#TheTechHustle Podcast 🎙

0053: AI's Impact on Tech & Entertainment, NBA Trade Shockers, and Super Bowl Rematch Insights! 🤖🎬🏀🏈✨

BobbyD, D'Hustle and Raymond...don't call him RayRay

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Speaker 1:

OpenAI released a new model called O3 Mini. Now this new O3 Mini model is basically taking all of the O1 model and basically taking the thinking part, or the thought process, and doubling down on it into even more Something, so much that they have this new feature called Deep Research, where this o3 model is the foundation for it. But it actually is able to search on the internet. It's able to get connected to the internet, search the web, look for new content, look for articles, compose it all together, aggregate it together and then generate an output tiktok, you're not able to re-download it once you uninstall it uninstall

Speaker 2:

it from your phone.

Speaker 3:

So right now you can sell your phone if you have TikTok on there for at least up to $10,000 on eBay.

Speaker 2:

We all love food. I'm going to drop another site in here for you.

Speaker 1:

It's called Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yeah, what's going on D-Hustle? What's going on Chilling man? Raymond, don't call him Ray Ray. Good morning, say hi, what's up to the camera, man Morning.

Speaker 3:

You were staring at it earlier.

Speaker 1:

now you don't want to look at it at all as soon as we say action, you don't want to look at it. What's going on? D? What's going on babe? Nice, yeah, this guy is like a uh. So he took a trip up north um, and this is one of the first people I ever seen have an internal heater, uh, literally without gloves. He was hot and the snow and the snow. He's serious. Yes, he's ready to go. He's made to be out there, but anyways, I want to say welcome everybody to episode number 53. I'm your host, bobby dorlis, but my friends call me bobby d um. We got my guy D Hustle. What's up, d Hustle? What's going on? Everybody Alright, alright. And we got Raymond Don't call him Ray Ray Morning Honing down with Raymond's Nuggets and today we got a nice packed show for you. Super Bowl's coming up soon.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir, y'all ready, y'all ready, y'all ready. I'm kansas city's ready. Philly is saying they come for their throat, bro. We'll see how, philly. Yeah, we'll definitely talk to them too.

Speaker 1:

We'll talk some more about it throughout our episode. But in terms of a run of show, uh, this afternoon we're going to be talking about uh, the tech talk is going to be ai focused. Remember the rest of the year I'm talking about ai. We're going to be talking about a new model that d hustle put me up on, called deep seek r1. If If y'all not up on it, I want y'all to check it out. Also, open a eyes released a new model, and then afterwards we'll have a conversation about the current tech events with D hustle Raymond, don't call him Ray. Ray is going to have some insights around websites for food, diy and then a few movie trailers, right, yeah, yeah, raymond always got something good to drop. And then we're going to come back around for sports with D Hustle call to action with some sponsorship, and then we got some big shout outs coming out in our outro. Um, how's that sound for y'all? Fellas? Sounds good to me, yeah yeah audience.

Speaker 1:

Y'all ready to get down? It's that time, it's that time, it's that time. All right, cue me up. D. Oh man, actually. Uh, I was listening to some of our old backstage with Bobby D episodes that have this as an intro Remind me of some good moments, good times, and I'm definitely looking forward to this year's backstage with Bobby D. But, yeah, big shout outs, all right, all right.

Speaker 1:

So this afternoon, tech Talk, ai Focus If I haven't told y'all yet, y'all need to be following along and this afternoon I got a really special talk or conversation to talk to you all about is the future of AI DeepSeek, r1, and OpenAI's newest model called O3. All right. So in this episode we're going to dive into the next era of AI. We're going to compare these two heavy hitters this R1 model created by DeepSeek, which is an open source model coming out of China, and then OpenAI's new release of 03's Mini and I know it sounds kind of weird the model's names, but just know that the company name is called OpenAI and then the model itself, which is the how can I say the instance of the AI that you're going to be using, but the reason why this is getting top of news, and at least I want us to bring it up here at the podcast is there's this underlying battle that's going on between two countries, the China and I said the China.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe that China and the United States, and the era that we're in right now is that a lot of these countries are making investments into AI and ultimately just trying to be the top dog. The United States have done an extremely well job, obviously with open source not open source, but with open AI anthropics and a few other you know wellknown AI labs which is what they're called that have really invented some really cool models. But the new one that came on the streets the other day and I don't know if y'all noticed this, but it even affected the stock market. Did you hear about, when 01 came out, how it crashed NVIDIA's stock price? Did you see how much money they lost? Yeah, $600 billion.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow, was that much, yeah, $600 billion, $600 billion.

Speaker 1:

12% of their profit was lost right after this model was released, and the reason why is behind that is is that the deep seek R one model, um, was trained. Basically the computing resources that they use to make this model was cheaper than anything anybody's ever used, right? They were saying that originally for you to do, let's say, the open AIs model, you need to spend $100 million just to build that model. And China came back and says y'all spending $100 million, we're only spending $6, $5 million to do it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's a big gap, right.

Speaker 1:

So that's a big gap, right.

Speaker 1:

And that gap itself definitely caused some ruffles of the feathers and or shaking the tree for the stock market because they just thought like, at the end of the day, navinia may not have a use case for it in terms of hardware and their future.

Speaker 1:

You know expected numbers, but I don't think that was actually a good reaction and for me, what that really means is that the stock market and also investors aren't really familiar with what's going on, because the invention of this new open model and something that's open source so when I say open source, that means you can go and download this model and run it yourself you're gonna really you're gonna need some beefy hardware can't run. I mean, it can run on a laptop, but it's going to run extremely slow because of CPUs. But if you do have some computing resources and things like that, it's free and open source that anybody can download. And if you think about what that does, it takes away the need for you to buy licenses for OpenAI I mean, right now it's been $20 a month and what other places you can get. I mean not other places, but other products that they offer.

Speaker 1:

They have a $200 one a month. Imagine if I have run all this stuff by myself locally, right? Uh, you do need some experience and running and hosting computers and servers and stuff like that for you to run it locally. Um, there is this thing called Olam, which is kind of like a platform for you to be able to download it and actually run it, which makes it extremely easy, but you still need some type of computer skills to be able to run it. And the reason why I'm throwing this out there is if you're part of our community and y'all want to go and run open ai, I'm in a deep seeks r1 model at least the smallest one and y'all want to do it as a group highlight your boy. I'm looking for us to link up and for us to do this, maybe on a live stream or something like that.

Speaker 2:

That's cool.

Speaker 1:

I got some, you know, computing resources at the house set up already. I've tested it out on a few things, so I definitely would love our community pull up and, you know, hang out with us for a little bit while we go and you know, have you guys played around with it?

Speaker 2:

Either one of you yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have, and D actually is the one that put me up on it. Go ahead and tell D how you found it.

Speaker 3:

Well, I was going through some social media. I seen Deep Seek on there and basically when I was seeing it, it was number one over chat, gpt, oh yeah. So I was like, oh, let me see what's going on. What's the difference?

Speaker 1:

And went on. There seems pretty accurate. Um, you know, it's from a chinese ai bot, right? No, but that's the one thing to worry about, right, because? Because, technically, all your data is going to china they even say it on their site. It's like oh, they do yeah, they said our servers are hosted in the republic of china, like this is where it's going to be at.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but the but.

Speaker 1:

the Chinese government didn't make this A company made it, though right, a company made it, but when you have a company in China, it's almost the same thing as the Chinese government.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

If they build it over there, then they got access to it. Okay For sure, all right. But yeah, like Dee said, it was actually trending higher than even OpenAI's version of a chatbot, and the cool thing about it is that you can use it just like you use ChatGPT now, where you download the app on your phone or you go to the website, or you can run it open source, like what we're talking about in my own house, so that nobody can really see it right. That's the benefits around it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, any questions? Raymond, yeah, no, that's cool. Is it like comparable?

Speaker 1:

Like you can talk to it just like the chat gpt and all that. Yeah, yeah, oh sweet. And the cool thing about this new model is it has something called, uh, deep thought or a thought process, right, it's not. I mean, like you've used chat gpt and you type in something and all of a sudden it comes back really quick, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, that's usually called um. I believe they call it one shot. That's basically the first thing that it comes up with. It just spits it out. But now, with these new models are is there's this thing that they say hey, I'm thinking about it. So you say, you post something and then be like all right, hold on, let me think about it. And it creates, creates, creates, creates, and then it rereads its thoughts and then it generates it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it is, rates it okay it isn't. It's not going to be as fast as the normal boom. You type something and it pops out, but I mean thinking for 30 seconds or if it has to think up to a minute. Your answers are going to be even more accurate, especially when it comes to, like coding, mathematics, logic, even in the medical field. I've seen a report where people are using deep seek to um like almost like, be there. Um, you know, when you go to the doctor's appointment and you want a second opinion, there we go. It's like being their second opinion. They take their, their information, they put it in the deep seek or these AIs and then, in general, it thinks about it more and then actually give you more accurate answers, which is really really cool.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but on to second part of the news is because of deep sea came out. Um, obviously nvidia. Uh, stock price went down a little bit, um, which I think they're bouncing back and if you're not I'm not a financial advisor, but I would highly encourage you at least put some coins over there, at least a few dollars, just to watch it grow and develop. Um, but open ai also released a new model too. So, um, I think the reason why open AI came out with there so fast is because of this new one that's on the streets and it's really just affecting their profit shares or potential profit, because they're not a um, a public company yet, but um, open AI released a new model called oh three, mini Um.

Speaker 1:

Now this new, the O1 model, and basically taking the thinking part or the thought process and doubling down on it into even more Something, so much that they have this new feature called deep research, where this O3 model is the foundation for it, but it actually is able to search on the internet. O3 model is the foundation for it, but it actually is able to search on the internet. It's able to get connected to the internet, search the web, look for new content, look for articles, compose it all together, aggregate it together and then generate an output. And the cool thing about this O3 model is that this O3 model has it built in, but there is a feature that you can do the deep research. But in general, this O3 model is very much competing and has reclaimed its top dog in terms of open ai.

Speaker 1:

So what happened was this? Deep seat came out. Deep seek said hey, we're better than your o1 model by this much. And then open ai is like hey, no, because if you think about it, they are a closed source model, meaning they're like um microsoft windows right you can't look at the source code.

Speaker 1:

You got to wait for windows to release it. So that's the same thing. That's open AI is. Now, even though their name is opened or not really open, they're private, right, proprietary, and the thing is, is that when you have something for free that's better than the proprietary, then you got a problem right. It's almost like the era of operating systems, right? Linux may have never won the financial side of the war, but had won the amount of installations, because there's way more linux computers out there than there are windows computers.

Speaker 1:

And I think the same thing is happening with these ai models. But open ai had to release something soon because this r1 went out there and killed the streets, um, and even affect, you know, like we said, nvidia stock price. But in general the, the o3 model I've actually been playing with it also it is definitely more thoughtful in terms of what it's doing and thinking. I feel like it's. The response time isn't as fast as it used to be because it has this whole thought process, but I would say that the responses are coming back more clear and more defined and definitely want to encourage everybody. If you do have open AI or even deep seek, you want to play around with it is to test out all these software or these AI models Because, like I said, this is the future. This battle is going to continue to go on and, yeah, not much other than to report about those two very interesting projects that are coming out, one that's open source and one that is proprietary. But, yeah, definitely want to encourage everybody to utilize them, level up in the process and definitely, as always, continue to learn.

Speaker 1:

And if you are looking for community, we're here at the tech hustle. We run our community on the school platform. Go to wwwthetechhustlecom, look for community and join our free community. We've had a few signups recently. The community is really popping a big shout out to everybody that's joined, and I'll give you some more shout outs at the end. But the main reason I'm bringing this up is I want to do some more things out in public. I don't want to go and do it on a live stream where I'm the only person there, so I'm encouraging you all to pull up. Come through, let me know what y'all want to talk about, let me know what y'all want to actually build, if y'all want to go and do some of this open ai or open um source stuff around um deep seek. I'm down for it. I got some computing resources at the house, but I just need people to pull up, or I'm just speaking into the ethos um and definitely want to encourage y'all to check out our school community.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, d, that's all that I got, man, nice, thank you, thank you, thank you all right now. All right, so we are up for our second segment here uh it's time for us to talk about current tech events.

Speaker 3:

What's up d well since we're already in the subject, subject of deep seek uh, our beautiful um australian government, uh devices all over are concerned about deep sea, so they're abandoning deep seek from their platforms wow, we over here reporting like everybody get on and deos is like guess what australia said?

Speaker 1:

australia said they have a lot of concerns.

Speaker 3:

basically, the article is basically saying the Albanese government is taking swift, decisive action to protect Australia's nation's security and nationals' interests.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like you said, it's mostly on to China.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So they are actually a little worried about their national security at risk.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't blame them. I mean, like I was mentioned earlier, like there's two different ways you can run it. You can run it on the Chinese oh man, I almost put them on the water the Chinese servers over there or you can run it locally on your own computer, which is obviously more secure than releasing your data there. So I guess Australia is like no, we're going to block everybody.

Speaker 3:

Yep, and I guess they're having their discussion around because of TikTok that probably was going to merge with DeepSeek as well.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So it's something to think about and look into.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then again, aren't they trying to sell TikTok to an American company?

Speaker 3:

So yes, they are. But as of right now, if you guys don't know TikTok, you're not able to re-download it once you uninstall it from your phone. So right now you can sell your phone if you have TikTok on there for at least up to $10,000 on eBay. I think I'm going to have to jump on that.

Speaker 2:

You know, I can't.

Speaker 3:

The only bad issue for me is Is that whenever I go to TikTok, I would just have to open it up on my laptop.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Post whatever I need to post, I just can't have it on my phone.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you can't have the app. Yeah, once you uninstall it.

Speaker 3:

You're not able to reinstall it back again.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy From both platforms, android and Apple.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, damn Okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Until it's sold To the American United States. It's Chinese all the way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's crazy Okay. I never downloaded it, so that's interesting. Wow, you could have had some money, oh man.

Speaker 1:

Listen out. You could have get your phone Upgraded for a good reason.

Speaker 2:

Yep, that is wild 10k.

Speaker 3:

Yeah 10k, 10k. If you don't got it, it is what it.

Speaker 2:

Is okay, but alright but can you still use the app, like if you have it right now and stuff you can still? Yeah, definitely, okay, you just can't okay, you just can't uninstall it and reinstall it now okay which is okay, because I'm thinking about getting a new phone. I mean, I really don't need it probably. Yeah, I'm like holding on the dear life to this piece of crap and this watch. I want to get a new watch and a new phone this year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, holding out so well it's almost like a like a car investment, when, when you're about to get a new phone so, uh, you definitely can't be upgrading every, every month? Yeah, every year. I mean, there are people that upgrade every year. So, yeah, you remember when apple had that, uh, pay one time and then you can upgrade every time they release a new phone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do they still have those programs? They still have it. Yeah, they still got that, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

What happens is you're becoming a nice, beautiful monthly program. Yeah, actually, payments, and then, whatever it is, you know, if you have, you have to pay your phone to a certain amount in order for you to upgrade.

Speaker 1:

So if your phone is, $1,000,.

Speaker 3:

You have to pay up to like $600, $500, $600 to be able to upgrade. Other than that, I don't know if they have rollover.

Speaker 2:

I won't be upside down. Yeah, you know.

Speaker 3:

That's basically what it is. Next subject here Apple's offering six-month trial for just $299, through February 27th, for people who want to listen to Apple Music. Apple Music For how much? Single $2.99. $2.99? Yep, good deal, wow. Now to February 27th, if you're an eligible subscriber.

Speaker 2:

In the.

Speaker 3:

United States. I have to be here with the United States. Try Apple Music for six months just for $2.99. I'll put that on your discourse if you guys want to go ahead and listen. It automatically renews standard price. After the six months it will be $10.99, your original pricing.

Speaker 1:

How much is Spotify? I don't know. Oh, you got Apple Music, I got Apple Music. Okay, let me see how much Spotify. Spotify here? I don't know, oh, you got Apple Music, I got Apple Music. Okay, Let me see how much Spotify.

Speaker 3:

Spotify here there's several. I mean, I used to have Tidal on there. It was almost the same price $10.99. Then it went up to like $13.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And then there is one that's top of the line like $20 or $30. I can't remember. You got a lot of good stuff there, man, a lot of good stuff on Tidal Music. Apple Music also has a lot of good stuff on there Spotify. I know they have a free subscription. I think it reminds me of Pandora.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

They have a free subscription. But if you want without the commercials, et cetera, et cetera, then you have to pay for that. So just there, just in case you wanted to look into Appy Music and you say Apple's going to be $10 something $10.99, $10.99. After your six months it's going to rush back to your normal so Spotify is $11.99 for individuals, and then they have a family plan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but man Apple's giving away. They're trying to pick up customers yep, back to apple.

Speaker 3:

Apple's airpods. Uh for under 100 for valentine's day wow all right.

Speaker 3:

so if you need some airpods uh, the base model is going to be 99, usually 129, uh, the noise cancellation model is 148, originally 179. And then the Apple AirPods for AirPods below $100, unless you want to get the Pro so go to Amazon, best Buy. They have all those deals there. If you guys are interested in upgrading and getting something some AirPods listen to music, et cetera, et cetera you guys are more than welcome to go ahead and get that. On the next news Microsoft is cracking down all people upgrading to Windows 11 on unsupported hardware Unsupported hardware, right. So basically what that means if you got Windows 10 and you're trying to upgrade to Windows 11, and if it doesn't support the hardware, they're telling you to buy a new PC because we cannot support your 11.

Speaker 3:

hardware. They're telling you to buy a new pc because we cannot support your wow, so the tpm 2.0 is required.

Speaker 1:

Upgrade your shit. That's exactly. That's exactly what they're saying. But how do y'all feel about that? Like being forced the hand to actually be upgrading, like, like, think about, like, uh, for instance, uh, my mother-in-law's uh computer. It's, it's old right it's like, and all she does use it for is to pay bills and stuff like that. And now, um, it's not no longer just an operating system upgrade. Now you're gonna have to go spend as much as a phone, maybe five to a thousand dollars, for a new uh workstation or desktop.

Speaker 2:

It's definitely shitty.

Speaker 3:

So that's crazy yeah. Yeah, well, I mean, is all of that still your information? Which?

Speaker 2:

one do you want to do?

Speaker 3:

Do I upgrade, or do I have somebody steal my information? I got nothing in my account, you know.

Speaker 1:

So time to upgrade, time to upgrade. But let me ask you this Is this error still Microsoft Windows is what you would upgrade to, or would you consider something else? What else it's either that or Mac, mac Chromebook. Chromebooks are not in the conversation, no more.

Speaker 2:

Chromebooks are. They're only good for just surfing the internet. You can't really do stuff on them outside of that so they're just, you know, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I guess Microsoft is getting their money's worth. Hopefully they got a good deal with Dell and stuff like that, because it's going to force people to go buy it.

Speaker 3:

You're stepping into a doubt, baby. You're stepping into a doubt.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what happened.

Speaker 3:

Google now here will not automatically revoke permission from harmful Android apps. So if you have one of those Google phones and you're trying to get into a burner phone like Raymond over here, whatever, the case they are going to revoke all your shit, what the? Heck, all right. Google says we're not going to play that crap. If it's going to hurt your crap, we have to remove it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What's up?

Speaker 1:

Google, Come on man. I mean bro you're in a special case, but I will say you're not the only one.

Speaker 3:

You're not the only one, yeah so basically, what they're trying to do is protect, uh, the comeback involving scans, pop-up and app stores to update, bringing life threatened, you know, detection for pixel devices which can basically harm your behavior in real time.

Speaker 1:

Okay I mean they have to do that. I think you reported a few weeks ago um, wasn't there like this irs thing that was going on, that people got some fake apps, or yeah. So I mean they had to step up their game with what they were releasing in their app store. And I'm not saying I blame them, but they have to have these type of guards put in place. I'm happy for them, I'm happy for the customers, because there's just too many people that don't know what they're doing and they're just leaving the door wide open.

Speaker 3:

I hear you. And another news Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Hardware passes $150 million. Wow. Basically they are in second place. Ps2 record is 160. They have 100 millions to go Wow. So, if you all look, if you guys don't know what's so exciting about the Nintendo Switch, because it seems like every other fucking year you guys upgrade into something new. I don't know what's going on, but maybe you're having a.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

The new Zelda Tears of Kingdom, that's probably. That's why it's there, and the Super Mario Brothers are on there too, for the Switch too.

Speaker 1:

But is it warranted to go buy a brand new one?

Speaker 2:

Is it out yet? The switch too. That's what it says. Okay, yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna get suckered into buying that.

Speaker 1:

I had bought my son the switch.

Speaker 3:

Now it's collecting dust, so it's facts, right yeah it's just yeah, yeah, I'm not a big fan of every freaking year. Sounds like an apple, oh shit, you know like an apple's bringing out the same crap same, just different colors just different colors it is what it is, um, but I don't want to stand. If you guys want to get your uh stuff on, buy it and you got the ps2 uh but last but not least, man, I don't know if you heard about this hot tub hot tub first iphone porn hat. What For Raymond?

Speaker 2:

Let me put this on here for him. Oh, that's what I need right here, come on.

Speaker 3:

The first Apple porn app. So Apple has been a consistence of not allowing pornography in the app store. But changes are in allowed independence where they have their own views as permissive.

Speaker 2:

An app that you can download from the app store that allows. Yeah, interesting, because you know it's called Hot Tub. Okay, check that out.

Speaker 3:

It launched already yesterday Okay, february 3rd and all app store pal app. So if you guys want to get into Freaky Dicky, rikki, rikki, rikki. There it goes it. If you guys want to get into, Freaky, deaky, reeky, leaky, leaky.

Speaker 2:

There it goes. It's there for you.

Speaker 3:

Put that on the Discord there for you. I know you'll be excited about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm talking my language.

Speaker 3:

So, other than that, ladies and gentlemen, that's all I got All right.

Speaker 1:

Thanks a lot, D-Hus, for the current events and closing it out on a high note for Raymond.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. It's like annoying, it's frustrating man, it's like so the struggles, the struggles.

Speaker 1:

So what's going on with the nuggets today, bro?

Speaker 2:

Not much morning, gentlemen.

Speaker 2:

So, nuggets here. Let's see what we got here. Bear with me here, gentlemen. So first up here I'm going to give you guys a website here. It's called Hackaday Hackaday yeah, hackaday is pretty interesting. What it does is it's a pretty cool site. Basically, every day they post different articles on different mods and hacks you can do on hardware, software, your refrigerator, your car, like all kinds of stuff. So if you're just like one of these do-it-yourself type of people, they post different little hacks you can do, which is pretty cool. Like you know, they post some random stuff stuff on fishing poles, stuff on traffic lights. If you're like one of these guys or like diy type stuff, do it yourself yeah, so different little hacks and stuff like that, which is pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, they post the article every day. Obviously they have other hacks there, but they generally every day. They'll post like a hack every day right on the front page if you want to read it and check it out though, yeah hack a day different.

Speaker 1:

You know hacks on software I will say the name definitely. Uh might shun some people away, especially with the word hack correct hacker, so don't think of it as like uh, the hacker website. It's more or less like a diy website right where people are hacking together different type of things. I don't know. We use the word hack interchangeably in our industry, so don't just assume that we're doing something malicious. It's more tinkering than anything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, like you soup up your old PlayStations and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

And you know, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's what's up, man. I don't know if you guys ever checked it out or heard about it before.

Speaker 1:

No, actually I haven't, and there was an article right on there about more details on why DeepSeek is a big deal. Look at that, okay. So it's definitely a great site, especially if it's following along what's going on in our industry.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But yeah, thanks a lot, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

So my next one here I'm going to drop in here is just bear with me.

Speaker 3:

here one second Hack a day Hack a day. One hack a day.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, we all love food. I'm going to drop another site in here for you. It's called Still Tasty.

Speaker 1:

Still Tasty yeah.

Speaker 2:

I remember I gave you guys a different site last year. Basically, this is just relating to how long your food can you know the shelf life will stay on it, which is pretty cool. So they have, like you know, different things right on the page, which is not very intuitive if you were to manually look at something. But I would recommend is go into their search bar. They have a search bar right there so you can go into the search bar, go to still tasty. Let's just say, for example, type in cheesecake and you type in cheesecake, you do a search and it's going to give you two different options. It's going to ask you hey, did you buy this like at a store or did you make it homemade? So you pick the option that you have. Let's just say you bought it at the store, you click on that link and it's going to tell you how long your cheesecake can stay in the fridge versus if you bought it or if you made it in person.

Speaker 2:

You click on that one and it will tell you so yeah and it just tells you hey, either put it in the freezer or put it in the refrigerator. So yeah, it's just a site to tell you how long your food can stay past the shelf life, because you know you can't trust what the store puts yeah for sure publics or whatever stuff like that so yeah, just another site, because I remember I gave you guys a different one last year around thanksgiving, but this is just another one of those.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, so oh, look at that, we just went to cheesecake. Uh, freshly baked. So it says in the refrigerator it can last one week, in the freezer, um, it can last two to three months, and also tell you the temperatures that it should be at. Um, it also says, hey, before you serve it, you let it thaw out a little bit, right?

Speaker 2:

um, actually, this is really good yeah, yeah, so check it out for you know, or you know, the fans out there, listeners or you guys, if you're interested in that. So yeah, I'm always failing with my foods rotten and stuff like that. So yeah, just another.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I'm already thinking about how to plug this in with ai imagine ai could see your refrigerator, oh yeah. And now it knows like, hey, I got, uh, um, a cheesecake in there, right? Uh, you need to move that to the freezer because, uh, you only got like a few days left yeah, that's cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's a dope idea.

Speaker 1:

That would actually be really cool, right? Um, I know that there are t? Uh samson fridge refrigerators that actually have cameras built into them oh like a camera that's inside, wow, um, and then I guess they're preparing for this same type of concept in the future. Um, but that would plug in very well with that yeah, yeah, interesting.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I got ai ideas for days, so if y'all trying, to level up, come and holler at your boy, so yeah those are the two uh utility sites there for you guys in the cuts all right, d I mean raymond.

Speaker 1:

Um appreciate those uh sites, as always. Um of the two hackaday is already on the top of my list and now I gotta go figure out how stay, stay tasty. Uh, I can integrate it with my ai. Nice, I appreciate you, man. So what else you got now?

Speaker 2:

that third, it was um trailers so this week I know d hustle is very disappointed. I don't have a show to recommend to you guys.

Speaker 1:

So I know you guys still probably have not watched severance or started yet I'm still waiting for your login, bro so when you yeah keep asking me how to log in and you're not responding back to my email or my text. Yeah, I'm gonna keep ignoring that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I need your username and password so, yeah, I'm gonna drop a podcast too, whenever you guys do decide to watch severance the severance can be complicated. There's a podcast called soup nerd so soup nerds yes.

Speaker 2:

So they kind of like explain the episodes and stuff, because the show is, if you're on your phone and watching it, you're gonna miss a lot of stuff. You need to like pay attention to the show. So that's a podcast that kind of breaks it down to. It's called soup nerd. My friend just told me about it. So yeah, so whenever you guys do watch reference, you know, check out soup nerd as well.

Speaker 1:

So soup nerds, yeah, they'll kind of break it down now is this is this common, more common that you know? When I used to watch um, lord of the rings, not lord of rings, um, what's the one with the dragons, house of dragons, after every episode they used to have like a um, like a recap of the episode, I guess, to fill you in. Is this like the new thing that they're doing now?

Speaker 2:

it's like a podcast around the show oh, yeah, so as the show is released, then somebody goes records a podcast afterwards to talk about the show yeah, I gave up on game of thrones because I had no clue what was going on. So if I knew about that, maybe I would. Maybe I can go back now and watch it. But yeah, I watched the first season. I had no clue what the hell was going on and I just gave up. You gotta stick it out, bro. You gotta stick it out.

Speaker 1:

But that's actually kind of cool, though I like the idea of having, like because you know you watch a show and we do it here where we'll debate and talk about a few things, but we also are trying not to do spoiler alerts for those that didn't watch it right, but imagine if you did have a, a safe space where it's like, hey, do you remember this scene? Like what did you think about this, this and this and? Or uh, when d hustle was like, hey, that's the old spice guy the freaking show, right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, that was pretty.

Speaker 1:

Uh, yeah, that was cool so that's actually kind of cool man, but I'll definitely check it out. The uh, the nerd soup, yeah, nerd Soup.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right. So, like I said, I don't have any shows. I have two trailers for you guys, so the first trailer. That's probably breaking the internet right now. I'm very disappointed. Me and my son was literally watching the countdown this morning. The Fantastic Four came out at 9 am this morning. They dropped the first trailer of Fantastic Four and I cannot wait for my son to get off of school today. I'm not even going to say hello. How was your day.

Speaker 2:

We are going to watch the trailer, because I keep avoiding the internet. Today, that's all they're talking about is the fantastic four trailer just dropped this morning. So go out and watch that, don't watch it around me uh-huh so fantastic, for the first trailer came out today, so that's breaking the internet and that, and that's on Marvel's also.

Speaker 1:

That's on Marvel, yeah, I cannot wait.

Speaker 2:

It's coming out this summer. So obviously you guys know I'm a big nerd on Marvel stuff and all that. But yeah, so Fantastic Four dropped this morning at 9 am and tomorrow they're making a new Jurassic Park. It's Jurassic Park Rebirth. They dropped the teaser. What do you mean? You don't know what are you talking about, bobby how many more jurassic parks do we need, bro?

Speaker 1:

it's a re, they're redoing it how y'all can't, they can't come up with anything new. Well, they can't be innovative. What do you?

Speaker 2:

mean it's like they redoing it. It's a whole different storyline. It's not like it's jurassic port 10 or something like that.

Speaker 1:

I don't know it feels like it's the 10th version of it, bro. Okay, the original was the one, and then they made more and more, and now they're going to remake it. I don't know, man, I want them to be more creative. Bro, you sound like a grumpy old man just like what is up with this okay? But yeah, no, a lot of people feel like that, but yeah so, oh my gosh, but you're excited about it.

Speaker 3:

I'm excited, man. I love going to movies and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

I love movies and shows.

Speaker 1:

So they're not continuing the story, but they're redoing it again, correct and the trailer drops tomorrow, so they dropped the teaser yesterday which is like eight seconds.

Speaker 2:

Don't waste your time. But, the full trailer drops tomorrow.

Speaker 3:

So Fantastic Four seems interesting because my man, pedro Pascal, is in there. Shout out to my man.

Speaker 2:

Anything with him. Watch it, don't even. He's doing powerful things right now. Yeah, he's killing it right now, yeah.

Speaker 3:

He did Gladiator 2. If you guys haven't seen that also he's in there, he also did Mandalorian.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's actually a really great actor.

Speaker 2:

Whatever he's in, just watch it?

Speaker 1:

Is he Spaniard, from Spain, or where?

Speaker 2:

is he from? I don't even know. He's a video game too, the show on HBO. They're coming out with season two. He did that too. He's like the main lead. Yeah, he's amazing. It's like the best-selling game on PlayStation. They made the TV show on it. I can't think of the name of it he, yeah, so yeah, pretty cool yeah so let's see what happened, and I don't know about Jurassic Park. I gotta see the trailer. Well.

Speaker 3:

I mean, the only thing I like about Jurassic Park is it has good surround sound.

Speaker 1:

Someone in the house should have it for sure. I'm definitely gonna have it. I think, I think Jurassic, especially the the T-Rex first scene where dude scene where dude, that was like the badass that like you go somebody that has some good surround sound yeah you definitely feeling that right, that's a definitely classic. What's that sound?

Speaker 3:

yeah, but I don't know. John markovich is on there on this fantastic four too, so I'm excited, you see that, yeah, so I'm excited to see that, so hopefully it lives up to uh the first one and we'll see what happens.

Speaker 1:

It's called first steps, which means that they're going to be even more. Yeah, and we'll see what happens. It's called First Steps, which means that they're going to be even more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, we'll see Well.

Speaker 3:

Fantastic Four yeah, oh yeah, first Steps, I would assume.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, but yeah, it looks like Marvel is.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, bro. What do you mean? You don't know it's? Fantastic Four sits in that same bucket, like I mean. How much, how many times can you like redo the?

Speaker 2:

story like well, the people who did it last time did a trash ass job. Now marvel took over. They're doing it right. Look how d said they got pedro pascal in there they got all these, they're doing it right I'm, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

It's not the actors I mean what was this? I'm talking about the storyline, bro. Like how much more can you keep going on a story like, okay, a book is supposed, but they're?

Speaker 2:

redoing it, though it's like it's not. They're continuing the story from the trash ass studio they had before. So just saying, uh, so I have faith, would you, sandy?

Speaker 3:

yeah, I mean the last one they have, michael b jordan?

Speaker 2:

oh god, don't even mention that, that was just the other guy, uh chris, was it chris sevens?

Speaker 3:

yeah, you could seven. That's the as the flashy um burn up. Yeah, the. That was just what. Was the other guy? Chris Evans? Was it Chris Evans in there? Yeah, chris Evans as the flashy Burn up guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the burn up guy. Yeah, michael B Jordan's, embarrassed that he did that movie Wow.

Speaker 3:

Other than that, what was Jessica Bale? Is it Jessica?

Speaker 1:

Jessica Alba.

Speaker 3:

Jessica Alba was on there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she was on there, I mean.

Speaker 3:

The storyline was alright. And then they had the Silver Surfer.

Speaker 2:

I thought the Silver Surfer was cool. The Silver Surfer was cool, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean other than that. I mean yeah, I mean, what can we do? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know.

Speaker 3:

Other than that, the trailer I didn't like too much about was Captain America. I don't know if you guys have seen that.

Speaker 1:

I haven't seen the trailer. Is there like a Red Hulk in there or something?

Speaker 2:

like that. Yeah, there's like a Red Hulk on there. That's.

Speaker 3:

Harrison Ford doing his thing, you know. But yeah, man, I don't know what's going on. Marvel's trying to, I guess, step up, because I guess Superman is coming out and shit.

Speaker 1:

What would y'all thought about the Superman trailer? Oh, it's awesome. Yeah, that's exactly what.

Speaker 2:

Like D-Hustle said, they have competition.

Speaker 1:

But this is the stories, bro, the same stories they need to start bringing out stuff from the comic books that people have not seen. In fact, like how many? There's a lot of villains out there.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of. I mean, I'm amazed they didn't. They're probably gonna do green lantern again.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they're gonna get to it. But then again, like, look at fantastic four. Like my son doesn't know anything about it, like you know what is this? Like some of the newer generation, they don't know about these characters and they're redoing it and I'm excited for that so I'm ready for dr doom to come out.

Speaker 3:

Ladies, and gentlemen, yeah, that's yeah, that's what I'm saying like they have, they have like a archive of different type of characters they're gonna get to it.

Speaker 1:

They're replaying the same ones over again. What do you mean? They're gonna get to it? When are they gonna get to it? Okay, I that's. I'm just missing. I'm missing something, I don't know yeah, I mean, it's true.

Speaker 3:

Uh like, for example, there was how many times you're gonna put superman out? How many times you're gonna put batman out? How many times you're gonna put fucking iron man slash, uh captain america popular characters. I get it yeah but their storyline is has more to it. I mean, like, if you really look at it, spider-man is supposed to be Fighting Venom, when the fuck that's gonna come out.

Speaker 2:

That's true, you are correct.

Speaker 3:

I mean like how long by the time I die?

Speaker 2:

That shit probably gonna come out you know, like, how long do we have to wait for this? Yeah, I'm with you, you know.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of stuff out there man that I don't want to spoil it for anybody, but there's a lot of stuff that interacts with. Marvel, and it's crazy, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

And there's so many characters they're leaving on the table. Yeah, you have.

Speaker 3:

Steve-O-Tooth that hasn't come out yet. You have Gambit that hasn't come out yet. There's a lot of people they just worrying about the hype. I get it, I get it, but the storyline you guys gotta. You're killing me here and then You're not following the books, man. From a long time From comic books You're not following. I miss my man, my man Stan.

Speaker 1:

I miss Stan too. Stan gotta come back. He got to come back he needs to come back in AI form, all right.

Speaker 2:

D's getting more nerdy than me. Here we need to figure this thing out, but. I appreciate that D's like yeah, he's like we need to go figure this out.

Speaker 1:

We need to have a meeting. Damn, I'm tired of Fast and Furious fucking 9 Coming out. That's the big one Spawn is about.

Speaker 3:

Didn't come out much, you know like it's. It is what it is.

Speaker 1:

It is, but Raymond definitely Get excited. Another Saw Raymond's getting ready For another.

Speaker 2:

Saw. Saw 15 Coming out soon.

Speaker 3:

Planets of the fucking Apes. Again, like I'm alright, nah, man, I need to figure this shit out.

Speaker 1:

This is the part of the creativity that I'm having a tough time With, the challenge with. They're not being creative. The creativity is not. We're going to run the same play, alright.

Speaker 3:

Let's bring the Superman when he first started and figure out when Lex Luthor Was going to fucking. I mean, like I don't know, man, something.

Speaker 1:

I mean just like I don't know man, something, I mean just changing characters out.

Speaker 3:

Don't do it for me, yeah yeah, no, changing characters is their thing. Man Like oh, it wasn't good, let's see if we can bring another four or five million into this here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're thinking about the numbers.

Speaker 3:

Put me into that shit, I, I can tell you guys how to work this crap out. These are all valid points.

Speaker 2:

I agree with you guys, but this is what it is right now it is.

Speaker 1:

I mean technically, you did say. Something I thought was really enlightening is that my kids get to go through this whole experience.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like my son doesn't know nothing about Fantastic Four, I was like, oh, you're in for a treat, so we're going to watch it today. These kids don't know nothing, I mean. Fantastic Four fucking Thundercats they don't know nothing about that all they know is Power Rangers and if they're lucky and shit.

Speaker 1:

I'm alright man that makes me throw a trivia question out there. What was your first cartoon comic book into a movie that you can remember? What was the first one that you can remember?

Speaker 3:

besides He-Man? Oh, that's the one. What was the first one that you can remember? Besides he-man?

Speaker 1:

oh, that's the one I was gonna say congratulations, that's, that was my first one too, was he-man yeah that's crazy, but that that's the good old days. Yeah, x-men too, yeah yeah, he-man was the first one for me, okay yeah, all right raymond. Well, thank you so much for those nuggets bro.

Speaker 2:

Really felt like Check out those sites and watch those trailers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and tell Raymond how creative they are. Like there's something new about them especially the Jurassic Park he's really excited about that I can't wait.

Speaker 3:

Jurassic Park Is. The Jurassic Park is back to the same original, how it all started all over again.

Speaker 2:

It's called Jurassic Park Rebirth to the same original, how it all started all over again. It's called Jurassic Park Rebirth, so it's completely.

Speaker 1:

Supposedly it's a clean sheet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So it's like after Jurassic Park, the last one, it went burn up it's like the rebirth of it, I mean.

Speaker 2:

Not sure, we'll find out.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm good I mean, all they're gonna do is go create another uh ride at that um universal studios. Um then I went. That's when I find out what what the new show was on or the new movie was on I don't know, bro, I'm crazy.

Speaker 2:

All right, hopefully your son drags you to go watch it, or we'll see.

Speaker 3:

You'll see, he definitely will try to I wait for it to come on tv or raymond, just give me the password, bro.

Speaker 1:

I got it, bro. Username and password, all right. D, so we got sports coming up, man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's get down to business man, what up player. Let's start on business here. Nhl. If you're watching hockey, hockey's on TV, ladies and gentlemen, your Florida Panthers just went up number one to three games.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Actually two games behind Toronto. It seems like Toronto are letting the slip away. Other than that, my range is all the way down Two, three, four, five, six place. Yeah, it is what it is. It's still early, but hopefully you know whoever you guys are voting for. It is what it is Still early, but hopefully you know whoever you guys are voting for. It is what it is Softball, not softball. Oh yeah, softball starts today for me, guys.

Speaker 1:

But I meant to say baseball.

Speaker 3:

Baseball is starting up A lot of trades going on here. If you guys haven't seen it, spring training is coming up this month. So if you guys are into spring training, start getting your tickets. It's really, really, really cheap.

Speaker 1:

It's cheap, right? I mean, we can go up to what is it, donald Ross? What's over there?

Speaker 3:

Jupiter, jupiter, jupiter, yeah, if you want to see the Poison, lucy, cardinals, cardinals, yeah. Well, I'm going to stay. Local man, I'm going to see. I got Houston and Washington Over here On 45th.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that is true, my bad. So if you, want to go. I ride with you.

Speaker 3:

They got to play they got to play Somebody worthy for me To go watch.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But other than that, that's it. Nba, ladies and gentlemen, nba. Jimmy Butler is still the lost case.

Speaker 1:

Wow, you don't know what's going on with Jimmy Butler.

Speaker 3:

I don't know man.

Speaker 2:

Jimmy Butler is a Complicated.

Speaker 3:

You know what he reminds me of, of a new version of Ben Simmons. Ben Simmons doesn't want to play. All of a sudden his back hurts. Something happens, some freaking excuse. Jimmy is now on some other level, I don't know, man, but February 7th he is done with suspension. So that's three more days left. Let's see what happens. Shocker alert. Ladies and gentlemen, luca and AD trade. Yeah, that is crazy.

Speaker 1:

Don't know how?

Speaker 3:

you guys, you know what. Let me ask a Laker fan.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, that's where you go to the source.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I was up late. I was texting my lady friend because I had went on a date the night before and next thing I know my brother's calling me like at midnight. I'm like hey, let me call you back. Maybe he got I don't know some kind of emergency or something. He called me and told me to trade. I was like get the hell out of here. And then the group chat started blowing me up. I was like this has got to be fake. I don't know how this happened. It was like a dark mystery in the middle of the night. They just traded this guy at like freaking midnight and everybody was going nuts.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how the lakers pulled this off. This thing needs to be investigated. This is like a herschel walker type trade or like a babe roof. This is like the lakers robbed them. I feel bad for dallas fans. I don't know how this is not blocked. I mean, I'll take it, but yeah, that's all I have to say. This is, I don't understand how they pulled this off. So for one first round in AD. This is crazy. This guy is 25 years old. He's been to the finals. Last year he went to the Western Conference finals. It just yeah, it's, I don't know. You're speechless.

Speaker 3:

So Lakers get Luka and Mavs, get Christy AD and a second round draft pick.

Speaker 2:

That is highway robbery.

Speaker 3:

I don't know how you guys trade one of your best defensive players. Uh, for luca I agree right now is on the bench 270 pounds. Don't know what's going on over there, but I I don't think it was a great trade what are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

he's 25 and he's an international star yes, to play with who? Because lebron needs fucking help well, lebron is not going to be there forever. He's going to be the. Hopefully he stays with the lakers.

Speaker 1:

But oh, you think he's the future of the franchise.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's why they did this, because he's an international star. He's like a top five player. Am I lying? He went to the finals last year.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, yes, he has more all-stars than Stephen Curry.

Speaker 2:

I agree, he's number two behind Jordan on playoff points. He is a top three, top five player. I see how you leave LeBron out of everything.

Speaker 3:

Lebron is 100 years old.

Speaker 2:

But I don't see how this is going to work out. Like D said, he's 270 pounds. He doesn't play any defense. Lebron don't play no defense. Luka don't play no defense.

Speaker 3:

AD is the only top defensive player right now and you trade the best defensive player, but I read an article that said that they need a defensive player In now and you trade the best defensive player, but I read an article that said that they need a defensive player in order for them to win now and in the future, which I quote bs. I don't know what happened there. I think there's something else in there that you trading luca. There's no way lebron you're gonna say all of a sudden he doesn't know nothing about it, palenka doesn't know nothing about it and the biggest mistake, you gonna tell me Mark Cuban didn't know nothing fucking about it.

Speaker 2:

Come on, man, let me ask you guys a question. Do you think there was some beef with Dallas? Why would they trade him like that?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, there's gotta be something that was going on.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 3:

I understand he's injured and he gained a lot of weight Because of his injury. It still doesn't mean that the best freaking player right now in the United States one of the best took him to the championship or not championship, to the playoffs on a consistent basis and you trade that guy.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 3:

And here's the thing he's only 25 years old, yeah, 25. 25 years old.

Speaker 2:

His dad was going off on the mavericks everybody like I go off too. Even the coach was like what is? I don't think he deserved it. The fans were burning jerseys. They're like rioting it's. It's crazy. I feel bad for their fans, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then he got over international fans too, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So it just how do you do that for a top grader player, which means something was going on, something was going on or there is no respect in the game anymore.

Speaker 2:

Like yeah, and to all the people, the Lakers, like they're hated, like I mean Teams are mad, they're like upset, they're just like I mean, do you think they would have Liked to be in the conversation? Of course, because they didn't call Any other team but the Lakers. So that was complete. Yeah, if Stern was here, this would have never been approved. If who was here David Stern, the old commissioner. God rest his soul. Rest in peace, he would have blocked this.

Speaker 3:

I think LeBron had a lot of need more.

Speaker 2:

LeBron says he didn't know anything. Get the fuck out of here LeBron's, not the coach, bro LeBron's not the GM. What are you saying? He's a puppet master.

Speaker 3:

Let me ask you a question why is it JJ Redick not fired yet?

Speaker 2:

I agree with you on that. That is definitely because of LeBron.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean the only coach that has no fucking experience all of a sudden is still in the fucking roster as a coach I agree with you. Everybody else had experience and nothing.

Speaker 2:

I agree he should have never got the job, but he did a podcast with LeBron so that made him qualified, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't know. I think LeBron definitely knew, so you think LeBron's a couple of guys. They wouldn't have brought him to the team unless he knew. Okay, unless, yeah they wouldn't have brought him to the team, unless he knew, okay, unless he had some wind of it All right. And let me say this If he did not know, that tells you how much behind the scenes this was even more. That's what I'm saying, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

They said that nobody knew. They had to keep it secretly, yeah.

Speaker 2:

This thing happened like in the middle of the night, like a covert operation.

Speaker 3:

LeBron said he was at dinner In New York With his family All of a sudden, and he didn't know nothing, bro.

Speaker 2:

I kept searching internet, I kept going on ESPN. I'm like this gotta be fake, this gotta be fake.

Speaker 1:

And then eventually, it popped up it popped it up, so but yeah.

Speaker 3:

But it's funny how All of a sudden Lakers are in.

Speaker 1:

The top five.

Speaker 3:

They're standing.

Speaker 1:

They're standing. They're standing up after a trade.

Speaker 3:

After a trade, they're our top five. Actually, let me give you a fact yeah, actually in the number five and Dallas is number eight. So you're saying that Dallas won't make it. Now Kyrie wants to trade?

Speaker 1:

Oh really, yeah, I mean I would too, that's crazy the way Kyrie was playing. He was playing for championships.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't see that. I see that team making In the playoffs.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I see the team making the playoffs. I mean they have a good, the West has a good team yeah, out there. But I don't know. I don't know how this trade went down. Could it be his injury? That they could probably say, hey, this injury is what Was giving him, they're giving him cares.

Speaker 2:

He's 25 and he's a superstar.

Speaker 3:

I don't know but for some odd reason all of a sudden joel and beat and poor george are coming out of play oh my gosh. Uh, I don't know what's going on over there, but anyway, at the end of the day, spurs and Kings had a big trade.

Speaker 2:

That was a nice one, deandre.

Speaker 3:

Fox and then Zach Levine to Sacramento. I like DeAndre Fox, that's my guy man Shout out to my man.

Speaker 1:

I got him on my fantasy. That's how he knows him. He knows him very well. It's a good pickup for them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, now he's going to go play with Chris Paul and Wumba. Yeah, zach Levine, I don't want to stand man.

Speaker 2:

And shuffle all over the freaking.

Speaker 3:

Sacramento got a good squad man. I don't know why they traded Sacramento's ninth. Last year they were in first place. First place last year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but didn't they fire their coach Earlier this year? Something like that yeah for that yeah. So I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, at the end of the day it is what it is Cleveland still number one, boston number two, knicks number three and everybody else Garbage.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

Heat number six yeah, chicago Bulls All the way Orlando, west Oklahoma Still Gangsta team. Number six yeah, chicago bulls all the way orlando. Eighth, uh west oklahoma still gang gangster team yeah, oklahoma's memphis. I don't know how they're doing because john moran's still on the bench here and there. Denver, number four I'm trying to figure. I don't know how the fuck lakers are number five, just I'm just putting that out there, just minnesota coming to play.

Speaker 3:

Uh, dallas is there's, phoenix is is the one team that I'm trying to figure out, which I hear Jimmy Butler might go to Play with Demet Booker and KD and Bradley Beal.

Speaker 2:

But who they got to give up to get him.

Speaker 3:

Who? Phoenix, phoenix ain't even give up shit With the way fucking Jimmy's acting up. I ain't giving up nobody. I'll give you Three third round picks How's that? And call it a day. Golden State number 11 they need some help over there, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, steph Curry won't be back next year. You think so, he's done. He's done. They're putting him on the bench. Like there was a game the other day, they put him on the bench and he was like what?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's out of there and you think he's leaving or he's retiring. Yes, he's going to leave. Well, we'll see what happens.

Speaker 2:

And then your boy Bronny, I don't know what the fuck he's doing. Oh, he got a nice little chase down block the other day, Wow. He's following along right.

Speaker 3:

Why didn't he trade Bronny for you know, for fucking. Part of that you know why Daddy didn't want To let him go? Definitely not. Oh, fuck daddy.

Speaker 1:

That bullshit? Definitely not.

Speaker 3:

But anyway, at the end of the day, yeah, that's basketball, it is what it is, bronny doing what it is, and then, last but not least, football man. Super Bowl Sunday, february Coming finale is football man Super Bowl Sunday. Coming up this Sunday. Is it this Sunday, february 9th? Yes, it is Look at that shit. February 9th Let me ask you guys a question AC in Philly.

Speaker 2:

Question have you talked to people more and more that saying they're not going to watch this Super Bowl because of this rematch People?

Speaker 1:

saying that they're not going to watch it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, have you guys encountered that at all? Like people you talk to? Because I was talking to a vendor yesterday and they're like, yeah, it's going to be the first time I'm not watching the Super Bowl, I don't care for KC, I don't care for the Eagles.

Speaker 3:

It's like I've seen a lot of that. Oh, it's because they got plans, probably, and they can't see the game.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It sounds like they just dislike of this rematch, and I don't.

Speaker 3:

All I know is that there's a lot of controversy going on between Kansas City and the Bills how the refs were probably paid off on that game.

Speaker 2:

Facts. That's another thing too, with the whole conspiracy people keep bringing up with KC. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Did you watch that last game, though? I did, yeah, that's been all year, though, with.

Speaker 2:

KC, that's nothing new.

Speaker 3:

Referees are gambling. They have seen some footage Of Las Vegas that these Referees are betting On these games.

Speaker 2:

Wow, nfl referees. Nfl referees On the.

Speaker 3:

Kansas City games.

Speaker 2:

Wow Before they go and. Yo.

Speaker 3:

And how you call it Before they go and ref it.

Speaker 2:

That's great. I didn't know that. Hopefully that's not true.

Speaker 3:

Wow, only in Kansas City that I have seen maybe has been, there are six referees in question right now. Again, hopefully it's not true, but we'll see what happens. It is what it is.

Speaker 2:

That is crazy. It's like they're not like a dislikable team, but you hate them though. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

I don't hate them. I definitely don't hate them.

Speaker 1:

I definitely feel like they're on that you know America team list and it's like Because they got onto that list, that consistency People are just gonna have.

Speaker 2:

Some rivalry around. Yeah, it's not like they're a hateable. It's weird. I didn't explain it Like I.

Speaker 3:

I don't hate the team, the team is. At the end of the day Is good coaching.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Ed Reed.

Speaker 3:

Yep Andy Reed.

Speaker 1:

Or Andy Reed.

Speaker 3:

Also Ex-coach For Philadelphia Eagles.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, he did.

Speaker 3:

He did Won a championship With Eagles and he has done Several for Kansas City, so he knows the book Inside and out. At the end of the day, emma Holmes Knows exactly. I mean, you gotta look at it. He has been drawing Two different Plays. He reminds me of another Joshy boy. He don't have a specific target. The reason I know is because I had Kelsey in my fantasy.

Speaker 3:

And he was not consistently throwing to Travis Kelsey at all, so that means he is using everybody else, which is a good thing. I like it. But the same thing with that's why the Bills. For me, the Bills and Kansas City game was just the same One, two great quarterbacks trying to figure it out. Fortunately, mahomes knocked it out. He just knew how to pick it Low key.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Philly's going to have to be at least two touchdowns up on him.

Speaker 3:

That's exactly what I said has to be two touchdowns on top of them in order to figure out, because if you don't hold down worthy, then D-hop, you get there, and then you got Pacheco and then Travis Kelsey there. And I'm not even worrying about Travis Kelsey, I'm worrying about the second string tight end, which is doing phenomenal right now, which I wish I would have picked that guy up instead of Travis Kelsey.

Speaker 2:

Now you know for next year.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, he's definitely not going to be done. I think Kelsey might be done after this. If he gets three, you think he's done.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean yeah.

Speaker 1:

He signed a multi-year but, he did sign a multi-year. Okay. Well, at the end of the day, your predictions uh. So for me, um, I'm not gonna front. I want philly to win, um, but because kc's been at it and their style of play, um, if philly does not have two touchdowns, if philly's not up by one touchdown in halftime and hold that going into third quarter, I I think Casey's going to win.

Speaker 2:

I have. Philly winning they went back to the Super Bowl, and then they added an MVP to their team.

Speaker 1:

I mean that running back.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

D that running back. Don't forget him.

Speaker 2:

I'm going for Philly.

Speaker 3:

The reason I'm going for Philly is Mahomes didn't have the plays that he had before losing and winning to the Philadelphia Eagles. Eagles got Barkley, which got them all the way to the championship. Shout out to my man over there ex-Giant.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't forget that part. You need to go talk to that organization. You're welcome.

Speaker 3:

But other than that, if they basically I see this game winning by three points.

Speaker 1:

That tight.

Speaker 3:

That tight Field goal, field goal, wow. If not maybe a touchdown. Other than that, I'm going for Philly. Kc is probably going to go down. I think they got their number.

Speaker 1:

I mean Philly ran up 55 points. The other game, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That was impressive In the snow.

Speaker 3:

In the snow, in the snow. If you can't hold down, barkley, I see you guys, kc, going down yeah.

Speaker 2:

Good nights, Prince.

Speaker 3:

So it is what it is. That's my prediction and that's what I got. I hope Philly wins, please, I really don't want Philly to win because I mean, I'm happy for Philly.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they're in my division, I get it. You know you're a Giants fan, I get it.

Speaker 3:

They're in my division, but you know, if Barkley went to a different team, I'm going to, you know. Salute, salute you, baby, handle that business yeah, he's a beast, handle that business.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome again all they need to do is just give him the ball run that clock out. Let him do what he does run the clock. Do what you gotta do and yeah, run up the score because KC's coming for you. Alright, fellas, we're coming down to the end. Cue that music up. D y'all enjoyed the conversation today sounds good, yeah, music up d y'all enjoy the conversation today sounds good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely get into some sports. Um, a lot of news, uh, some tech news, uh, some crazy stuff is going on, but I think we got some really great resources. Uh, thanks a lot d for that um. And we got some new websites uh, raymond, don't call them ray ray um with a di website, a diy website. It's called hackaday um. And then the other one is called still Tasty Correct, still Tasty. And don't forget to go check out these movie premieres. I don't know about them. Oh yeah, check them out.

Speaker 2:

At least check them out Fantastic Four and Tomorrow, jurassic Park Rebirth. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Both of you guys check it out.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait.

Speaker 1:

I can see the and then no doubt well, fellas, I really appreciate y'all as always, uh, coming through, giving the knowledge, uh and, yeah, enjoying your time here.

Speaker 1:

My audience definitely are tuning in, um, and for you audience. Thank y'all so much for tuning in to episode number 53. Um, we got a packed show today so I definitely, if you missed anything, press the rewind button and definitely come and check us out. Big shout out to our sponsor, number one sponsor as always, marvelous creations down here in south florida, servicing palm beach all the way down to miami-dade for treats, uh, any uh cakes, custom cakes, wedding, birthdays, any type of event that you need, uh, someone to help you celebrate it.

Speaker 1:

Marvelous creation got you, definitely check her out. She's on our website. And also, if you are looking to be you, celebrate it. Marvelous Creation got you, definitely check her out. She's on our website. And also, if you are looking to be sponsored on our website or be mentioned on our podcast, reach out to us. We're always definitely trying to close that opportunity out for anybody, especially if you are in our community that needs something to be uplifted. We got a great audience that follow along and definitely want to give you all the opportunity to come and, you know, spend some money over here. I know you spend advertising money somewhere else, especially all those shows you be talking about raymond amazon, all of them.

Speaker 1:

They need to come right as a checks but in general, uh, thank you all so much for pulling up. And two big shout outs before we get off. First of all, our youtube community. Give them a big round of applause. We are honing in close to 8,000 subscribers on YouTube. If you are not following, subscribe. If you know somebody that would really like our content, definitely send it to them. We really do appreciate it. And then the second big shout out I want to give out there is to our school community. Give them a big round of applause. Our school community. Big shout out to you all.

Speaker 1:

I've seen a few names pop out. I see a last name that looked very familiar. What up, john? And definitely everybody that's most recently coming to our community. I want to welcome you. And if you're not a part of our community, go to wwwthetechhustlecom and click on join community. It's a free community.

Speaker 1:

We basically hang out on a daily basis talking about tech, talking about what's going on in the world, and, yeah, I want to inspire y'all to come, pull up, because we really are building something really foundational. And also, the last thing that I want to say is I want to do more stuff, but I need y'all to pull up. I want to do more visual stuff. I want to do live stream. I want to set up stuff. I want to program with you. I want to do stuff in public. I want to work on open source, but I want to do it with you all. So if you are interested in partnering, collaborating, working on stuff together. We talked about deep seek. We talked about running our own models. We talked about different type of software out there. Obviously, all of our skills are going to be on display and, yeah, we're trying to do more streaming. So definitely, holler at us and let us know what type of content y'all want. Um, and yeah, big shout out to the community. Other than that, fellas. That's all that I got. Any last words?

Speaker 3:

uh d uh special shot, uh, not shout out, but uh special prayers to all the people who are on the earthquakes or over there in greece.

Speaker 1:

And you know these planes are having issues, uh yeah, and there's a plane that went down a few of them threw them down, uh went down.

Speaker 3:

So, um, nothing but but love and praise to you guys thank you so much d raymond.

Speaker 1:

Don't call him ray ray.

Speaker 2:

Any last words player uh stay safe um watch those trailers today and tomorrow. My god and uh go eagles go eagles.

Speaker 1:

All right, fellas well. Thank y'all so much for pulling up. Uh, it's your host, bobby d. Thank y'all so much.