare to Apple watches? Do you know anybody who has? I don't.

Speaker 1:

I low key. I believe my brother used to have one or he might still have one now. He's an iPhone user now. He's a blue now.

Speaker 3:

So I know that Shut up After so many years.

Speaker 1:

This is a player, but I think he still has an Android watch that he connects to it, but I don't think he gets all the same features as we do.

Speaker 3:

right, I'm thinking it's just like more of. Have you seen the fit? Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So it's just another application that you have to download on your thing in order for you to figure it out.

Speaker 2:

That's what.

Speaker 3:

I'm thinking Hopefully Samsung is going to do an application. It might charge Apple for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or they might charge the users for it too.

Speaker 3:

I'll probably wait until, like you said, next year, until that shit comes out. Yeah, yeah, shoot.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I want it all in the Apple ecosystem because Apple has all my data's already, which is sad that I'm willing to give it all to them. But yeah, so Raymond, when you get it, you let me know. Kid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm right on it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but that's other than that. That's all I got for today, guys, cool, that's cool, you're saying you have something about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know some other headline news. Have you ever heard of NVIDIA? These are the people that do the GP views. Big shout out to NVIDIA Graphics guys, all that Graphics guys.

Speaker 1:

We probably reported a few times here on the podcast, but I don't know if y'all have seen the stock as of late. But let me tell y'all y'all need to stay tuned to the tech hustle, because when I was talking about it, I invested and my numbers are looking up right now. So I don't know about y'all, but I need y'all to tune in and watch along, because the video is definitely taking a trillion dollar step into another lane that we're not even prepared for.

Speaker 2:

So Is it too late to jump on the train.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's ever too late, it's never too late, player, at least get a few shares, and if you ain't got Bitcoin also, that's another one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you gotta get into Bitcoin.

Speaker 1:

Bitcoin hit 50, $57,000. Shout out yeah. Put a few coins to the side for real because it's changing. The game is changing but and the other side stay tuned to the news. News updates here at the tech hustle so y'all can stay up on game because that's where you can find all your information at All right, anything else, d Everything's good, everything's good man.

Speaker 2:

The weather is beautiful, it's not it ain't, it ain't.

Speaker 3:

It's just the home stock. Raven's always, always the load. I think has been at this best since I've been here right now it seems like it's not stopping though, like this morning, was 60 degrees, I'm not complaining.

Speaker 2:

This is like the longest and the coldest winter we've had in Florida, and quite some time yeah.

Speaker 3:

Not complaining. Let's shout out to Florida for making shit happen. I don't know what you're doing, but if you can do it next year for me, I would do it.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate it, brother. In nature we gotta have a talk. Yeah, what this is.

Speaker 3:

Yo, I don't know if it's me, but I've been in Florida for maybe 20 plus years I'm not gonna lie man and it's the best weather since I had since San Francisco.

Speaker 1:

Since San. Yeah, it definitely felt like that San Francisco weather for sure.

Speaker 3:

But come on, let's be realistic. Raven, you're gonna tell me right now that if we didn't have this, what is B Me hot? I think the fucking Florida is closer to the sun, not to me, I mean. So you want that hotness?

Speaker 2:

You want that sweat. I want to go to the beach, I want to go to the pool, I want to sip on my beer. Okay, I can't do this in this weather.

Speaker 3:

No, you're doing it fucking summertime, bro. That's what you're gonna start doing. That shit, yeah, nah, man. This is where the snow birds come down.

Speaker 1:

Listen and they loving it though.

Speaker 3:

Spring isn't March, it's a couple weeks away. Weeks away yeah yeah, what are you complaining about, man? It's just still winter yeah.

Speaker 1:

You said I want to put my chinchilla coat away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want the winter to be one week out of the winter season in Florida, not several weeks. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But Darvin' loves this coat.

Speaker 2:

I love this weather.

Speaker 1:

How was your trip to Boston? Oh man, I forgot to bring that up man, that was good man.

Speaker 3:

I did some skiing with a couple friends.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Took my son over there. Man, we had a blast.

Speaker 1:

You had a blast I work in everybody going. I'm going next year, I don't know about you guys Dee, Dee can't get anybody to go down, More than one Actually.

Speaker 3:

I told you to come, but you didn't want to come.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know the numbers play. I got to work on these numbers.

Speaker 3:

It's fine, but it was good man. It wasn't a last minute trip. It was I think it was planned maybe like four or five months ago Something that I always wanted to do and I just did it.

Speaker 1:

Let's go. I got, did snowboarding.

Speaker 3:

There's some snowboarding action going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and you did buddy slopes and stuff. He's still chillin' at the bunny slopes and your son had a blast.

Speaker 3:

My son had a blast. He took level one to level two. Yeah, all the way up. Yeah, I couldn't do it, man, I was too chicken shit, I'm not going to cross my body like that Big shout out to Jordan Martinez. Shout out to that little man over there Doing crazy butt-button shit, that's cool man. Yeah, it was a good time, man. I recommend that you guys doing it. I'm more than happy to be a tour guide.

Speaker 1:

He's like I'll take you and take care of everything.

Speaker 2:

I told my boy and he's, of course he's very intrigued. His ears opened up and everything. Yeah, justin yeah dad, we got to do this. He's like your son. He's not afraid of anything, that's for sure. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, if he wants I can take him over there. I'll get the car back as a replacement, OK.

Speaker 1:

That's what's up, bro. Well, I guess the tech house was trying to make a snowing trip next year. Let's go.

Speaker 3:

Let's go to the.

Speaker 1:

Aspen, let's go to Denver.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't know about Aspen but I'm going to call him out in the spring because we're out mad or something like that. That's cool, I like it.

Speaker 2:

No, doubt no doubt.

Speaker 1:

All right player. Well, we happy you made it back safe and sound. Thank you, and you got your dosage of some snow and cold enough. And he bought a little bit more and Raymond's still tripping.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, raymond's upset, you'll be all right, all right.

Speaker 1:

so what we got next? We got some Raymond's nuggets. Let's welcome our cousin to the stage. Mr Raymond, don't call him Ray Ray. What up player? What's up, bobby D.

Speaker 2:

What's up D Hussle? What's up baby?

Speaker 1:

So what you got for us today? Player.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got two little nuggets here for you guys. First thing is I wanted to rattle off some names for you guys here growing up Bobby D D Hussle you guys remember Circuit City growing up. Oh, man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah man, it's a storm. Bro, shout out to Circuit City. I know that I'm full of good gadgets. I really had a big in my car. I used to do stereo systems in my car, so I wanted to do stereo systems.

Speaker 2:

OK, so then and Sound Device.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Sound Device. I forgot about Sound Device. Not in class. Yeah, man, I was bringing away that. Did you have a system in your car and everything?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I had the system in the car.

Speaker 2:

Two hands subwoofer man.

Speaker 3:

I had tweeters, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I did too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was good old days going I used to go into the flea market getting the system put in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was just the dumping getting all that man. I was obsessed with that growing up.

Speaker 3:

OK, sound Advice, I remember that. Yeah, circuit City.

Speaker 2:

Another name for you guys. Remember Radio Shack?

Speaker 3:

Oh Radio. Shack oh Radio Shack, yes, I think there's still one, if I'm not mistaken, a four-seal in military, and I stay close to that. The four-seal.

Speaker 2:

I think that was close, that's close, it's got to be close too.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, yeah, there's no way but that was one of the last things that were there. Yeah, that was yeah, that was that's where I used to go. Oh my shit, If I needed something from my TV.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, any little weird, quirky electronic thing you needed, you'd go to Radio Shack. For sure, only Radio Shack I know that's still open is in the show Stranger Things, so that's the only one that knows. Yeah, but yeah, radio Shack, growing up Circuit City, yeah, All right, all right. Going back old school. So another one for you that put Radio Shack and Circuit City at business. Do you guys remember New Egg, new Egg.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, the online store.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the online store, that's what kind of started bringing the online stuff and that's what kind of killed. Circuit City and Radio Shack and all that. So what I bring this up, all these names, is there's a computer store opening up in Miami. It's called Micro Center.

Speaker 1:

Micro Center.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they're based out of Ohio and it's supposed to be like one of the biggest indoor computer stores in the country. So they're coming up here in 2024. We got to make a trip down there. I don't know when they're opening up. They're opening up this year. That's what's down in Miami. It's going to be very old school like Circuit City. Yeah, yeah, and you know, I mean I know we got Best Buy, but Best Buy sells electronics. This is like old school computer stuff. You can go in and make your keyboards and make your mother boards. It's opening up down in Miami. It's going to be huge fellas. So yeah, I don't know when, in 2024 it's opening up this year. So we definitely got to make a trip down there, they're going to sell everything.

Speaker 2:

They're going to sell everything. So, yeah, this is kind of why I'm bringing this up. It's called Micro Center, so we need to make a trip as tech hustle, go down there, take our kids and yeah, so yeah, keep an eye on it. Micro Center. That's why I kind of wanted to bring it up. I still miss that old school going to you know getting the mother. I know you can get this stuff online now and stuff, but there's nothing like going into a store.

Speaker 2:

Picking your parts and building in and stuff like that. So yeah, that's kind of Does.

Speaker 3:

Brandsmar has the same thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean, brandsmar is like an electronic store Brandsmar is still like a Best Buy to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like a Best Buy, and don't get me wrong Best Buy and Brandsmar they're cool, but they sell this is. I'm talking about computers, guys, like motherboards, you know, the memory chips, this is what this is. This is an indoor 24,000 square feet computer store. Yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited about it because my son already needs an upgrade and I don't know where to go get parts. There you go.

Speaker 2:

I mean, instead of yeah, you can go online, but why not go into a store and talk to some folks, yeah, so, yeah, I mean, you know they pay for advertisement.

Speaker 3:

It's a weekend trip the ass.

Speaker 2:

Hey, that's what it's like to yeah we take the Bright Line, we go down there early. You know have some coffee, cuban coffee. Check out Micro.

Speaker 1:

Center. Come over to our tent. We're going to take a look at the tech hustle trip over there.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying? So yeah, because it's opening up deep down in Miami down by the airport, I believe.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, yeah, so yeah, I'm ready, I'm ready.

Speaker 2:

It's coming in this year. I don't know when, but keep an eye on it.

Speaker 1:

Well, keep us posted, raymond. Yeah, we'll do. Let's get them nuggets going man, thanks a lot player.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, for sure, that's for sure, that's that so yeah, raymond, specialties that's what I'm talking about All right.

Speaker 2:

So what else? You got player, and the last thing I got is there is something called. I don't know if you guys have heard about it, it's called the Xbox Game Pass.

Speaker 1:

Xbox Game. I thought your son told you don't talk about Xbox. Come on he has.

Speaker 2:

But this is a little bit. You know. Obviously, you know we all got streaming services. We got Netflix, paramount Plus.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This is another subscription service, but the thing is this is cheaper than Netflix, paramount, plus everything. It is going to be $10 a month and basically it is a video game streaming service where you can play your games on Xbox, pcs and mobile devices. It's got over 100 games and they're turning $10 a month, fellas, and the reason why I'm bringing this up is Diablo 4 is coming out next month on the Xbox Game Pass. So I don't know if you guys played Diablo growing up on the PC and stuff like that. So Diablo 4 is coming out on Xbox Game Pass and you get this service for $10 a month. You can play your games on the Xbox, your PC or your mobile device. So, yeah, so this is an avenue that. Yeah, I saw it and I was like you know what this looks interesting. So, yeah, check it out. Fellas, keep an eye on that Xbox Game Pass.

Speaker 3:

So that's not on top of your subscriptions for the year, right?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it might be. Yeah, yeah, that's adding on top, because I know, we got.

Speaker 3:

PlayStation. I had Xbox before, but it's been a while. I mean I did, but I got PlayStation now and I have to pay a subscription.

Speaker 2:

Oh really, what is this? Is it like a game?

Speaker 3:

So PlayStation Plus.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, playstation Plus, you got to play, oh yeah. Yeah, we get that. Yeah, but that doesn't give you access to games, don't?

Speaker 3:

you no, no, no. But I'm asking is it doesn't have? Xbox must have a subscription.

Speaker 1:

This is it. Yeah, Besides the oh, but like a connection cost.

Speaker 2:

Oh, ok, that I do not know. I just the reason why I'm bringing this up is because it's not just limited to Xbox. You can play it on your mobile device and your PC because I know, you know, jaden has a gaming computer, so you know does your son have a? Gaming computer yet. Okay, so you know that is something to look into. Instead of buying the games, you can check out this Xbox game.

Speaker 1:

So does this mean that these companies are going to go away from having their own consoles now?

Speaker 2:

No, but this is kind of crappy and shitty for the developers because you know you're paying a $10 subscription and are they making as much money as where you buy the game Spotify idea right there, it is a. Spotify idea because you know you buy the games are like what you know 30 to $70, and now you got this little $10 monthly service charge. So, but, like you said, bobby D is going as in the Spotify route.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, Well, keep a line out for it and definitely I blow force coming out next month.

Speaker 2:

So I know if you guys played Diablo growing up as a kid. So yeah one of those old school hardcore PC games.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that's what's up, all right, raymond. Well, thank you so much for those nuggets. Anything else you good? That's it All right, let's send him some. We really appreciate you, raymond.

Speaker 2:

Ray Ray, what do you say? Play the right song? Oh shit.

Speaker 3:

Let's give another one.

Speaker 2:

I got you I got you I got you.

Speaker 1:

Raymond is almost about to cut me out of the show.

Speaker 3:

The host of the show is about to kick me out bro, she's all man, all right.

Speaker 1:

D hustle. It looks like you up next again, player. What's going on and sports and current events in the culture, man? But before I get to, sports.

Speaker 3:

Lenovo man, let's shout out to Lenovo. We're trying to come up. We've got a project crystal, Project crystal. They're trying to be the first laptop with a transparent micro led display.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that was a good update in the discord, you guys can see it real quick there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, buddy is just a demo, everybody's jumping on this OLED display.

Speaker 2:

You know that's like the next big thing now it seems so.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. Well, if Tony Stiles can do it, anybody else can do it.

Speaker 1:

So the OLED display and that's for anybody that can see it or anybody that can't see it. It's like a clear screen and is actually you can kind of see through it transparently and the quality looks kind of fired. Oh yeah, did you?

Speaker 2:

uh, yeah, did you see that Samsung OLED clear?

Speaker 1:

No, I haven't seen that one. No.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was kind of freaky. So literally it's. You know you can see right through the TV. Yeah, so yeah it was kind of weird so, but kind of cool, but kind of weird as well.

Speaker 1:

I mean, isn't that like, almost like the vision pro there Trying to make everything be able to see through it?

Speaker 3:

The Apple vision pro like digital way of seeing when it gets glasses like the Ray Bams. Then I'll basically go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, rather than the brick that you got to carry on your forehead. Exactly, yo, I need to find this meme. Oh my gosh, there was this guy, a meme on IG, where he was on like a little scooter bike but he had like a freaking microwave on his face. Did y'all see that? No, and he had like a microwave on his head and he was riding down the street and he slid and then he popped up. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I see Like that's like the Apple vision pro and all of these devices literally.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's crazy. He had the microwave. He carved the shit in the bottom. Yeah, oh my gosh, that shit was freaking hilarious. Only in New York, baby, only in New.

Speaker 1:

York, but it's like envisioning what the future of you know all these headsets that we're going to be carrying and wearing. People going to be wearing microwaves on their head too.

Speaker 2:

We'll see. Oh, my God.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, since predicted all of this.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, watch the Simpsons. What's good D.

Speaker 3:

Well, other than that, besides Lenovo basketball man, let's get down, let's get dirty here.

Speaker 1:

What happened? What?

Speaker 3:

happened. Well, my next one last night. I don't know, but you guys know that or not. Let me go Shout out to the next.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of the next, the NBA said that that was a foul that they missed. I forgot what player there was. A foul call. They didn't call at the end. Oh, the NBA came out. You know the little report that come out.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's the game that we lost.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, so, yeah, so that was a foul.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, not that I said we should have won that game, but they called the foul. So, I don't know if it wasn't a foul. They need to take that back. We should have got the victory for that, but at the end of the day, we're still in fourth place in the conference.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's happy.

Speaker 3:

He's happy as far as the Lakers. Put the Lakers up, wow, they're in ninth place, but the only reason I'm talking about Lakers is LeBron James Shout out to LeBron James Special shout out 39 years old. The guy is reaching almost 40,000 points, 40,000 points Wow, how far away is he? He is 46 points away 46 points.

Speaker 1:

That's one game, maybe one or two games. Yeah like a game and a half probably. I mean he used to knock 50 points out easy. Right he's 39. So two more games, two more games.

Speaker 3:

Big shout out to LeBron he's going to do it on the Knicks? Let me see, did they play the Knicks? Because they got that habit, man?

Speaker 1:

Breaking records with the Knicks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so let me double check.

Speaker 1:

He's actually going to set out two games, just so that he can make it happen.

Speaker 3:

He lost to Phoenix. So the next one is the Clippers, or Wach. Oh, thank God the Knicks is not around, okay, because if it would have been in the garden I would have fucking flipped.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and they got to raise a banner. Why, oh shit, oh yeah, the next two games is Yep 40,000 points.

Speaker 3:

Other than that, man, tough matchup in the Eastern Conference slash Western Conference man. There is a lot of, lot of stuff going on right now. If you're not into the basketball. It's almost time.

Speaker 2:

If your Lakers don't make it, lakers are not making it, so let's just have some hope man. I like it. I like it.

Speaker 3:

It's a bit round of applause. The light is coming out.

Speaker 2:

You know the analysis and you know it's has stated that the Warriors and the Lakers are not going to make it.

Speaker 1:

So you can't call it yet, bro, I'll take it that one says it gives me an opportunity. Right, me opportunity, yeah.

Speaker 3:

NHL. Shout out to all those found Florida Panties. Soccer is in, baseball is out, football is out.

Speaker 2:

Panthers are doing well. Yeah, yeah, you do follow along.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Shout out to the Panties. Let me verify here real quick, because sometimes you know you have to see it in black and white. Panthers is second in the division.

Speaker 2:

I feel good about 58 wins.

Speaker 3:

And last but not least, cam, freaking you in baseball, like what is going on. Well, tell us what happened, though my man, I guess was on, was getting jumped Seven versus seven football tournament. I got a little video here real quick that I got it from you two, because the one I got from Instagram does not want to pop up.

Speaker 1:

I jump it here in the discord.

Speaker 3:

This Corby Craig want to watch Cam Newton over here fighting.

Speaker 2:

Now, what was the deal with that? I mean, what's what was the deal with that? All I heard I saw on Twitter was hey, the TPS crew is jumping Cam Newton.

Speaker 3:

So he's a he's in a seven versus seven football tournament, and that's basically. They had a scruffle, okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so he's playing in tournament.

Speaker 3:

I guess he was playing in the tournament.

Speaker 2:

Okay, wow Is it playing, or I thought he was like you know, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, he might have been like. I mean, sometimes they usually have you know like celebrities come through and stuff like that. For those things.

Speaker 3:

It'd be. I left it there for you guys can see it Well now.

Speaker 2:

Did you see the video there? D hustle.

Speaker 3:

I see the video now. I see the one that the guy was the one who got fucked up. He had all bloody in on his face and everything, and that's all I see.

Speaker 2:

I have a few questions. Yeah, who in their right mind would want to jump cam Newton? That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

Like Camden ain't no little soft fast person. He played in an NFL.

Speaker 2:

This guy is six, five, six hundred and fifty pounds. Wow, he's like LeBron. From what I heard, when you see these people in real life, you just you're just kind of like you're just amazed at how big they are. So and I saw the video on the fight I've been there's been trending on Twitter and YouTube and all that yeah, camden was smiling the whole time. He like tossed one of them. He had one of them in a headlock for four of them on him. Bobby still had his feather hat on and everything in face. I mean he didn't fall down Like the man is, like he's not. Well, I mean I'm just trying to think, yes, he, you know, it's not like he's not a football player.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he dresses funny and all that stuff like that. But, this guy is, he's not. I mean, that's what I'm just saying. So yeah, he tossed him like a rag doll.

Speaker 1:

I mean, at the end of the day it's it's people mis underestimate if people got hands or not, and they basically got, you know, faded out a little bit and he was like four against one type stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was like four against one, and he was like kids, though yeah, it was like you know, thor, so he would just like tossed one of them.

Speaker 1:

So but yeah well, I don't know the details behind it. I don't either.

Speaker 2:

But it doesn't matter, it's Cam Newton. Why are you going to try to fight him? He is just yeah, yeah, it's yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know one thing we're going to hear more about it on his podcast. Big shout out to him, shout out to Cam Newton.

Speaker 2:

That's another thing to realize how good this guy was on, you know, you know podcasting and speaking and interviewing and stuff like that. He's very good, so I got to give him his props to that. Yes, we always made fun of him. He dresses weird, he's got the feather hats and all that, but this guy is very good on podcasting and writing. He's very fashionable. I give him that, so you know he's always been a fashionable man, yeah, but yeah, now shout out to Cam Newton His podcast is great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure. And, and you know Newton Cam said you know I got hands still, so don't get confused.

Speaker 3:

Don't get twisted, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

I guess he didn't get every sign.

Speaker 3:

So I guess is more he's, he's making bread other way. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man. Well, we send out the condolences to those that got dropped and definitely you all need to keep your hands together, because there, when it's grown men, you don't grow men.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't matter how they dress or nothing. It reminds me of the Prince Skip from the Chappelle show.

Speaker 1:

Which one when he slaps a mic?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, that was actually that was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so man, that's a classic bro.

Speaker 3:

Also, I got one more thing before I end my segment here.

Speaker 1:

What's up?

Speaker 3:

Wendy Williams.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Subway Wendy.

Speaker 3:

Wendy is going to some stuff. Man, nothing but love and support to her she is. She has the same issue as Bruce Willis oh, the dementia, or or. I guess he's not there. Yeah, yeah, yeah so she's having the same issue as her, so hopefully her team, the friends that she's around, can show her some love and respect and hopefully she gets in a good space. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to Wendy Williams. She's a legend there. Oh yeah, when it comes to radio and interviewing, yeah, it's very sad because you know, reading something about her son can't even, you know, get control of her finances and talk to her.

Speaker 3:

I guess the circles that she's in right now, I guess. So you know there's two different types of people the one that's social media that's going to tell you you look great and nothing's wrong with you, Everything is fine. But when her family tells her, hey, no, you have issues, you need help, she's more worried about her image.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, her health yeah.

Speaker 3:

So we need to figure out that team out over there and hopefully she gets in a better state.

Speaker 1:

Yeah for sure. How did that happen? She's fast, she's got alcohol problems.

Speaker 3:

She's hiding alcohol on the side of her bed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, wow and stuff like that, I mean the entertainment world. It's brutal, you know, and she's been doing it for so long that it's not like she hasn't experienced. But it's just how much more can you take to get to your breaking point? And she's right there, unfortunately. And I tell you we do miss her because I think there's a lot of news that she would have been the first one to mention and bring you know to light to our community. But, yeah, we want to send out our hopes and prayers.

Speaker 3:

Our hopes and prayers. If I was her, if I was her personally, what I would do is I will order some cake for Marbles Creation.

Speaker 2:

Ladies, and gentlemen, get that shit off your pop in here.

Speaker 3:

Because that shit will make up a crazy baby, for sure, big shout outs Spice shout outs to Marbles Creation's work. Cupcakes, cake pops, everything. If you did not get your Valentine's Day, that's OK. She's do other stuff birthdays and the whole nine. Just check her out, ladies and gentlemen. Wendy Williams as you're listening to. You need somebody's cake baby.

Speaker 1:

She'll ship something out to you.

Speaker 3:

She'll ship it to you. I'm not a fan, I'll fucking do it, I'll send it myself.

Speaker 1:

Up to New York.

Speaker 3:

I'll go over there and hand deliver it myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, but yeah, big shout outs to Marbles Creation.

Speaker 3:

Marbles Creation shout outs.

Speaker 1:

I don't know for sure, all right. The last thing I want to mention is sponsorship plug. Here we go. If you all want your product, your services, your team, anything you're working on sponsored here or mentioned here at the Tech Hustle highlight, my guy D.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I'm here for you, you got it. You got it, man. And we're always looking for that support and big shout outs to our number one sponsor, marbles Creation. Thank you so much for holding us down, mama. Yeah, for sure. All right, fellas, this sounds like we're coming to an end. Yeah. Episode number one of season number three.

Speaker 3:

I don't even know what episode I'm on.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I think we talked about changing that up a little bit right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I thought we were getting rid of the seasons.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think we are getting rid of the seasons.

Speaker 2:

Probably be easier, just numbers straight up, just straight up numbers. This is episode XYZ.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I have to do the number and calculations because we're already in season number three, quote unquote. But we've done at least 25 to 50 episodes. We're in that range somewhere in there, right, and I definitely want to make sure that we keep track of it. And definitely all the support from you, from support in us, from day one, big shout outs to everybody that supports from day one, give them a round of applause for you, hustle, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, my guy, all right y'all. So again, we're closing out today's session. We really do appreciate you. I got two things for you. Number one sign up for our premium service, sign up for our community.

Speaker 3:

We're holding it down on school.

Speaker 1:

Go to thetechhustlecom. You can get all the information there. And, yeah, check out our new website too. We got some new pictures, we got some new media there. So definitely let us know, and we're always looking to level up so we enjoy the feedback. Number two we are going to Atlanta. Big shout outs to Atlanta, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Even Raymond don't call them Ray Ray is pulling up, so we're going to have a good time in Atlanta. We're going to be at the Nesby conference speaking over there. We'll also be speaking at the Atlanta Cloud Conference and while we're there, we're going to do some podcast recording and, yeah, we're going to have a good time. Do you know who's going, raymond?

Speaker 3:

don't call them Ray Ray yes.

Speaker 1:

And Darwin has a spot that we're going to be going to. What was the spot called Atlanta Breakfast Club. Big shout outs to Atlanta Breakfast Club. We enjoyed it. Can't wait. Me too, can't wait. Yeah, we had a good time last time around and it's definitely on our agenda, but we are doing our nationwide tour. We wrapped up Miami last week. Big shout outs to our two guests. Last week we had Catalina and Asia. Asia, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to Catalina and Asia too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so they featured in our segment called Backstage of Bobby 3 and season number three, or I don't even know if we could say season number three Raymond's about to choke me, but anyways, we had a few guests come through another segment that we have called Backstage of Bobby D and both of them were their first guests up. And when we go to Atlanta we've got a few more people to highlight and as we're going through the country and the nation and eventually world tour, we're going to be pulling up a lot of friends that I have in the industry, chopping it up and definitely giving you all some insights and dropping gems, but we're going to close it out. Today's episode, y'all. Any last words? No, weather's beautiful, weather's beautiful. You should have seen Raymond's face, raymond. What's up, kid, anything?

Speaker 2:

No, no, just great episode.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Get warmer, yeah for sure.

Speaker 1:

Again. My last words are stay safe in these streets, keep pushing. We really do appreciate you. Stay tuned. We got a lot of things dropping High. Let your boy Bobby.

Speaker 2:

I got one more statement.

Speaker 1:

I can't close out bro.

Speaker 2:

Go watch Dune 2. Comes out this weekend. I am going with my son.

Speaker 1:

Look at this guy. Look at this guy. D-house will give you the sound right. Go watch Dune 2. Yo, we need to start getting paid for all this promotion.

Speaker 3:

You're doing D-Garainments over here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's free promo.

Speaker 1:

Yo they need to start writing us checks player. The show is going to be a billion-dollar company soon. We don't do free promotions, but anyways, raymond said, go check it out, go check it out High, let your boy. It is Bobby D.