#TheTechHustle Podcast πŸŽ™

0044:πŸš€ Twitter Tech Innovations, Aurora Mesos & Kubernetes Insights, AI Voice Cloning Risks, Apple vs. Android Debate, & Olympic Basketball Recap! πŸ“±πŸ€βœ¨

β€’ BobbyD, D'Hustle and Raymond...don't call him RayRay

Discover how some of the most revolutionary tech systems at Twitter 1.0 were created, and get a sneak peek into my upcoming tech conference talk. This episode of Tech Hustle is packed with insights about Aurora Mesos, Kubernetes, and two groundbreaking software inventions, AutoBird and RocketBird. D-Hustle and Raymond bring their unique perspectives and enthusiasm, making this discussion one you can't miss. Plus, we share highlights from Raymond's Nuggets, discuss current tech events, and gear up for our much-anticipated trip to Houston.

Get ready to be shocked as we explore the unsettling capabilities of ChatGPT's voice cloning and its potential risks. D-Hustle also brings exciting news about his upcoming community event and barbecue, capturing the essence of tech community spirit. On the tech front, we break down the latest updates from Apple, including buzz surrounding the Apple 16 release and recent software upgrades. Are these developments really worth the hype? Tune in to hear our critical take.

Who reigns supreme in the tech worldβ€”Apple or Android? We ignite a spirited debate, featuring recommendations for "Android Faithful" and "The Cult Cast" podcasts. From D-Hustle's frustration with Apple's lagging innovation to my unwavering allegiance to the brand, we cover it all. We also dive into a week full of sports highlights, from football and baseball to Olympic basketball. Don't miss our debate over MVP decisions and reflections on Team USA's performance. Subscribe now and join us for a packed episode of tech, sports, and community vibes!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yep. What up? D-hustle, what's going on? What's going on? Player. Chilling man, chilling, chilling, chilling Raymond, don't call him Ray-Ray. What's up with you? Player.

Speaker 2:

Morning, morning, how you guys doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you doing all right. Yeah, yeah, everybody did good with the school drop-off.

Speaker 3:

Fantastic, yeah, not the kids that put up with the groceries, the electricity bill, the AC, yeah, yeah and getting the kids to school.

Speaker 2:

On time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, Shout out oh yeah, especially all the summer events and stuff that we had going on. Well, welcome, welcome, welcome to the next episode of the Tech Hustle. I'm your host, bobby D. This is episode number 44, fellas Cuarenta y cuatro. Oh, we climbing this tree, bro. We doing it big, big shout-outs to everybody that's pulling up, big shout-outs to my co-host, d-hustle what up, what up? Co-host, and also Raymond, don't call him Ray Ray.

Speaker 1:

We really appreciate y'all showing up and pulling up with us today. We got a packed show, so let me give y'all the quick rundown what you got. So A talk that I'm going to do, talking about a conference that I'm about to attend and speak at, and talk about a topic that we've talked about here on the podcast before, which is behind the cloud at Twitter 1.0 and some of the tech that I help work and build and develop over there, similar to the talk that I did in Atlanta a few months ago or earlier this year. But I'm going to switch it up a little bit because I want to talk more about some of the cool tech that basically we invented and nobody even knows that it was us that created. So we'll get into that topic there. Then we got DeHustle with tech current events. We got Raymond's Nuggets coming up. He's definitely got some gems to drop.

Speaker 1:

And then we got some sports highlight. I know the Olympics just wrapped up, so we definitely got some stuff to catch there.

Speaker 1:

And then we got our sponsorship always big spot for our sponsors. And if you're looking for a sponsorship on this show, holla at us. D Hustle's always looking, always looking. Yeah, we trying to make it work for you as much as it's worked for us. So come and holla at us. And then I'll close this out with some outro on our next trip, because we're heading to Houston and it's going to be a party, it's going to be blast.

Speaker 3:

Yes sir, it's going to be a spot.

Speaker 1:

Can't wait.

Speaker 3:

DeHussell says I can't wait, Can't wait, you're trying to get some barbecue out there.

Speaker 1:

Barbecue. That's right, that's what it is. That's what's on top of the list. Some barbecue? Yeah for sure, yo, if We'll definitely be checking it out and let you know. But yeah, y'all ready to jump into the show? We all think I'm ready.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we all think audience.

Speaker 1:

Y'all, y'all, yeah, yeah, the audience is always excited. Ooh, that's my jam right there. Get me queued up for the tech talk by your boy. Bobby D D-Hustle always got the music playing at the right frequency man Appreciate you player, no problem.

Speaker 1:

So for today's topic, I wanted to talk about this conference that I'm about to pull up to, and I'll drop it in the discord here a link to the conference flyer but it's going to be a conversation I have on August 20th, from 11 to 1145. Oh shit, they gave me 45 minutes player. There you go, yeah 45 minutes.

Speaker 3:

I thought it was only 30 minutes, but it's like 45. Not for one subject, it's a whole bunch of stuff. All right, just want to catch up. He also says make sure you spice it up a little bit, Don't be stuck on one tone or one thing Rain.

Speaker 1:

what do you say? Do you think it's too long on the top, bro? I mean, I don't think it's too long. That's long though 45 minutes come on, mr toastmaster man, you're like the toastmaster general over here I can do seven minutes pause, but this conversation coming up is uh behind the cloud at twitter 1.0. Uh, similar to the talk that I mentioned um that I had in atlanta. Uh, you go. You all enjoyed the talk, didn't?

Speaker 1:

you yeah yeah, it was actually a really good informal tech tech talk. Tech heavy raymond said yeah, it was actually a really good informative tech talk. Tech heavy Raymond said you thought it was a little too tech heavy.

Speaker 2:

No, I thought it was good. I like that tech heavy stuff, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Especially when you get to dive deeper into concepts, especially me. I love the talk. So if I'm talking to an audience of people that look like me and you, I definitely open up even more and tell y'all, even behind the scenes, behind the scenes, insights. So, definitely looking forward to the conversation and this time around I'm going to spice it up a little bit because I think the topic that we covered in Atlanta was really about, you know, the orchestration system, like Aurora Mesos, the scheduling system or, if you're not familiar with it, similar to Kubernetes that we talked about here on the show. But I actually wanted to talk about two software that I help invent and create at Twitter. One of them is called AutoBird. You ever heard me talk about AutoBird? Yeah, I think D House has definitely heard me talk about AutoBird. You haven't.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we probably mentioned it during Backstage with Bobby. D and stuff like that. And then another service that I help build which is called RocketBird, and I know, with all these bird names, why in the world would we do that? And you know we keep it with the mantra Twitter, twitter, bird and stuff like that. And guess where he worked at? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you already know.

Speaker 2:

Ten years.

Speaker 1:

Ten years strong. I appreciate the love, but one of the cool things working at Twitter for as long as I did is that I really start to understand how these systems work, like all the way down to the lowest level. And like all the way down to the lowest level, and one mantra that I always teach my mentees is automating yourself out of a job, and I know it's kind of really tough, and Raymond just rolled his eyes as soon as I said that I knew it, I knew it.

Speaker 1:

Automate yourself out of a job is something that really resonates with me, because, working at Twitter, what I did for at least five years of my 10 years there is writing automation to automate the tasks that we had to do. Because the first system, autobird, its main role was basically to put computers into production as quickly as possible. And if you think about what happens when you turn on a computer, it's like when you get a new cell phone. When you first turn it on, you got to go through the prompts. You got to say, oh, English. I got to say, hey, this is my time zone, this is my language specific, this is my language specific, this is my account. I got to log in and then you got to go install apps and then you got to kind of set it all up right.

Speaker 1:

Every time you get a new iPhone and basically the computer is the same way. So when we turn on a server, the server has nothing on. And it really got to a point that we used to have something called like an sla or a service level agreement, that we would say if we bought a computer, we have to get it in production by a certain period of time. Before I got to twitter, it used to take us almost a month to get a computer into service. Can you imagine all?

Speaker 3:

that money.

Speaker 1:

They spent a whole month, right, and it's a rack of servers with 40 computers in there and they would sit there for a month waiting to be installed, versus after we complete the automation it's within two to three hours, right, we went from a month to two to three hours. Machines are in production serving production traffic. Um, it was probably one of the coolest tools that I ever had a chance to make. Um, and in terms of job agreement, yeah, it went from a team of eight engineers to a team of zero engineers. So eight engineers didn't get fired, they didn't get laid off, they found other things to do. They actually moved on into other services and other teams in the organizations, or what actually happened to that team that I was on? Most of them went to go start up Uber. I have at least four of my colleagues that I work with got picked up by Uber, especially before Uber went IPO, before even people really knew about Uber, and they were over there working building that same system over at Uber, oh, that's cool.

Speaker 1:

They were trying to get me to come over. But you know me, I was loyal by default, right? I was riding with the blue bird and by that time I didn't really catch the hustle that you're only supposed to be working there two to three years and then go get another job. And I'm like get another job. What's wrong with this job? Right, the stocks are looking good, the numbers are coming in, but in the Bay it's like two and a half years by that time.

Speaker 1:

You that I'm going to talk about. And then the other one is called Rocketbird. This one is the one that really just changed the game for us and really make that team not just our team but the whole organization almost get deprecated because of Rocketbird. And Rocketbird's main focus was to basically make computers ready so that when somebody accesses it or requests it almost like when you're in AWS. You know, when you're in AWS you say, oh, build me a VM. You click a button and within 10 minutes a VM is built. Right, but imagine you have that same ability with a physical computer, like, hey, give me a physical computer in the data center and then 15 minutes that computer is ready. That's what Rocketbird did, is it took the whole automation process of building the computer to actually building it so that it's always ready for production and then within 10 minutes you can get a new computer. Imagine we go from a month to two days or so to 15 minutes to get a new computer.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy, and those are two systems that I know today are still running over there and big shout-outs to all the engineers that I've had a chance to work with.

Speaker 1:

Shout-outs Provisioning engineering, that whole team, capacity management, all of the data center engineering, from the technicians all the way down to the people that are physically connecting computers, to people that are writing operating systems and kernel modules. Big shout-outs to Twitter OS team. I mean these are some of the greatest engineers I've ever had a chance to work with, and every time I look back at this journey I'm still in awe of what we were able to accomplish, because it was such a massive scale Like people don't know that it was hundreds of thousands of computers that we did this on and we've automated a lot of those tasks and rolls out. So this is kind of like the topic we're going to cover during the talk. I'm hoping the audience really enjoys it.

Speaker 1:

You know, and especially when I get up on stage, I'll be thinking about our audience here at the Tech Hustle Y'all screaming in the background and, you know, pushing me and really just inspiring me. And I think it's going to be actually three services that I'm going to talk about, but I'm only going to give you all two. I got to listen in afterwards so I can catch the third service, which I'll give you the name. It's called COP, c-o-p, but that's a whole other subject and definitely something that we can talk about at a later time. But any questions from you all about the conference coming up or the talk topic that I have Anything at all, no, yeah, well, d-house is going to be there.

Speaker 2:

He's going to hold it down.

Speaker 1:

We'll be there, definitely, definitely. Raymond's going to be on the sideline this time again, sideline.

Speaker 2:

Bro, I'll be in spirit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, we appreciate you with your 9 to 5, bro. But yeah, so we'll be out in Houston. It is the Black is Tech 2024 conference in Houston, texas, going on from the 19th of August to the 21st Um, and while we out there, we're going to be holding it down for some more recording. So, sidebar um, while we're out there at the conference, we're going to be recording more episodes of backstage with Bobby D. Give him a round of applause for our guests. Big shout outs to uh uh. Another Bobby is Bobby.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And then, uh, denae Nash, and then, uh, denae nash. She's one of my mentees that I ran into many, many years ago at the nesby conference and she's doing really big things down in houston, um, and I can't wait until we get them both on the, on the, on some uh records. Right, we're going to be track, uh recording some really good content and y'all be seeing it later in the year because we got so much more coming up. And and I guess a sidebar if you haven't checked it out our san franc Francisco episodes are coming out now, so check out Toonday. Big shout out to Toonday.

Speaker 3:

Toonday. We really appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

The offer still stands the D-Hustle is trying to see if people really like Bobby or not. He's trying to see if somebody's trying to let him know the real real. But we always got some good conversations with all those episodes and, like I said, I really do look forward to everybody pulling up showing us some support. And yeah, check out the flyer. I'm actually putting it in the Discord right now so that y'all can see. You know some of the stuff that I got working on for you all, the community, and yeah, I'll be representing the Tech Hustle like hard.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah man, Big shout-outs to D-Hustle.

Speaker 3:

He said he's going to pull up. He says I'm ready, I'm ready. He's actually really going because of the barbecue yeah, that too. That too. Shout-out to myself Ready to eat, baby, I'm ready, yeah, no doubt.

Speaker 2:

I wonder how far you guys are going to be from Trail Burger.

Speaker 1:

Trail Burger.

Speaker 2:

Trail Burger. I don't know how far it is from you guys. Oh well, we're gonna have a car, bro, so it don't matter how far it is, we're gonna pull up on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um and like I said, if anybody else has any recommendations, drop them in the the comments below and we'll definitely check it out all right, I'd say especially food recommendations too, just in case.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's all he's worried about he's like yo, just make sure it's good stuff, that's all it matters don't give me no stuff that you can just put Barbecue sauce on and call it a freaking date I need real deal. I need that thing Been smothered for like 12, 13 hours. Yeah, he wants that authentic stuff.

Speaker 1:

That's funny, bro, alright fellas. Well, we're moving on To the next topic. Here I think D-Hustle's coming up With some current events.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir. So what's?

Speaker 1:

going on. Player Let no.

Speaker 3:

Ah man, Before I get into Apple and stuff, did you see what happened with chat GPT?

Speaker 1:

No, what happened? It went, rogue, it went rogue yes, what happened?

Speaker 3:

So basically, what's going on is they spoke in people's voices without their permission.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so hold on a second. Hold on a second, because I did hear a report about them releasing something new where they're gonna have, like, uh, the audio portion conversating back and forth with you. You're talking about that one, but your own voice. But, but your own voice? It actually recreated my own voice, right? Wow?

Speaker 2:

so here's, what that's not creepy at all so it went out rogue.

Speaker 3:

So here's what happened. So open, ai just leaked the plot of black mirrors, which is coming out next, next season. Oh, so that's basically what it comes down to interesting yeah, so last week uh open ai published the gpt 4.0 scorecard, which basically is a risk, a key area of risk for the company latest large model which should be migrating by then, but unfortunately it got leaked out interesting.

Speaker 1:

That is crazy like um. They're going to be dealing with leaks like crazy.

Speaker 3:

I'm not going to frown so the main thing is their voice clone. Yeah, so basically on the article says here in this uh system card, uh creating audio with human sounding signet voice the ability could harm, such as increase in fraud due to impersonation and maybe harness to spread false information. The company is saying I'm going to go ahead and drop this in Discord for you guys to take a look into a little bit more into it, but it's basically mimicking your own voice.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And then just for future, you know it could be a positive, a fraud, or you could bank account.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you know, man, what do you think about that Raymond?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that sounds pretty scary. I mean. Yeah, I mean if it can mimic your voice and, you know, maybe pretend to call one of your family members, or not saying you could do that, but you know what do you mean.

Speaker 1:

You don't think it could do that. I think you could do that today.

Speaker 1:

The yeah, the possibilities are endless yeah there's this company called 11 labs, um, and they specialize in this voice, uh, voice recognition stuff. But the thing that d hustle is telling me now is is that, uh, that same voice recognition ability is now inside of, uh, chat tpt's version of an llm, which is like mind-blowing because it wasn't really designed to do that. It now, now, now it does that. This is the thing about these ais is that they're going to start developing skills that we didn't even know they had, um and, before you know it, um, yeah, literally somebody could sound just like this exactly just like that, and we don't, and we don't want no more of that.

Speaker 3:

All right, just want to give you, there's only one one, bobby d with that tone with the way that he's we don't need no more, we don't need no more of that.

Speaker 1:

That's hilarious, bro. This is what make us all this money play. Is this voice, this tone?

Speaker 3:

I hear you, I hear you, but one's enough one's enough for me. I feel you all right. Apple News I don't know if you guys are going to get the new Apple 16. Apple 16 is coming out.

Speaker 1:

I mean y'all debating it. I don't think I'm getting it.

Speaker 3:

Basically, what people are saying now is that don't feel too bad, apple 16 doesn't have enough gadgets for you to go crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. It's going to be the same crap uh we have the upgrade, actually the upgrade um, for 17.61 just came out.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you guys downloaded. Actually I see it pop up on my phone. Mine's already downloaded, yeah, um. And then for all you apple users, uh, here's another one. Apple rolls out ios 18 and 18.1. Better for all phones, apple and mac.

Speaker 1:

Oh the beta version.

Speaker 3:

You said the beta version. Gotcha gotcha, so my wife has basically that option which. I really hate her for that. I mean, I don't hate you, but you know.

Speaker 1:

Because she come and complain about stuff to you right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she's like she gets the new. So I don't know if you guys do the beta, the beta. Basically certain people get the beta on your phone. It the beta basically certain people get the beta on your phone. It basically gives you a way to test, yeah, the new iphone features and all that, what you like and you're able to reply that my phone doesn't have it and I have a freaking pro yeah, yeah, okay I would like to have a beta on my, because I want to test things out yeah, I have a lot of complaints and a lot of issues that I have with iphones.

Speaker 3:

Maybe they can fix those issues for sure. You, you know, but I don't have it. So I gotta use her phone and test these new gadgets, the new emojis, new camera and you know, if you guys have it, you guys just take a look at it. I don't have it.

Speaker 1:

I'm always running on beta, but I didn't know that there's the 18 version. I just seen the 17 one pop up on my phone, but I'm about to go check in a little bit, because I always like to use the newest, latest one yeah, 17.6.1 just came out, nice yeah always upgrade.

Speaker 2:

But wow, that's cool that she gets the beta, that's cool, yeah, but she comes and tell him like, what's going on with my phone?

Speaker 1:

are you able to yeah, you're able to do this, are you?

Speaker 3:

able to do it. I'm like no, I'm not able to do any of that, like I don't need you telling me you know. So I don't know. Apple, listen to me, man. Uh, next time I buy an iphone, if you have a certain iphone that I should, I'm willing to downgrade yeah uh to a basic apple. Uh, instead of spending the money for the pro just so you can Just to get the beta and stuff like that. Talk to me nicely.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you get the 16, that's how they're going to flip it. Well, if you get the 16, though, you can get all of that and more.

Speaker 2:

Does your?

Speaker 3:

wife have the Pro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah she has the Pro, Actually she has the 13 Pro.

Speaker 3:

I'm still on 12. 16's coming out is coming out?

Speaker 1:

yeah, well, I I think that they. Uh. So one thing that apple has to do and it's probably one of the most difficult things when you own a company like this is they have to always support older versions, right? So all of those 8, 9, 10, 11 iphones, they still have to support them in some way. But one of the ways that you can support them is like, hey, we'll just make sure that they'd run, but you're not going to get all the new features, like you got to go from 13, 14, 15, up to 16 to get that, and if you're right at the cuff then unfortunately you get stuck behind.

Speaker 1:

But it's all a hustle to get you to upgrade to a newer device too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, apple's know what they're doing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but the thing is, is that now they don't have it with just the phones? You know, they want you to test stuff.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

What I want you to do is stop fucking playing around and fucking bring out new technology bullshit. You got the Google crap coming out with flip phones and bringing back old school. You guys are still in the same fucking rectangle as shit, Same same and we still buying it. I don't understand what's going on in this freaking world.

Speaker 1:

We still accepting sponsorship too. So definitely, well, we'll test it out and we'll definitely write videos and create videos on it. But d hustle says holla at us, for real, holla at me, I'm willing to go, yeah you know I here's the top 10 daily uh in interest in gadgets.

Speaker 3:

All right, number one is the samsung galaxy a55 has a phenomenal camera yeah if you guys want a great, great, great, great camera Samsung hands down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, great camera I'm talking about. The thing has some crazy zoom that you can see further than Apple and I have tested, because my buddy has it and I have it, and I feel very disrespected Okay, disrespected that his camera goes way further than mine, you know. The second phone is the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE oh the Galaxy.

Speaker 1:

Galaxy has always been kicking Galaxy is just making moves.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, great news, ladies and gentlemen. Third place iPhone 11. And he saved 14. Then he saved 15. He saved iPhone 11. Iphone 11. It didn't say 14. It didn't say 15.

Speaker 1:

It said iPhone 11.

Speaker 3:

iPhone. 11. Number four Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Phenomenal phone also. Great gadget if you guys want to be. You know, with the pinky, out with the little stylus.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's your phone, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That used to be mean, but I'm glad we made it. Number four, you know, and I'm not gonna waste too much time.

Speaker 1:

And number six um, it's gonna be april 13th, wow okay, so the 11 is a better phone than the 13th. Wow, let's get another than that.

Speaker 3:

I'm just more excited to hear what what nuggets we got coming up big shout out cd. Thank you so much for the tech news here.

Speaker 1:

Hear what nuggets we got coming up. Big shout out to you. D. Thank you so much for the tech news here. Next up we got my guy Raymond Don't call him Ray Ray with some nuggets. What's going on? Player?

Speaker 2:

Morning, morning gentlemen.

Speaker 1:

How's dropping the kids off that whole venture going? Man, you seem a little stressed today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a disaster.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I did it this morning for the first time and it was a disaster. So hold on, hold on. You never take your kids in the morning. No, I didn't take them yesterday, the their mom did. Today was my first day, yeah, but now you got a middle schooler, so you got kids going to two different schools, different schools.

Speaker 2:

I got to do it today for the first time and it was a trial run and it was a disaster.

Speaker 1:

So I need to uh plan out my situation tonight for tomorrow so, yes, you definitely need to come up with a better game plan.

Speaker 3:

For me, the first couple of days is the worst.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you don't have.

Speaker 3:

Nobody knows how to freaking drive. People are not following directions.

Speaker 1:

They're not even following the right lanes.

Speaker 3:

The teachers are telling them to go this way, to go the other way, like I don't know what's going on, people stopping in the middle street for no fucking reason. Yeah, I have no idea you want to hear something funny.

Speaker 2:

So, driving back to take my daughter to school, there was an accident right in front of the high school we're in Palm Beach and the deputy sheriff was one of our childhood friends. I honked at him oh word, he was assessing the accident. So I drove by and I rolled my windows down and honked at him.

Speaker 3:

He was like, hey, what that? Hey, what's up? Raymond and I drove off.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that was pretty funny big shout out accident right in front of high school, like you said. D like yeah, people can't drive and all that that is crazy right on the school campus actually.

Speaker 3:

I would have rolled on the window and tell him you can't park here, he can't park over here don't have me write you a citation, so yeah, that's funny though well, I hope, I hope it works out for you.

Speaker 1:

So what you got on your list for these Nuggets players.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So a question for you D and Bobby D how do you guys consume your tech?

Speaker 1:

news, tech news. So I'm a podcaster too. So I'm definitely a podcast listener. Obviously, the number one podcast on anywhere is here at the Tech Hustle. Shout out You're the here first, you can find us on pod. You can find us on spotify and our podcast platform, including youtube. So holla, holla, holla. But that's where I usually consume it spotify or on youtube okay, all right, ud or news, or okay all right, yeah, cool, that's what I was getting at.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, podcast is a great way to consume tech news and, like you said, bobby d, the best podcast in the world for consuming tech news is the tech hustle so you guys should check

Speaker 2:

out the tech hustle. We're on spotify, apple music, youtube, wherever you listen to your you know podcasts. Listen like subscribe where you're a hater. So, yeah, number one is the tech hustle check us out. But also, as you know, we're not haters on here. You know we don't just promote the tech hustle. We, you know, we'll sometimes give out the other tech communities a shout out and I'd like to give some other tech community podcasts a shout out. So, for example, uh d hustle here was talking about all the great samsung phones and all that stuff like that. So, if you're like one of these samsung android big people that don't like you know Apple, check out this podcast called Android Faithful. So it talks about everything Android. So, bobby, I think you're like in between, you're kind of like an Apple guy and an Android in between.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I have to, you know, straddle that fence very, very lightly, especially with y'all and potentially popping up as a green.

Speaker 1:

I had to go to blue so that was a requirement for my text but, I do miss android because it always felt like d hustle mentioned it like they're always farther advanced, not just the hardware for the samsung company, but also the operating system, in my opinion, correct um android always has some cool stuff comes out of way in advance. Yeah, uh, and then you know but yo I'm an apple user, unfortunately. Okay, I can't believe I'm saying that okay, like I, I am too.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, we're not haters on here. So for the android faithfuls on here, check out this podcast called android faithful they talk about everything. Great android, so, but, um, but yeah. So the next nugget I wanted to give you is like myself, I consider myself an apple guy. You consider yourself an apple guy?

Speaker 1:

D-Hustle, it's debatable right now it's debatable If they don't get back to him. It's going to be debatable If they don't get back to me. We will have to reconsider in this situation.

Speaker 2:

It's like the truth, I'm not going to waste no time, Tyler.

Speaker 3:

this whole thing same year, same freaking phone, bro yeah yeah, I, I hear my options what you got for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your sidebar. You know some of our viewers and community members work at apple, so y'all better be hollering at d hustle here. He's trying to get get it going, so let's have a conversation sit down have lunch let's figure this thing out, clear it out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah play it out, because you guys are way behind right now and I mean I feel very disrespected, but let's get his spirits back up.

Speaker 1:

That's what we need. So what's up, Raymond?

Speaker 2:

So yeah, we don't discriminate here. Like I said, I consider myself an Apple fanboy. D-hustle is kind of like on the middle there. It seems he might be jumping off the ship. Bobby, I think, is in between. You know he plays both sides, but if you're an Apple fanboy like myself, check out this podcast called the cult cast. The cult cast if you're a serious apple fan boy. They record every week and they talk about everything apple. They have over 650 episodes. A buddy of mine's recommended it and so check it out. So it runs weekly. It's one of the best podcasts out there if you're an apple fan boy.

Speaker 3:

So but yeah those are the nuggets that I wanted to give you guys.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, if you're an android guy, check out this android faithful. If you're an apple fan boy like myself, check out the cult cast. And also, the best podcast is the tech hustle for sure how do you feel about that?

Speaker 3:

podcast. Have you learned any tricks and trades on there um?

Speaker 2:

the cult cast for the, the apple, the fan stuff. I mean I just started listening to it. Yeah, I mean, like I said, if you're like buried deep in apple, yes, yeah, they've got some and they put some humor in there. It's not dry and stuff like that. So yeah, it's not bad.

Speaker 1:

So that's what's up yeah, big shout out to both of those shows. Um, definitely, we always uh want to support podcasts and definitely Raymond Nuggets, always You're out there, always finding these good gems so we really appreciate you and I know the audience love tuning in. Definitely check out them on Discord. We have the links there.

Speaker 2:

We don't discriminate. We got both Android and Apple, so don't cut our heads off. And the tech hustle for all around. Listen, listen. D hustle said he's ready for the heat. Bro, don't tell that the heat to come right all of it.

Speaker 1:

Especially if you're saying anything about apple, you better come and talk to him first. Talk to me. We got a lot of things to talk about.

Speaker 3:

This is a good conversation we're not gonna kill each other, though at the end of the day, I have to prove my point yes to you and just listen to my consideration. That's it. I don't appreciate that I'm a year and a half to almost two years behind on some certain stuff. The fucking galaxy ring is out, ladies and gentlemen, shout out to that. I'm still waiting for apple to. I'm ready to replace this to something to touch my heart rate while I'm while I'm sleeping yeah, yeah you know, work with me, replace this, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

You see how the conversation was just supposed to be a little Something to touch my heart while I'm sleeping. Yeah, yeah, you know, work with me, replace this, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You see how the conversation was just supposed to be a little bit and then he just opened it all the way up.

Speaker 3:

Bro, I'm trying to communicate here, bro. I mean, okay, if you're going to give me this for years and years and years, give me more gadgets better than freaking Google man. Come on, I hear you freaking Google man, come on, I hear you Shit.

Speaker 2:

They try to tweak it with the software updates, but Come on now. I know I hear you.

Speaker 1:

Excuse my French fuck that you know one of the things I always also feel that Apple's do is let Samsung and them run forward and go and go. Cop that Exactly.

Speaker 3:

But if you both come out at the same time. So perfect example. Sam galaxy is already out with their, with their um, let's say, voice recognition.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah right, that means sam's apple has one year to figure out exactly because they're gonna buy the phone and fucking read, download and figure out how the fuck reverse engineering and everything, whatever it is but at that time, any type of issues or or whatever bugs that galaxy or samsung has, it's already going to get fixed by the time apple already gets there. Yeah, so they're already functioning and working? Yep, and already ahead. What, anyway?

Speaker 1:

yeah, that's all I have to say if you're looking for a product manager somebody that can give you Really good feedback From a client experience Holla at D. Hustle Apple. I need y'all to come through, so don't be over here Making my guys stress out like this, don't jump off the ship.

Speaker 3:

Chanel, we need to talk baby. Exactly, I'm hard of Chanel. Where's Chanel at?

Speaker 1:

Where's Chanel at Big shout outs to Chanel, that's what's up. But yeah so, but yeah so. Thanks a lot for those nuggets, Raymond. Always definitely good to catch up with our other podcasts out there, but make sure you come and tune in to ours.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for getting me heated. Yes, thank you, the audience loves it.

Speaker 1:

They say to me like yo, we like D-Hustle, just the way he is. That's cool, all right players. So I guess we're moving on to our next segment here.

Speaker 3:

We're going to be talking about sports, man. What's going on? Player? Oh shit, well shh. Let's get a round of applause for the beautiful week that just passed by. Yeah, other than that, let's get into football. Football, is everybody ready? Fantasy people getting ready.

Speaker 2:

Are you doing fantasy this year? Yeah, my draft is like in what two weeks, I think, or next week, you need an extra person. Is like in what?

Speaker 3:

Two weeks, I think, or next week you mean the next person, because I wanted to jump in. Nah, we're capped out. My guy, we're capped out. Yeah, it's next.

Speaker 2:

Friday I'm looking at the calendar.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so just get my money. How many trying to be involved in this year kid?

Speaker 3:

The more money for me, the better baby. You know, I'm on four right now. I'm looking for five.

Speaker 2:

You're on four fantasy fleets, four fantasies.

Speaker 3:

I already got my first two already. One is on August 25th, the other one is August 24th. It's.

Speaker 2:

August 24th and then the other two.

Speaker 3:

I snoozed them just to let me know what day.

Speaker 1:

He's like I'm not ready to tell us we ain't doing no camp or nothing like that, we just do right to the game.

Speaker 3:

Right to the game. But talk about camp Giants looking real good right now. Oh my gosh, I'm not going to lie.

Speaker 1:

They beat the Lions 14-3.

Speaker 3:

We got some nice running back. Don't want to skip the surprise out right now.

Speaker 2:

Did you watch some of the games last week?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I watched the Giants and the Lions play a great great, great victory for my team right there, yeah, preseason, preseason.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let me get the legs stretched out a little bit.

Speaker 3:

See who's gonna make it on the roster yeah but they only play starters, probably just the first quarter yeah, first two quarters maybe, and then the rest is all second strings. A couple games out there right now Patriots beating Panthers, giants beating Lions yeah, yeah, dolphins there you go.

Speaker 1:

Dolphins beat Falcons yeah that's a good one for us Falcons, gosh Eagles.

Speaker 3:

Eagles lost, actually won against Baltimore and Commanders lost to the Jets. The Bears, wow, beat the Bills 33-6. I don't know if you guys seen that, but there's no. Stefan Diggs there so I can see what's going on, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love it Beating up the Bills, yes Division rivals.

Speaker 3:

I love their downfall yeah yeah, and Broncos and Colts great game 34-30. Broncos took that over there. And hey, shout out to the Los Angeles Rams for beating the Cowboys.

Speaker 2:

Cowboys got some drama going on over there.

Speaker 1:

This guy. He stopped the whole show just to make sure we heard that Just wanted to make sure we heard it.

Speaker 3:

But our next game is against Texas, so I'm hoping to see When's the next preseason. Preseason should be now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Should be now.

Speaker 1:

They got maybe two more weeks or so. Yeah, three more weeks.

Speaker 3:

September 6th is a starting football game, kickoff game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, gotcha Well we getting ready, we getting ready, we're getting ready.

Speaker 3:

Another news, ladies and gentlemen, sports. We got baseball. Baseball's looking good, baltimore's doing phenomenal. Actually, baltimore and New York almost hand-in-hand. Second and first, second Yankees, baltimore, first Cleveland. Shout out to that, cleveland, guardians, guardians. First. Cleveland shout out to that Cleveland Guardian Guardians man. I always call it Indians, but that's just me, man respect yeah, the name's been changed.

Speaker 3:

I respect all my Indians people don't know what's going on over there Philly, over there, atlanta, atlanta, we creeping up baby, we in third place, we one game away. Don't fuck up, cause we coming, we coming in, we coming in like. Everybody's chasing after Atlanta bro Coming up, baby Phenomenal team Atlanta's a phenomenal team. Good organization. There Again they're pitching Some of their players. Just phenomenal man.

Speaker 3:

Just good stuff over there. Other than that, man, not a lot of games left In baseball, so it's almost coming To that Beautiful time. Yeah, yeah, but yeah. And then, last but not least, did you? See what happened To Red Sox. Mr Duran Duran. Jaron Duran Suspended two games by Red Sox for shouting a homophobic slur to a fan.

Speaker 2:

Oh word.

Speaker 3:

While they were down. Wow, so they were down, almost 10 zip, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

He went over there, he went off he went over there.

Speaker 3:

He was on the freaking, so they're down. The guy's at the batting getting warmed up or whatever. He comes up ready, swings miss. There's a guy in the back says swing it with a tennis racket. Swing it with a tennis racket. Basically he can't even see the ball. The guy says shut up, you freaking get. Boom, oh boy, two games suspended, two games. I understand you're mad. You're gonna have to Control that temper, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure it's not cool At the end of the day, that's crazy.

Speaker 3:

We're not in the old school. Things are changing now, so For sure.

Speaker 2:

It is what it is. All you got is two games yeah. Surprise right, yeah, yeah, nowadays Well, Goodell would have Spended him the whole year if that was the nfl yeah, shout out to that, shout out to that.

Speaker 3:

And last but not least, man, let's get into the basketball. United states, oh, yeah, one, uh, the gold against france huh against france. We, we, we hold on. Uh. I gotta hear what raymond has to say, uh what did you? Think about that there, Raymond.

Speaker 2:

It was good. I don't agree that LeBron should have got the MVP. I would think that was BS. I think, Curry should have got it, but I don't know. That's just me. Even though I'm a Lakers fan, I'm a LeBron guy, but I don't know why he got the MVP.

Speaker 3:

So I'll just leave it at that. Sorry to cut that off. The USA going to be in the Olympics 2028 in LA, oh, in LA.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you heard that now. Yes, and LeBron will not be part of that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, by that time he's done. Yeah, he's done, he's already set.

Speaker 3:

You think so, he might be there trying to win the championship. He looks like an old man right. It's going to be in LA, so you think it should have been Steph or who? What do you think you don't think it should have been Steph? I think it should have been Steph. I mean those last two games. Steph was on fire. Yes, like, he's just like.

Speaker 2:

And it's different too, but I get it. But, steph, just come on.

Speaker 3:

He closed it. Yeah, but is your man winning? Or is he putting up numbers? Because, at the end of the day, all I hear is that LeBron made a triple double. I'm just like, okay.

Speaker 2:

That's why I said I think Steph should have got it, but hey. This is probably like the last rodeo, like hey, lebron, thank you, this is your last, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

So I don, you don't think, so I still think.

Speaker 1:

Curry, I agree, I mean talking about last rodeo.

Speaker 3:

We're talking about last rodeo. I don't. Maybe here's why I say it. You know, when they usually go out, they usually want to go out with a bang.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I'm assuming they will do you know.

Speaker 1:

Almost like when at the end of the game they kind of let him come out of the game. Yeah, they would say this would be our last game, Unless he's not.

Speaker 3:

If he was going to be his last Olympic, he would have said something it's going to be my last Olympic now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You know, and then not four years. But me, I don't know how much your man has. He spends $2 million on his body so he might have another four more years. And he could dye his beard bro, he could Also.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to say another thing too. That was foul LeBron not giving that kid a picture there just walking past that kid. No, but come on bro, you can't be servicing everybody everywhere. He literally yelled at the kid and said don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Did you see what the kid was doing? He was in his pathway.

Speaker 3:

Can somebody educate me on this?

Speaker 2:

LeBron is not a real human. He yells at the kid and then, 10 seconds later, he starts dancing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so LeBron was getting out of the car right and he's walking around the car to get to the entrance of the restaurant. But while he's walking around the car a kid basically is intersecting him, I guess to take a picture or whatever. But LeBron's in hey, I'm ready, party mode, whatever and I guess the kid kind of overstepped, like really stepped in his pathway to block him. He's like hold on, move out the way. And that scene, right there is what they're leaning on not a good look, since he got past there.

Speaker 1:

He gets to the front of the door, he starts to shake, he starts to wobble a little bit and I was like, damn, imagine that kid when was this, though?

Speaker 3:

this was after the Olympics or before the Olympics after the Olympics they were celebrating oh so he got him out. Yeah, I pushed that kid too. Come on, man, I want your picture.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean? He just won a gold medal. He's lying with everybody else.

Speaker 3:

You take my picture another time, bro. I'm in there, you condone this. D-hustle, I just won gold and MVP too, and MVP Kid is in my way.

Speaker 2:

Who's kid is this?

Speaker 3:

Now, at the end of the day. I see what you're saying. It's a one-time opportunity, the next time you're going to see fucking LeBron James, that's true. Yeah take the picture. But you know, but again in the day, what is three, four seconds of your time?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was lame LeBron, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

It's LeBron, but I'm glad to hear LeBron fans seeing this.

Speaker 2:

Look, man, I'm not a LeBron fanboy. I keep it real. You know that.

Speaker 1:

So unless Jordan's in the conversation, Speaking of Jordan?

Speaker 2:

did you see his son there with the nose stuff situation? Yeah, I seen that. What I miss?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I miss.

Speaker 1:

So they caught a picture of him taking a line and they were comparing Bronny with Michael Jordan's son and a picture and I was like wow.

Speaker 2:

They're like lebron's kids would not do that. Yeah, do you also comment?

Speaker 1:

he don't know yet he don't know.

Speaker 3:

I know the difference between lebron james kid and michael jordan's kid is at the end of the day, Michael don't give a fuck about his son right about now, yeah. Because he does care about his son. Let me elaborate. Some people will just put more. But he already has his profession. He already knows what he's going to do.

Speaker 3:

For example, he knew he couldn't make it in basketball, so he went and got a store. Yeah, so he's still running his store. Shout out to him for running his store. I'm amazed you're still open. It is Wow. But yeah, because, so long story short, he has a store out in Orlando. It's called the Trophy Room. My buddy of mine used to work over there. Shout out to my man. But here's the situation Since. Shout out to my male, but here's the situation Since COVID. It got shut down, yeah, but he's still running it online, yeah. Yeah, I haven't followed him in a while, but I heard he opened up another store at Disney Springs.

Speaker 3:

I think it was or somewhere else, but at the end of the day, yeah, he's a grown-ass man. I think he's doing whatever he needs to do, but Ronnie's kids, he's still whatever he needs to do, but Bronny's kids, he's still young. So you have Parent supervision.

Speaker 2:

On him On a consistent freaking basis. You are correct.

Speaker 3:

I would not say Bronny Would not do it. But If he's Wants to party, at the end of the day he's his own grown man.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Without his father's supervision, I don't think he Would. He do it like that, not in front of Fucking millions of people. Yeah and shit. But again this nigga's on some other level. He went out. He's just a drama boy. Yeah, for me, marcus, he's just a drama boy. He went out with Fucking his best, his best friend's dad's. Yeah, wife, he's reckless you know he's doing a lot of stupid shit. Grammy stuff, man, it's in a different story.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a different league different league if he was in basketball then I'd be like, yeah, let's fucking figure out what's going on with this guy Jordan, what do you have to say about this? But Jordan's over there doing his thing, man. Yeah, of course.

Speaker 1:

Jordan's over here in Jupiter.

Speaker 2:

Jupiter Island chilling here down South Florida.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well hey it is what it is, and last but, not least, I want to give a beautiful special shout-out to the Dominicans who won gold there for the triple jumper, tela Lanford-Gatson. She won the triple for Dominican Republic, so shout-out to her.

Speaker 2:

Nice, shout-out Nice, that's awesome.

Speaker 3:

And then, last but not least, marielle Apolino won the Women's 400 gold track for track and field for the Dominican Republic. Shout out to them. Other than that, that's all I have for sports.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was trying to see if IT got any gold medals. No, Haiti didn't make any gold medals.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if I didn't see it, you guys didn't win.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we didn't make it, but we definitely made some appearances. Yes, you guys didn't win. Yeah, we didn't make it, but we definitely made some appearances out there.

Speaker 3:

Yes, you guys did Shout out to IT Jamaica.

Speaker 2:

Who won the total gold medals? What country?

Speaker 1:

I think it was. China, no, us won it. Us had a total of 126 medals.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking about the gold medals, though the gold medals.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they tied with China 40 each. Both of them had 40 gold medals Shout out, shout out. Us had 44 silver, 42 bronze, china had 27 silver and 24 bronze, and a total of 91.

Speaker 2:

But US came out with 126 medals total, which is crazy Basketball on the track. Just put it over the edge there yeah for sure. Well, I mean, do you count all?

Speaker 1:

the basketball members as one gold medal or just one? Is that just one medal? Yeah, I mean well yes, do you count everybody on the team as getting a medal?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, I'm not sure. What do you mean? What do you mean?

Speaker 1:

So let's say that the basketball team won. Right, there's at least I don't know exactly 15 players. Do you say 15 in this?

Speaker 3:

number, or do you just say one gold medal? I would just say one gold medal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I would think for that sport. Right, yeah for that sport One gold medal.

Speaker 3:

everybody get the same gold, just one.

Speaker 1:

So that means that still the United States kilted with the total of 126 medals Low-key. I heard a story about australia trying to say oh, we're going to beat the united states in metal rounds oh yeah when the I guess when it first started off, because they were the ones that were on top um, but I can't wait to see the memes online now, now that the results are out.

Speaker 3:

So we'll see, we'll see, yep and shout out to uh, to them, yeah, shout out to the olympics, big shout out to australia, big shout out to all these countries. Shout out out to France they almost bust you as ass over there. Siberia. Shout out to Jokic. And all that Giving the nail biter for my man Close one.

Speaker 1:

Raymond almost turned the TV off.

Speaker 3:

I think Siberia, france, canada, these are really good teams as far as basketball.

Speaker 2:

They have players in the NBA like Wnb and all of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But when you see those severe uh serbia serbia and france. Thank you for correction yeah uh, serbian france. I'd be like, okay, you know yeah, some good teams.

Speaker 1:

I mean back in the days it used to be like, oh okay, dream team is about to wipe them up, but now they can ball clean house.

Speaker 2:

Um, I want to get one take on DeHussell here about Tatum. What was your take on him not playing Tatum for the USA? I thought that was very disrespectful. You think so?

Speaker 3:

Oh man yeah he won a championship.

Speaker 2:

He won. I mean, come on, he played zero minutes, zero minutes.

Speaker 3:

I felt disrespectful. Jalen Brown didn't make it to the freaking Olympics and stuff like that, but what are we talking about here? Tatum is the best player on that team.

Speaker 2:

On which team? On Boston, yes, so he came all the way to the Olympics. He played zero minutes. Bro, Does Kerr have some vendetta?

Speaker 3:

against him. Are you talking about just one?

Speaker 2:

game, or the whole entire, the whole. Like I think he played maybe two minutes D Like he played nothing, like that's embarrassing bro.

Speaker 3:

Well, from what I heard from Steve Kerr, there was no issue with him at all. It was just, I guess, he wasn't moving as the team needed to be moving. So, at the end of the day, I guess he's not following the program or working with the program.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know. I don't know what to tell you, I just want a chip.

Speaker 1:

He is okay, I mean, but that doesn't mean he's going to go lead the whole squad. I'm not saying that.

Speaker 2:

But a 40-year-old LeBron over the guy who just wanted a chip, who's like, arguably, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That just seemed personal, I don't know arguably, I don't know, that just seemed personal I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I mean that was interesting.

Speaker 1:

I mean, who was the coach though?

Speaker 2:

steve kerr, steve kerr had something against him, some kind of vendetta against him, probably mad. They just wanted to chip. I'm gonna sit this guy down.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, maybe that's my conspiracy brain I will say the the craziest thing for me was when uh, number one, when I seen the highlights of the game and and especially when Steph was doing his thing, he was knocking them out to see on the sideline who was sitting on the bench, I was like, wow, I'm just saying he's not in the game.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make any sense to me. You have Embiid, whatever over Tatum. Come on man, that's just whatever.

Speaker 1:

He had limited time.

Speaker 2:

Limited playing time. It didn't say he had zero yeah.

Speaker 3:

But he had limited playing time.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was disrespectful and he still got a gold medal.

Speaker 1:

I mean he got a gold medal. I mean he's the only one in the championship.

Speaker 3:

He's got a gold medal, why not? So what is confusing is what I'm trying to say, because he didn't play a certain game, because I know everybody in there, but fucking Derek Wright played.

Speaker 2:

More than Tatum.

Speaker 3:

Okay, there's not.

Speaker 2:

So you're saying this is if you're like top five best player in NBA and he's sitting down on the bench. That doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 1:

But hold on All right. This is the other thing that I think sometimes we don't take into consideration is that they have to put together a team, right? And what position does he play? He's like a forward, all right. So let's say he's a forward, right? They brought in three other forwards. Is he the best forward of the three?

Speaker 2:

Probably he's like top. That's what they just said.

Speaker 3:

He's not the best forward of the three we brought so we got to put the other two I I wanted to make sure that you get your point now I appreciate you. So I'm glad you said that. I'm glad you said that. So, out of the forwards that are in the in the basketball in the usa team, are you saying he's the best forward in there?

Speaker 2:

I'm not because you're going against about best player overall. Is he so? Is he better than leBron?

Speaker 3:

LeBron, I mean yes, you think he's better than LeBron in this light, he's a top five player guys, he's a top five player, so you're saying he's better than LeBron, so you're saying he's better than I'm assuming you're saying he's better than Durant.

Speaker 2:

They're not going to bench LeBron, come on. They're not going to bench Durant, but you can't squeeze in Tatum.

Speaker 1:

He did, he did Got limited play time.

Speaker 3:

He's got limited play time. Well, you don't want your champion to get hurt in the Olympics. That might be something too.

Speaker 1:

That's a good point. There's a lot of teams that say yo these players can go and play, but they can only play a certain time. I remember that was in baseball. One time that I seen that there was a player that said hey, I'm not going to go play in the normal World Cup that they play in South America, because my team said I can't play. Let me look it up real quick. Hold on. I mean I hear where you're coming from.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I got it. I got it here. So the game against France Durant 31, James 32, Embiid 11 points, Booker 28, Curry 30. That is your starting 5, Okay.

Speaker 1:

That's how many points they had.

Speaker 3:

That's how many minutes they played.

Speaker 1:

How many minutes they played?

Speaker 3:

Okay, 2 minutes. Bench, your boy Tatum 11 minutes. Bam 9 minutes. Davis 20 minutes. Edwards 9 and Drew 19. So you got some minutes, bro. He's got minutes. Davis 20 minutes, Edwards 9. And Drew 19.

Speaker 1:

So he got some minutes bro.

Speaker 3:

He's got minutes. He's got minutes Two points Shout out to two points.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah, two points is, and that was the French game and that was the France game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean he got some limited play time. He couldn't be the leader of the roster, bro, Even though your team won and it's a team effort that got the Bostons to- the championship.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you don't have to feel bad, because Bam got two points also and Joel Embiid a start of four points, which I knew that was going to happen.

Speaker 1:

A consistent, freaking Embiid he did like this roll, tuck and roll effort.

Speaker 3:

Did you see that?

Speaker 1:

I was like like what are you doing On the court, bro? You're too big to be.

Speaker 3:

Playing like that man, just letting you know Fantasy is coming up. I'm not picking up, all right.

Speaker 1:

But yeah.

Speaker 3:

I understand that. You know Tatum didn't play, but you don't want him To get hurt. You know he's the face of the franchise, face of the organization. You know, obviously. You see Derek White that went there, I don't know how, which is a substitution. And then Jalen Brown, I mean was the MVP.

Speaker 2:

I agree that was kind of funny, but hey, MVP could have went either way to Tatum too, but Jalen Brown got it. Yeah, shout out, yeah, shout out to USA and all of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I see you're in better spirits now, since after the Serbia match Because you almost pulled all of the tickets You're like flying back home now.

Speaker 1:

They're not even going to play in the finals. All right, fellas. One last big shout out before we queue it up is sponsorship. Big shout out to our number one sponsor, marvelous Creations. If you're looking for, looking for any cakes, treats for any type of festivities from palm beach all the way down to miami-dade, she got her. Check us out on the website. Big shout out to marvelous creations shout out so much appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

Appreciate you and that's a plug if you're looking for any type of slot on our show to sponsor. Whatever products you got going on, holla at us. We got you and definitely want to send big, big, big waves to all of the people that supports us on day one. So big shout outs to you too, yeah yeah all right, fellas, let's queue it up. Let's queue it up. Ah, what y'all doing, y'all? What do y'all thought about this? Uh, last episode here.

Speaker 3:

I feel good I'll take the morning play much yeah, get your lick back on the regular season yeah, you know, not this time around, maybe next, maybe next four years, next four years. The next four years he'll definitely be in the league. Maybe he was in BNB. Say yo sit him down. He won a championship. It's my turn to fly you know what.

Speaker 1:

That's not far fetched. Yeah, no doubt it's like I can't play with him. It's either me or him on the court was complaining about that too.

Speaker 3:

On the internet 300 million dollar contract, won the chip and you're sitting down at the olympics. But I don't think he's complaining. He's got gold already.

Speaker 1:

Facts, that's true, yeah that's probably the least amount of lifting he had to get to get that gold too so he's got two championships in one time.

Speaker 3:

Shout out to my man big shout out. Don't worry, 18 am. I got your back. He wants you to get hurt. Nigga, not me. Me, I'm waiting for me in the Knicks. We're going down, baby.

Speaker 1:

He's just looking for you to be on his roster for fantasy. That's what it is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if I can pick him up.

Speaker 1:

Well, first of all, I want to say thank you all so much for pulling up here to the podcast. Always appreciate you. D-hustle, raymond, don't call him us out real quick. Some two big announcements. Number one we're heading to Houston.

Speaker 1:

You've already heard us mentioned a few times and big shout outs to our guests that are going to be featured on backstage with Bobby D. We really are looking forward to it. The last thing that I want to mention to you all is hey, we have an online community that I want you all to pull up to. Our community is growing crazy. We're at about almost 300 people in this community and we're really looking for you to come and join us and be a supporting partner, because we're here to develop you, not just us, but we're really hanging out online. We can access myself, d Hustle and Raymond on a daily basis. We're always posting and definitely keeping the conversation going, so check us out at thetechhustlecom Look for Join Our Community. It's on a platform called School and you can't miss us We'll. It's on a platform called School and you can't miss it, so we'll definitely hold it down there, and then that's it, fellas.

Speaker 3:

Any last words?

Speaker 1:

D, no, yeah, yeah yeah, can't wait for my trip.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know he's only thinking about the barbecue, so we got to find the rest of it I'm going to be working, but I'm thinking about the barbecue too. He's going to be working.

Speaker 1:

All right, he's going to be holding it down, Raymond. What's up player?

Speaker 2:

Last words Like and subscribe to the podcast. Tech Hustle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and then check out everybody else.

Speaker 2:

Yes, everybody else is afterwards.

Speaker 1:

All right y'all. So thank y'all so much for tuning in to episode number 44. We'll holler at you, holler at your boy, it's Bobby D. All right, peace.