#TheTechHustle Podcast 🎙

0054:AI Evolution: Discovering the Future of AGI

• BobbyD, D'Hustle and Raymond...don't call him RayRay • Season 4 • Episode 54

We're excited to bring you a thrilling episode focused on the future of AI and AGI! This week, we dive deep into understanding the fundamental differences between standard AI and the revolutionary concept of Artificial General Intelligence. Our engaging discussion unravels how AGI promises to reshape our interactions with technology, making them more intuitive and human-like, and what this transition means for everyday activities.

Listeners will gain valuable insights into the rapidly evolving world of AI and how this new age could affect various aspects of their lives. We also discuss recent tech product developments, share exciting updates on the latest Samsung releases, and recap reactions to the Super Bowl, including thoughts on NBA trades and major sports news.

Join us in this journey through technology, as we ponder the big questions about AI's future, its potential role in our lives, and how we can begin to prepare for what's coming. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and drop us a comment on your thoughts about these intriguing advancements!

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Speaker 1:

This is artificial general intelligence, any of these interfaces where we're texting or writing a paragraph in terms of prompts or letting the AI know what we want to do and task. But, if y'all noticed it, that's like a one-way communication. If y'all didn't know, what happens is is that when you submitting your prompt or your question or whatever you're asking it, it's basically just processing it and then it's done Right, and then it's all right, basically just processing it and then it's done All right, and then it's all right. Let me wait for you to respond back. All right, now you respond back. It processes it and then it's done.

Speaker 1:

Agi is going to be an error where AI is always running and when it's always running, it's always running, doing things just as much as a human would do in terms of interactions, tasks, but ultimately having the general knowledge very complementary to human beings. Now, I know this might be a little bit over some people's heads. It's all right. Just know that this is the next step of where we're going towards with AI. Welcome, welcome, welcome. What up? D Hustle? What's going on, babe? What's going on? Player? Happy Tuesday, happy Tuesday, happy Tuesday. Welcome you all to the Tech Hustle. What's going?

Speaker 2:

on babe.

Speaker 1:

What's going on? Player. Happy Tuesday, happy Tuesday, happy Tuesday. Welcome you all to the Tech Hustle Podcast. I'm your host, bobby D. I got my guy D-Hustle what up, what's going on, people? And I got my cousin Raymond Don't call him Ray Ray what up? Player. Morning morning. Say what's up to you Morning. Well, we are here at the Tech Hustle with episode number 54. Big round of applause oh, sorry, wrong, one Round of applause for getting to episode 54. And yo, I am so excited for today. We got a really packed show lined up, some really good content and yeah, let me just give you a quick run of the show. So I'm going to kick it off with another talk about ai. Remember, we're gonna be focusing on ai this whole year. Um, and yeah, I want to talk to you all about the next iteration of where we're going towards with ai um something called agi.

Speaker 1:

I'll fill you in. I promise you agi, and we're gonna have d hustle with some current events tech current events. Some tech stuff, uh, tech trinkets products and stuff like that, um, and definitely raymond's nuggets. He's going to come through um and enlighten you all up on a few websites. Some really cool content, um, and I believe you got a show show they're going to talk about.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I got a show for you guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you always watch the show yeah, hopefully right, he's giving all this advice and he watches it, and then he comes back like well, I don't know and then we're gonna have d hustle come back around and talk to us about sports. If y'all didn't know, a Super Bowl just wrapped up, so I know we got some Really good, good feedback on that. And I don't know, did y'all catch the halftime show?

Speaker 2:

Porsche, porsche. How about you, raymond, not Porsche?

Speaker 1:

Porsche. I'm sorry, porsche, I apologize. Oh sorry, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Send her a nice note.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, you probably have to send us a flower or something like that.

Speaker 3:

Did you send her a nice text message?

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't get a text message, I just sent her a text message.

Speaker 1:

He's trying to lay low, lay low for a little bit. But anyways, big shout-outs to Portia Campbell-Smith. Big supporter of the show. So thank you so much, the Kansas City Chiefs. We'll remember you as we're constantly reminded of all your contributions. So big shout out to you, portia, and then we'll have a closeout. We'll have an outro, some spots for sponsorships Make sure y'all hit us up about sponsorships but in general, that's the show. What do y'all think Sounds good to me? Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get this going.

Speaker 3:

We love you, darling.

Speaker 2:

Thank you guys.

Speaker 1:

He's. He's waiting for his moment, right, that's when he's going to come out on stage. All the lights are going to be turned on. I'm like dang d hustle did it, so cue up the music player. Let's see you jump into our tech talk. This morning, I got a really, really good topic for us, um, and we're trying something new in terms of capturing screens, being able to pull up some of our content. I hope you all get a chance to to really, you know, observe some of this stuff that we're talking about, because it's really uplifting and definitely shout out, we're going to be taking you out to the next level, yeah shout out to our rolando lopez.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for the information. Yeah, yeah for sure.

Speaker 1:

That. That's. That's the plug. That's, yeah, letting us know that, hey, we can definitely do do better. So and in this is like a sidebar If you're watching our show and you see there's something that we could do better and or we can change the style up, we can, you know, showcase some more stuff or topics that you want to talk about, get in the comments below and let us know. We're watching and reading the comments and, yeah, we love feedback because that's how we're going to make our show any better, so, better. So give him a big round of applause for coming through and definitely, yeah, yeah for sure. All right, so today's topic in our tech talk is something called agi. Have you heard of agi agi? You heard any heard about it? Raymond?

Speaker 3:

yeah, I've heard some stuff about some rumbles about it. How about you, dean?

Speaker 1:

not too much. So it's, it's more or less, if you think about ai. The next step you definitely heard of it.

Speaker 1:

We've been talking about a lot about AI. The next step I heard of AI. You definitely heard of AI. We've been talking about it a lot on this show. The next step of AI is this thing called AGI. Now, this is artificial general intelligence, right? So just think of it as the AI that we're using right now is always running right, and it's always running is. It's working at the same level as a human being in terms of consciousness and things that it will do. So what?

Speaker 2:

we go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. For people who don't know uh, this is the educational level for you guys to level up yes, for sure like myself. I'm getting educated right now because I was only known by ai but, now we agi yes.

Speaker 1:

So let's get down, give me a round of applause. Oh, you see that that's how I like it. You know I'm waving like the king, right? No, but seriously, this segment is like D-Hustle said, is purposely for educational purposes and leveling everybody up. If y'all didn't know, in terms of my background, I'm a technologist, I've been in the field for more than 20 years and you can imagine how many things I've worked on and touched and I'm a wealth of knowledge.

Speaker 1:

But the questions that come in are the ones that really feeds this topic here, and someone was asking about AGI, or where do we think AI is going in terms of the next level? And this is where artificial general intelligence comes into play. So the thing that I really just want to make the difference is from where we are right now and where we're going. So AI, the way that we're interacting with it, is we go to chat, gpt or we go to any of these interfaces where we're texting or writing a paragraph in terms of prompts or letting the AI know what we want to do and task. But if y'all noticed it, that's like a one-way communication. It's almost like a walkie-talkie, like next tell, there you go, and it. It's like you got to wait for the response back and it comes back. Right, but the interaction only happens when we kick it off, and if y'all didn't know, what happens is is that when you submitting your prompt or your question or whatever you're asking it, it's basically just processing it and then it's done. Right, and then it's all right, let me wait for you to respond back. All right, now you respond back, it processes it and then it's all right, let me wait for you to respond back. All right, now you respond back, it processes it and then it's done.

Speaker 1:

Agi is going to be an error where AI is always running, and when it's always running, it's always running, doing things just as much as a human would do in terms of interactions, tasks, but ultimately having the general knowledge very complementary to human beings.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know this might be a little bit over some people's heads, it's all right. Just know that this is the next step of where we're going towards with AI, and the reason why I'm bringing this up is number one. A question came in, but then number two a lot of the AI labs, like OpenAI, anthropix and those companies that are building these models, are predicting AGI to happen sooner than what we expected. A lot of people thought it was going to take 10 to 20 years for us to get it, but we're going to get it faster than five years hands down and I'm actually predicting that we're going to get it no more than about a year and a half. We're going to have AGI level of AIs that are going to always be running, and then we will literally have and I want to be one of the first ones to announce it that we will literally have our own there we go drum roll, drum roll.

Speaker 1:

We all will have our own personal AI that will always be running Always. And I think what I always like equate it to is like when you ever watch those movies that, um, somebody has like, um, like a pet, like they have, or like a um, uh, I'll give you one. Uh, what is that movie called avatar? Avatar is that the one with with the blue people? Yes, yeah, like the avatar, but they have their own pet or their own animal, the one that they fly with or the one that they swim underwater with, and that's theirs. Right, we are eventually going to have one of those be our AIs that are always running and always accompanying us, whatever we're doing, so much so that that will be how we'll be introduced into AGI.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait until that time comes. I think society may not be ready for it, but it's on its way, especially all the announcements that are coming out from AI and all these LLM labs. But, in general, I just want our people people that watch this show, people that follow along to keep your ears to these streets and keep following along and learn about these type of technologies and things that are coming up. I got a Wikipedia page that can definitely drop some more context around AI and I'll definitely drop it here in Discord, but in general, I do want to encourage you all to spend some time number one, utilizing the tool, familiarize yourself and then ultimately know what's coming next. Because what's coming next, it's going to be even more of a game changer than where we are right now.

Speaker 2:

So what would be the difference between AI and AGI? Can I stay in AI and then pay like the $20 one or the $151 instead of getting the AGI, or should I just change to AGI?

Speaker 1:

So I'll give you a perfect example. So where we are right now is AI, where you're kind of texting back and forth. Agi is going to be that next level and, yeah, they are going to charge for that. But that thing that's going to be running all the time is going to be doing more than just you texting back and forth. It's going to be like and the way that I see it is, let's say, you get a phone call, the AI, the AGI, will pick up the phone call for you, and then the AGI will be like hey, darwin, you got a phone call from Bobby, do you want to answer it? Like that's going to be that type of interaction. Or, let's say, emails right, you get a stack of emails. The AGI is going to be like hey, I just read your emails. It looks like there's an important one. Do you want to handle it?

Speaker 2:

now or later Versus. Hey, I got that already with my metal eyeglasses.

Speaker 1:

See, it's almost there, it's almost there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it tells me you have an incoming call from Bobby. Yeah, Pick up. Yes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Just say metal pick up, yeah, no decline.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why I be going to voicemail so quick, and then the AI is on the voicemail, like I just wanted to let you know. But yes, that's that's how close we are to it and that's why I'm like mindset wise, want us to start to get prepared for it, because we're going to be utilizing that interface 100 going forward, um, and if we're not prepared for it, we're going to get left behind. But then what I'm really hoping for is that if we start to learn about it now, we can level up, like, think about the things that we can create software systems, platforms, all this stuff. I mean I want us to get a head run rather than getting left behind. So, uh, yeah, thanks, thanks for that example, because you are right, that's how close we are to agi all right any questions, any questions at all uh well, I have a question for you.

Speaker 3:

What about some folks that think that we're light years away from agi? You don't think that's true?

Speaker 1:

no light years. I don't think we're light years. Light years is thousands of years. Well, what is it? One light year?

Speaker 2:

one last year you just complained about taking your job. What's going on here?

Speaker 3:

I'm saying some people think we might well some of the experts think we might not ever reach agi, uh-huh you, you, no, I, I, I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

I think, before we actually got exposed to what ai is now, that would definitely have been a comment that I would have. Oh yeah, we're so far away. Especially when chat, gpt 3.5 and the earlier versions came out, I was like yo, we're kind of far away. But the thing that we're having right now, raymond, is that you know how? Growth is very linear, right, it should be just a line that slightly increases over time. It's like your investments, right, you shouldn't be always expecting everything to go up. It should be just a regular progressive.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, or fortunately, ai has had not this regular linear growth. It's been an exponential growth. It's like this growth like straight up. And this straight, like this growth like straight up and this straight up growth is like leaps and bounds for where we have to be for us to get to agi. And I just seen a chart the other day, this next version of open ai's 03 model. They're already seeing hints of it, because it has the reasoning capabilities and stuff like that. So I don't think we're light years away. I think we're less than five years away, less.

Speaker 3:

Less than five years Maybe even a year.

Speaker 1:

That's interesting, and they're trying to get there quick so they can make bread, because whoever comes up with it first, like D Hustle said, it's going to be $150 a month type stuff and everybody's going to want to pay for it. And there you go, there's their moat. But yeah, I think we're interesting, awesome, awesome. All right, fellas. Well, uh, audience, and definitely fellas. Thank y'all so much for tuning in. I'm talking about tech, um, and talking about agi, ai. Remember we're always going to be, you know, talking about these really high level things. If y'all want some more insights, come and join us in our community. Big shout out to our school community, um, come, you know, chat up a little bit with me and also remember the comments below. If you have questions, comments, write them down below so we, you know, can give you some feedback.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like my hair yeah, they're not talking about you, they're talking about me. It was like what was going on with bobby's weeds, that's growing in his hair but anyways, thank y'all so much for tuning in and next up, we got my guy d hustle with events.

Speaker 2:

Tech, current events. What's up player, what's going on? Ladies and gentlemen, happy Tuesday, raymond.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hope everybody's having a phenomenal Tuesday. It is Black History Month, in case you guys did not know.

Speaker 3:

They didn't cancel that this month.

Speaker 2:

No, why would they cancel that they?

Speaker 3:

about to try to cancel it. They didn't cancel.

Speaker 2:

Valentine, that's coming up also. So I mean, it's serious, they're canceling everything. It's all on the DEI. The president is doing a lot of garbage stuff right now. His priorities are not set, but that's another topic. First of all, ladies and gentlemen, I want to give a special shout out to my man, rolando Lopez, giving me a couple of pointers. Big guru, samsung guy, this topic here is for him. So shout out to you baby. Uh, first thing. First, we want to go ahead and put up, uh, the samsung galaxy 25, galaxy 25 go ahead and put that in discord here for you, so you can go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Better get a look into it, all right boom, there we go hopefully the screen is showing up for you guys. Samsung, beautiful galaxy 25 with 512 gigabytes of storage, a hundred dollars off on amazon, in case you guys want it, uh. But the big kahuna uh, it's going to be phone is almost a thousand dollars, a thousand dollars for the phone yep, a thousand dollars for the phone, uh, but it's a a good phone.

Speaker 2:

In case you guys not have heard of it, it has a 6.7 LTPO AMOLED screen. That is going to support 120Hz For you guys, but that's not the thing. It has a 50MP wide screen angle With 10MP telephoto unit and a 10MP ultra wide angle shooter with support of 8k video recording, three times the optical zoom and a 12 mega front facing camera man, they come in hard with the really hard side yep, um good phone. Yeah, but it's not the one that ronando likes. I'll get to that oh, what's it?

Speaker 1:

what's on his list? It'll be coming soon.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right, uh, so if you guys like those samsungs, uh, s25 should be coming out shortly, um, so there, it goes right there for you yes, sir, and and you get a a discount from amazon yep, a hundred dollars, a hundred dollars off uh, another news for you guys. Have you guys remember the beautiful Razer phone?

Speaker 1:

Now, that's a throwback right there, wasn't that Motorola.

Speaker 2:

Motorola Razer Plus 2025 Coming out Ultra. You know, people have seen it coming around a couple days ago. It is going to be out shortly. They have seen it in north america market. Uh, the razor 60 ultra for you on there. It's, it's nice, it's foldable as you can see it right there. Uh, just same way it was. Looks a little different from the original razor, but you're never gonna have that old school, yeahr look.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was so much like the Razr. The reason why I like the Razr so much is because it was so thin when it folded away, Because I used to have to carry a Blackberry back in the days and then I had my personal phone on the Razr and I couldn't put the two together because one was a work phone and one was my personal phone. But because it was such a thin phone, it always fit very well in my pocket and I'm wondering how this one would do. Uh, because it has a screen on the outside yeah, yeah, yeah, it also has a six point.

Speaker 2:

It's a 6.9 size uh it also has a snapdragon 8 elite chipset which is paired to a 12 uh gigabyte rams and a 256 gigabyte storage yeah, that snap Snapdragon's a nice chip, yeah so something to look at. If you guys like those phones there, it goes right there. Razer, spice it up a little bit.

Speaker 1:

If you guys want to get rid of iPhones or anything else.

Speaker 2:

it's there Talk about iPhones. That 18.3 is out.

Speaker 1:

Again, didn't know, you guys know. Well, the fixes from the last one got re-released again.

Speaker 2:

The fixes from the last ones is out. But their iPhone is basically saying it's very critical that you guys update it right away.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's going to release your sensible data out there. Just make sure that you guys upload it for all your iPhones. It's a good reason to update the asap yeah as a new zero day vulnerability as you can see vulnerability so that that means that they have a bug. They have a bug they fucked up and this is how they basically want to make their mistakes 18.3.1.

Speaker 1:

Right Just in case. Asap, do it, asap, asap. You don't want to get your data out.

Speaker 2:

It was only a matter of time. It took long enough, yeah, but it's out. Yeah, in case you guys did not know.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my gosh All right.

Speaker 2:

Have you guys updated? I updated a long time ago.

Speaker 1:

The D runs his update all the time I got to check my phone. Yeah, you guys.

Speaker 2:

I don't wait for that shit to update for a minute, it'd be skipping. Yeah, so it is what it is. Okay, all right, now Big Banger. This is where the one and only have we talked about this phone before which was series one yeah, and now this is going to be uh open plus two open all right, you remember that phone that we was talking about back in the days. That was 1800.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, part two is out oh, this one is the one that folds. Really nice, yes, sir all right, so open plus one.

Speaker 2:

Uh came out in 2023 with a large display in the square design. Uh, this the opal fine ns, which is aka as the open plus two out. Also, uh, let me put it here in discord here just real quick, so you guys can have. I have two, two, what I'm there for you. I apologize, gotcha gotcha. Basically, the OpenTooth has the QuadCom Dragon, the Snapdragon 8 Elite processor Everybody's getting those Snapdragons. And the chip make the latest and greatest. It's thinner than the iPad Pro 4 M4 2024. It's so thin and sleek.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It's also as thin as a USB-C port, a very thin USB-C port, alright 12 gigabytes or 16 gigabytes of RAM, plus a 5.1 millimeter thinner than the iPhone. They came with it for real 50 watt or 80 watt wire charging, 50 megapixel camera okay, has a ipx6, ipx8 or ipx9 water resistance. And we and basically they removed the 3.5 headphone uh jack. But do you remember how they removed the headphone jack for the iPhone? Back in the days, and then they had to plug it in with the little adapter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what they're doing now. Oh, that's what they did.

Speaker 2:

Because a lot of people, for some reason, still use headphone jacks yeah. But you know it has an LED flash, it comes in three colors, it has a magic eraser clone for existing hardware and it has an Oxygen OS 15 made AI and a front and back centered.

Speaker 1:

Oxygen OS. That means that they got their own operating system. Huh yeah With AI.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

AI built into it.

Speaker 2:

So just in case you guys wanted to know. Of course the price is going to be almost the same $1,800.

Speaker 1:

Already sold out in China Already sold out.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, and it's going to be coming out in February 20th, yeah, this year. So you're looking at like another nine more days or something like that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Great phone. Special shout out Rolando, If you do get the phone, please give me a shout for sure go and I want to put it here on the podcast so we can go ahead and evaluate it and give us all the good features and stuff like that for sure 100 great phone. Uh, from what he was talking about, he's gonna get it. If he's gonna get it, that means it's state-of-the-art.

Speaker 1:

That's just good shit yeah, you know okay, um because you guys want to upgrade from your iphone to samsung.

Speaker 3:

This is the route to go, yeah.

Speaker 2:

If you're already paying Fifteen hundred On your iPhone, what's another three hundred dollars For you? You know, let's be realistic.

Speaker 1:

This is the game that they play, bro.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like a car, bro, I mean iPhone 17 has already had leaked out, but I didn't want to talk about that. Maybe in the next podcast.

Speaker 1:

It's the same shit.

Speaker 2:

In case you guys did not know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what else to tell you guys. Hey, at least it's going to come with iOS 18.3.1, though Point two you mean Point two.

Speaker 2:

And it has different colors, in case you guys didn't want to know. Oh man, oh man. But other than that man, that is all I got.

Speaker 1:

I got for I'm low-key, almost ready to try one of these phones like the actual flip.

Speaker 2:

I'm not ready I'll have rilando yeah but people try it out first yeah the scoop, and then I'll go ahead and tell you guys how, but I I think that's going to be the new form factor?

Speaker 1:

is these like it's like that? Right in between between a tablet and the phone, not too big, not too small, but also like that foldable thing, because I think that foldable technology is getting so much better, right, um and and man it just this phone looks amazing. So, uh, yeah, tell you, tell your guy to pull up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm gonna pull up, have a segment. Yeah, with him with the phone and talk about it and let us know exactly, uh, how you feel about it, for?

Speaker 3:

sure samsung guy yeah he's a Samsung guy.

Speaker 2:

Actually, they were all an iPhone and I think he just did that little spit on the iPhone and it went right to the Samsung.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't blame him, man. I mean I'm almost ready. The only thing about me is the blue, that's the only thing that's holding me. The blue. And text messaging oh, that's the only thing that's holding me. The blue and text messaging oh, that's the only thing that's holding me back.

Speaker 2:

But I did hear they have something compatible to the blue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, samsung yeah.

Speaker 2:

All of a sudden.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Compatible for that, that you guys can basically.

Speaker 1:

Actually I remember I think Raymond reported that they had some protocols that they were going to be using like some standard messaging protocol.

Speaker 3:

They're using it now.

Speaker 1:

But you still have the blue-green type stuff. You still do.

Speaker 3:

But it's supposed to be easier. Now you can see when they're like typing and stuff like that, yeah, yeah but yeah, it still sucks, though, because you still can't send like large videos to someone.

Speaker 1:

Hey, they're always going to have those battles to force you to be on one platform well d thank you so much for those current events and um, yeah, we definitely checking out those uh new phones let me know if any of you guys jump on those yeah, I like the razor. I think it's definitely throwback, um, but that flip one for sure. I can't wait to see that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, my amazon is getting um, my amazon, uh, best buy might be having it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they might have it come through, they might have it come through.

Speaker 2:

They might have it come through. Oh, that's what's up. That's what's up, that's cool.

Speaker 1:

All right Next up. We got my guy Raymond don't call him Ray Ray with some nuggets. What's up player.

Speaker 3:

All right. Morning morning, gentlemen. Morning morning All right. So this past weekend we had like that, including my son. He had a complete meltdown On Friday night the. Playstation Network went down around 6 pm and it didn't come back up until the following day.

Speaker 3:

It's almost 7 o'clock the next day, my son was going crazy Like what is going on with the Wi-Fi and I'm like, bro, it's not our wi-fi, it's the playstation network. So for those of you like always battling like your son or somebody else, hey, is the site down, or is it just me? There's a site here that's called down for everyone, or just me? Is it just you or is it? Or is the site really down? So this is a cool website that you can go ahead and check out. You can, you know, type in the url. You can put facebook in there, you can put amazoncom and you can see if their services are up. Or is it just you?

Speaker 3:

so for example this past weekend. It was actually the playstation network. It was down for everybody, so they got hacked?

Speaker 2:

yeah, did they get hacked? Let's get down to business man. Leave that out. Let's let's get. Let's get down to business man. Don't leave that out. Let's get down to business, they're constantly down, though, like every like. I don't understand they were down for 24 hours, but yeah, found that out this weekend I was actually at Pepito's house telling me when we was talking about the Samsung Galaxy. He said did you have this issue? I was like no, because my son was grounded.

Speaker 3:

So he said did you have this issue? I was like no, because my son was grounded.

Speaker 2:

So I really didn't have to hear that crap.

Speaker 1:

You didn't have to hear nothing. Basically, the reason went down because he was on ground.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was on ground.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to make sure the whole thing goes down now.

Speaker 2:

Nobody's going to get to play.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Wow, but I guess the site itself, what is it called again?

Speaker 3:

It's called Down for Everyone, or is it just me?

Speaker 3:

So, basically, you know, if you're chatting with a family member or a friend, hey, I can't access Amazon or Facebook or the PlayStation Network. It could be just you, bro, or the site or the app or whatever it is could really be down. So this is a site that you can go ahead and check it out, down for Everyone, or Just Me. You put in the website of choice and it will let you know if there's services or if the app or whatever the case is actually down. That's what's up Just like the PlayStation Network.

Speaker 2:

That's the name of the site Down for Everyone, or Just Me? Yes. That's pretty strong right there, holy shit yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's been around for a minute.

Speaker 1:

They have a very unique name.

Speaker 3:

That should be a password. It does look like a password. That's funny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 20 characters or more yeah so yeah, playstation network was down, so man and d you were saying that they got hacked. Is that what it was? Yeah, from what I heard, they got hacked.

Speaker 2:

Uh, that's why I was down for your body, yeah, 24 hours I know, because uh, he was playing playstation. He was telling me he goes, your playstation went down. I was like no, I actually uh haven't been playing playstation. He was like well, it's, it was down for everybody 24 hours. I guess they got hacked from what I was advised I don't know how certain that is. Yeah, that seems, but if it's coming from him as a reliable source, because he does play playstation, yeah, um so yeah, I mean it's.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy that, um, the outage window itself is and I know y'all have had outage of your systems before like you're working on a system and all of a sudden and boom, it's broke for some reason. Right, we just didn't upgrade and everything is broken. Um is the time it takes from when it goes out to when it comes back up? You all said that it was at least six hours plus no, it was 24 hours a total of 24 hours.

Speaker 3:

It was a whole day a whole 24 hours. That's like, that's a massive that's unacceptable for a big company like playstation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's crazy you're not gonna get reimbursed, so let's, let's be realistic, supposedly playstation is gonna give you five days of free. Uh playstation network so after the year of your, of your subscription supposedly they're gonna give you five days comp so, yeah, I don't know how to doubt it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so everybody's gonna forget facts, true, if they don't have it automatically set up, but if you, if y'all, think about it being, it's whenever we've had a system down. It's probably one of the most stressful times in the company, in the, the business and everything. And for something to be down for 24 hours, that's really really, really like, in terms of just availability, a breach of contract type stuff right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they got to come up with giving some free comp or something, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's not that much. I mean they're not going to give you anything. It's like when your're what's it called again when your internet Goes down.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Whatever they say they're going to give you, they'll give you For like just five dollars.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for a whole fucking day Just trying to keep you quiet. That's all it is.

Speaker 3:

It's better than nothing.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, you know what you going to do With five dollars, $4 and some change. What?

Speaker 1:

This guy, ray, was like I'm trying to collect every penny Right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so this brought up a cool little advertisement trolling by GameStop. Gamestop was trolling. They were like, hey, I wish you had a physical disc right now for your games don't you?

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that was nice little marketing on.

Speaker 3:

GameStop this weekend GameStop is trying, but yeah, so yeah, my son had a total meltdown.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can imagine. Well, the funny thing is that Jaden upstairs is and unless he was on his PC, he might have been on his PC, because it wasn't his PC that would have went out. It was just on that PlayStation Network, so he might have scooted by because he was on his PC over the weekend. But man.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, when all the games are digital inside of there, you're kind of screwed.

Speaker 1:

You are screwed, yeah, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, just a useful site to check it out, for sure, yeah. Down. Yeah, just a useful site to check it out.

Speaker 1:

So if you, want to Sure yeah, down for me, or just no. No Down for everyone or just mecom, all right, what you got next on the list, raymond.

Speaker 3:

Next thing is I got here is. So sometimes you know how you try to explain things to people. Like, hey, go check out my company. For example. Bring up this site, bobby, let me Google it for you. I got it, so I want you to bring this up. Sometimes the art of googling itself is challenging for people. You give someone a website, for example type in the tech hustlecom, so this website is pretty interesting. It's called let me google that for you. Like I try to explain to my brother on how to find specific companies and stuff and he struggles with that. So type in thetechcustomcom, hit enter. Yep, I hit enter.

Speaker 3:

Now click on where it says shorten uh all the way to the right where it says shorten right here yep, you're gonna click on that and then you're gonna click on copy url just right here. All the way you can do that, or click on the button to the left copy url yep, so what you're gonna do next is you're gonna click on the button to the left, copy URL Yep.

Speaker 3:

So what you're going to do next is you're going to click on the preview button Preview. So what this does is you can send this link to someone who struggles with Googling things, and what it does is this will give you a preview on what is going to take the person directly to the tech hustle dot com, because my brother struggles with, like you know, googling and searching things. I things. I'm like, bro, it's not that link, it's this one. So this is much easier. If you want to take somebody to go directly to your company, to your site, you go to this, you shorten the link, you copy it, you give it directly to them. There's no struggling on hey, is it the fifth link? The tech hustle, is it this one? This is much easier.

Speaker 3:

A lot of companies are starting to use this to kind of direct people to go to their businesses. It's much easier because, like I said, googling itself can be like a freaking challenge for people. So this is an interesting little site which is kind of cool. Let me google that for you. You put in your company or whatever the case is. There's no struggling for the person, you just send them the link and it takes them directly to it I don't't like it.

Speaker 1:

D said he doesn't like it. Why you don't like it?

Speaker 2:

Well, what's the point of Googling up? Go to techhustlecom, copy the URL and then paste it wherever they need it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well because, sometimes a person might click on the wrong tech hustle.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you mean like the results from the search?

Speaker 3:

Yes, the results from the search, because people struggle with searching results on the search because, people struggle with searching, but like they don't know how to search, yeah, like they always click on the wrong one yeah this one takes you directly to where they need to go. There's no ambiguity or nothing like that. It's going to go to your, the company that you want them to go to gotcha, so it's just uh, just a different thought.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I mean the the. The thing that I like about it is, uh, the visualization that it creates, because it actually shows you typing in hey, this, this, this, hit enter and then kind of going through the whole google thing, um. But I think what you're bringing up in terms of what the challenge is with search is that when you do do a search, all right, which of the things do I click?

Speaker 1:

on like which of the? Do I click on the top one that says sponsor, or do I scroll down and I click on the one that says wikipedia, or do I click on this site? This site like which? Which one do I click on, right you? Never, click on sponsors people struggle with it.

Speaker 2:

Bro, there's no way you'll be struggling we're all tech savvy here, so we're probably a little bit more adept with searching.

Speaker 3:

but, bro, the average person, like my brother, is clueless, clueless in searching yes. That's like a skill set, bro. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

This is just some. You know, if you got someone that's challenged a little bit, just make it easy for them. You know, just send them that link and they don't have to, you know, struggle on picking the sponsored one or a fake site.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you're doing a lot of legwork, right here that was like this is real tech support, bro.

Speaker 1:

It is, I mean just for me.

Speaker 2:

I mean anybody can use whatever you want. Let's do an example. Give me a site that you like.

Speaker 3:

Nothing that's not porn. Give me a site, all right, there goes that I ain't got no sites. Dan Any site, chick Any site.

Speaker 2:

Chick-fil-A. All right, go to Chick-fil-A.

Speaker 1:

You want me to go to the?

Speaker 2:

website? No, no, not there. Just open up Yep. Go to Chick-fil-A, Not check Chick-fil-A, all right, all right, there you go. Sponsor. So, we're just going to ignore that. You scroll down Yep, select that Right there.

Speaker 1:

This one right here.

Speaker 2:

Select it Now. Copy the URL.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Oh, you mean Copy that and then send this?

Speaker 2:

And then send it. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, versus.

Speaker 2:

Versus the steps that you just did.

Speaker 3:

Uh huh, okay, for example, type in the tech hustle how all of a sudden he has stuff.

Speaker 2:

I just asked to give you a site and he didn't have nothing, alright well, okay, type in the tech hustle.

Speaker 3:

How many different Tech hustle companies Are out there? Just us.

Speaker 1:

So no, there's not. There's other tech hustles that are out there. Which of the links Did you click on Is what you're referring to?

Speaker 3:

Yes, there is another Whole tech hustle company Out there that when I went and searched For the tech hustle. There's a whole different. It's called the tech hustle as well, besides us. Well, I mean our, our stuff is trademark, so you know if anybody else using these names similar to Apple music or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

So we need to figure out what tech hustle was, so we can go ahead and uh, we're going to collect baby.

Speaker 3:

So, but yeah, I think our algorithm has gotten better. But, um, yeah, it's just another way of making it easy for someone.

Speaker 1:

So there's a whole other side, the tech hustle culture.

Speaker 3:

So it just.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I guess I see the use case for the tool, not to get you to the site, yes, but to get you accustomed to selecting the right search criteria or the results from a search. Because I think the challenge that people have is they know how to use google to look up something right, but they don't know how to use the, the results that google shows right, especially if people are thinking about clicking on sponsor. I never click on sponsor links. I've never like you. I avoid them like the plague because it's more or less google is automatically trying to wordsmith. Oh you're, you're talking about this. No, I want to scroll down so I can see the results, but people don't. Number one know about that and number two, when they go look at the results, they don't know which one to select. Um, it's almost as if you need to have a search engine skill to actually utilize search engine yeah, there's like different tricks and tips you can do in google to narrow your searches.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, one that I use is double quotes.

Speaker 1:

So if I put double quotes around a word, it actually helps narrow the search down. Or you can say hey, I'm looking for a file type. Say I'm looking for a PDF.

Speaker 1:

You can say file type equals PDF and it's only going to show you results that have PDFs with what your search is. There's all these cool things that are available because technically it is a querying language, right. It's like almost like SQL, like if you know the different type of functions or parameters. But the thing that you're still talking about is, even if I do those search things, what do I click on? Which one which one?

Speaker 2:

So, like I said Well, for me it's like common sense.

Speaker 3:

You're a techie, you're a techie.

Speaker 2:

So let's say I meet. I meet you for the first time. And you tell me hey, what do you do? Oh, I'm at the tech class. Yeah, yeah, I'm going to look it up.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm looking for a picture of you. That's common sense.

Speaker 2:

I'm not looking for a guy that has braided hair and freaking uh, a girl, whatever it's, it's, it's just there. I mean, I I understand what you're saying for people who are not, but but you're giving too much credit to people, man you got to. I mean you gotta give them good credit. I mean okay I?

Speaker 1:

I will say that, um, it's surprising me. It's it's surprising to know that there's people out there that don't know how to do what you're talking about. It's surprising me, it's it's surprising to know that there's people out there that don't know how to do what you're talking about. It's surprising yeah that there's a lot of people probably.

Speaker 2:

Those are the ones that probably don't know about ai facts, I mean, and this is why they're here at the tech course yeah, yeah, yeah, look at raymond.

Speaker 1:

He's on the page, baby, if you tell me you speak to raymond.

Speaker 2:

I'm d. I'm on the tech course, so my Just look for my picture.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know. Then you know you're at the right place If you see Ben Affleck.

Speaker 2:

You're in the wrong site.

Speaker 3:

Ben Affleck, if you want to come over here, we got a lot of questions to ask you.

Speaker 1:

For sure.

Speaker 2:

Especially a lot of stuff. But anyway, at the end of the day, that's just. I mean it's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let me Google that. Let me Google thatcom. You're doing the work for them, darwin.

Speaker 3:

They don't have to do no work. I'm expecting a check.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot of fucking work for me.

Speaker 3:

I hear you, but you know they don't have to do nothing but just click on the link.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. What you need to do is save it on their bookmark. Take their phone, save it on the bookmark so whenever they're looking for you, at the end of the day, you don't have to worry about it at all you'll be surprised I'm trying to see what this thing says at the bottom here, because I think, I think ai is the one that's driving this too they don't have to use google.

Speaker 3:

They can use any search engine too. When you're searching it for them, it doesn't have to be, you know, just narrowed down to google. So whatever their flavor of search engine is, they can use it so it does searching for them all right, awesome, awesome.

Speaker 1:

Well, big shout out to your uh nugget there. Uh, let me google thatcom. Yeah sorry to put my brother out there like that, but you suck at searching search, row search, or get used to searching, uh, and don't click on the sponsor links, they just keep scrolling down.

Speaker 2:

Sponsor bro, don't give them that money.

Speaker 1:

Sponsor they're gonna send you down the wrong rabbit hole, I promise you, but but I'm not gonna front though.

Speaker 3:

Like utilizing google search results is an art, though you gotta literally take a class on how to search I mean, I don't know about y'all, but I never get to the second page.

Speaker 1:

I never look past that. And understanding the value of like the high search results and what they mean, but maybe we take it for granted, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's true, because when I was at, you know the guy who was with the Samsung, yeah, yeah, he was looking for the tech hustle on YouTube and I realized, if you don't search it a lot, it's not going to come up, yeah, yeah. So I was like, hey, you put the tech hustle on YouTube and I realized, if you?

Speaker 2:

don't search it a lot, it's not going to come up, yeah yeah. So I was like, hey, put you, put the tech hustle on YouTube. It didn't come up. I was like that's what. I was like what the fuck is going on, not out there yeah. Then I said put hashtag the tech hustle, and then okay.

Speaker 3:

And it popped up, I've had the same situation, too, with people as well. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We'll continue to try to get better in the search optimization. Seo, that's a whole career path. So if you're an SEO expert, holler at the Tech Hustle. We always need some more insights so that we can be returned. Whenever anybody used the word the tech or the word hustle, we pop up.

Speaker 3:

All right, Raymond, I guess you got one more um nugget on the list right more here. Let me drop it in. I was actually holding this one in the tuck for a minute here this is uh, if you like, slow grinding dramas about like you know french toast if you like, those spy type thriller stuff.

Speaker 3:

This show just came out, a few months ago actually. I seen this one. This thing thing is awesome, bro. This show is. I cranked through it. I've been holding in the tuck to tell you about it. It's got so many big-time actors that you will know. For example, this guy here, michael Fassbender. He's been in everything Several of the Alien movies, a serial killer movie on Netflixflix, and then the black guy back there, uh, jeffrey wright. He's been in so much stuff. You see his face. You know this thing is gonna be good yeah, it's got richard gear in it this thing

Speaker 1:

this show. That's the only reason why I'm tuning in bro awesome if you want to see, like the us competing against russia and china, getting down to like spy stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not heavy on action. It's got some action, but it's more like a spy thriller. Just how, like the whole intelligence world, this show is freaking great jeffrey right.

Speaker 2:

For me it's like he's like bro for me. I don't think he's black, I think he was hispanic. He did a phenomenal job and be playing a dominican in shaft yeah, big shout out to him His range of acting is like it's goat status. Then from there he went to 007. Yes, he did phenomenal on that, but so, yeah, he made me. Yo, he's hilarious.

Speaker 3:

He's not.

Speaker 2:

Dominican Probably not. What no?

Speaker 3:

but he played a Dominican actor in Shaft ak, shaft aka peoples uh, that was his name, peoples for sure, man, uh, but yeah, he, he does phenomenal work, yeah, he's great. So, yeah, this show's only been out for like two months. I cranked through it. If you like a good spy drama, like you know, the us versus china and russia, the whole intelligence aspect, what the cia does, this show is for you. It's really, really good.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, it's called it passes dominican for sure. Okay, it's called the agency.

Speaker 3:

Check it out. It's on showtime. You'll have to get a free trial, so all right, the agency.

Speaker 1:

I will say that I've we started watching it also um it's it's a really good drama oh, you started watching it, yeah marlene had it on the queue um and she she always find these really good, good shows every time you report one, I'm like ooh, my wife gots it.

Speaker 3:

Maybe we need to have Marlene do the nuggets. Yeah, you know, at least throw something in there, but she's going to charge though. All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, but yeah, it's actually a really good show so far, and definitely if you are into those spy thrillers. I mean, the only reason why we're watching it is because we got bootleg access though. Okay, so just verifying.

Speaker 2:

So that means you finished watching Transparency. What was that show that? And Apple?

Speaker 3:

Well, Severance.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You finished watching Severance? Severance season two is out right now and it's coming out episodically every Friday.

Speaker 1:

So, I'm caught up, it's only been four episodes so far.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm caught up. As of now, I have to say how you got time for the next show. You need to finish watching the other one.

Speaker 3:

I watched this actually a few months ago. I've just been holding it in the top.

Speaker 1:

Ah, okay.

Speaker 3:

So I finished it like about a month ago.

Speaker 1:

So, but yeah, this is good.

Speaker 1:

That's what's up and Showtime. If you want to send us a check, we do sponsorship and, you know, give reviews on shows, products, samsung y'all heard D-Hustle definitely dropping. If y'all do want to sponsor our show this is actually a perfect segue for that Feel free to hit us up here at thetechhustlecom. And, in general, our show covers technology, engineering and the culture, and we definitely have some really good viewpoints about all the products that we talk about, including shows, websites and cool stuff like that. So hit us up. Um, we're always looking for sponsorship. Um, and yeah, like, subscribe. If you're not going to sponsor, at least give us a like and a subscribe and then also drop a comment. At least you can do. At least you can do. At least you can do a tagger shit yeah, he's like, don't forget the taggers.

Speaker 1:

All right then, raymond, so I appreciate those nuggets. Man, definitely big shout outs to you. We got a few sites in the show, um, and next up we're jumping into sports. Man, it's like we we got to the end of the football season um basketball has a lot of drama going on um and yeah, what's going on?

Speaker 2:

all right, let's start with the slow stuff and get down to the big stuff at the end. Soccer soccer's going on, if you right, let's start with the slow stuff and get down to the big stuff at the end. Soccer Soccer's going on. If you like your favorite soccer team, go ahead and start looking. It is what it is MLS, mls. I don't watch soccer, so I'm a Ronaldo and Messi fan.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So much love to them if they're doing their thing. Speaking of Messi, my favorite thing of Messi is seeing his bodyguard just kill these people.

Speaker 2:

That is my favorite thing.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you guys have ever seen those.

Speaker 2:

They get close?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they do, and his bodyguard is just like boom.

Speaker 1:

He don't play, they don't mess around, so much so that Messi doesn't even bother him no more. It's hilarious, or he'll lose his job.

Speaker 2:

NHL hockey. If you guys are watching, hockey is still going on. Florida Panthers up two games over Toronto and Boston Bruins all the way down in the bottom there, with Rangers also there, et cetera, et cetera. I don't watch too much hockey. I do like the hockey fights.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the one he only tunes in.

Speaker 2:

So, other than that, that's the one he only tunes in. So, uh, other than that, that's it. Uh, formula is on. Um, lewis hamilton, switch from mercedes to ferrari. Shout out to that wow, I'm a big ferrari fan, uh, but mercedes, uh, it is what it is. Uh, if you are watching that, mclaren's number one, number one, ferrari number two, so far, if you guys watch Formula, yeah, that's like a whole season, right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not in my bag, but shout out to anyone who does. Shout out to them.

Speaker 2:

Baseball Baseball is coming up. Preseason is on. Soon, soon Baseball. I can't wait, I cannot wait Already, I cannot wait.

Speaker 2:

A lot of A lot of trades, a lot of things going on. Yankees are signing a lot, since they couldn't get Soto, but let's see what happens. Are they writing the most checks, though? They're writing a lot of checks right now To different players. Good luck, nothing but love to them. Disappointing news what's up? Boxing, boxing, boxing, boxing, boxing, boxing. Canelo was supposed to fight Crawford but didn't decide to do the fight. Guess who's going to fight Jake, fucking Paul. What?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I thought that was cancelled. What that's not cancelled? What With Jake Paul? With who With Canelo? No, he's going to fight now, god. I don't want to see that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess they're going to change course. From what they're saying, he's going to fight Jake Paul. They are talking about maybe canceling him, like you just said, to fight Crawford, but from what I'm hearing, the money is right.

Speaker 1:

But is it going to be one of those exhibition ones?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I don't know, but I need somebody to knock Jake Paul out because I'm tired of this fucking shit.

Speaker 3:

The Crawford fight would be the fight of our generation. Yeah, I'm ready. What the heck?

Speaker 2:

is this. He's the face of the freaking boxing right now. Who?

Speaker 1:

Jake Paul. No Crazy, what's wrong. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was just trying to make sure.

Speaker 2:

Canelo, hopefully listen man. I don't think you need a Jake Paul fight, Maybe after you're done fighting Crawford.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Maybe you can hit up Canelo and see what happens from there. This is why people don't take boxing seriously.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It is what it is. I guess they're. You know All these things that I don't know if you've seen it. There's a lot of stuff being done in Saudi Arabia now for boxing, yeah, big time. I guess that's where the money's at.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what it is, so you'll see what happens with that.

Speaker 2:

It is what it is Special. Shout out now basketball NBA.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Luka finally got his first game yesterday. Big win against the jazz 132, 113 against the jazz uh luca 14 points doing his thing.

Speaker 1:

Um before we leave, luca, uh, what do y'all feel about? I don't think we talked about the trade, did we talk?

Speaker 3:

about the trade and and uh, we talked about a little bit last week, didn't we? Yeah, I think we did.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we could talk about it again if you like, um, but didn't ad get injured. Now he's, yeah, I think he's out.

Speaker 1:

He did so I'm. My biggest thing is and this is why I want to bring it up is, when they make the trade, they know that the player that they're trading is injured, right yes, uh, but they're, they're having that, uh, potentially that they're going to get better so they're already, they're trading him based on his future potential right, well.

Speaker 2:

Well, the thing with AD is that he plays, he gets hurt, he goes to the bench. Yeah, and then he comes back, he plays, he gets hurt, he goes back to the bench. He's got a lot of knee problems. I don't know about that.

Speaker 1:

It's happened with these big, tall guys yeah.

Speaker 2:

It is what it is. Joel Embiid is a perfect example. Yeah, he's always injured, yeah you know, paul george is another example. Yeah, it's crazy, but what do y'all think about this trade overall?

Speaker 3:

I was actually a laker fan. As a laker fan I mean I love it, but that definitely is um. I don't know if that guy was like on meds that day or something. I don't understand how the nba allowed this.

Speaker 3:

I'm not complaining, but completely yeah, he could have got way more than what he got from the lakers, but yeah, no, that is um, yeah, the guy's getting death threats now all kinds of stuff, so I feel bad. They put extra security on him and yeah it's, I'll take it as a lakers fan, but definitely I don't know what who's getting death threats?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

gm who traded Luka?

Speaker 1:

Oh, who traded Luka out? Yes, oh, okay, okay. Yeah, I mean it doesn't make any sense to me, but you as a fan.

Speaker 3:

I'll take it. Yeah, you're locked in. It just doesn't make any sense, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, from what they've seen on. So that's basically he could have been turning down the $245 million that he was supposed to give him.

Speaker 1:

Luka turned that down. No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

They didn't want to pay him. The $245 million extension that they was going to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if the Lakers Are going to give him that, because the fucking LeBron is there. So you know, LeBron will probably cry over that shit and make a big deal out of it. It is what it is.

Speaker 1:

I mean Luka might go to D-League, I don't know. Nah, I fucking doubt it.

Speaker 2:

No D-League. At the end of the day, I don't. I don't like to trade.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because now you got Two players in the Lakers that don't do no fucking defense. Defense does win championships. That's why they got AD AD number one Prospect in defense in the lakers. Now they he's in a good team that plays defense yeah and that's what they were looking for the good defensive players. So it's not like they got scrub trump change that. They get uh uh max. Uh christy also phenomenal I picked him up my fantasy he's doing Look at this guy.

Speaker 1:

He's happy about that.

Speaker 2:

And also a couple of round picks also too, so I think it's a good trade. I don't know what was going on with Luka. To tell you the truth, on and off the court, he does look like a fun guy to be around with. Funny guy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I like him. Maybe it could be that LeBron is fucking finally leaving. Maybe it could be that LeBron Is fucking finally leaving.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then then, luka Is the star in the franchise.

Speaker 1:

The future, future. He's only 20.

Speaker 2:

What 25, 25 25, and I do know if Kobe Was a light guy he would love that. Luka is in the Lakers, yeah, other than that, it is what it is. I mean they didn't trade Bronny, so I'm assuming he's gonna be the Fucking face also Of the fucking and they're getting them ready. I don't know what the fuck Is going on over there. That's funny.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I did want to announce To the podcast that Raymond has finally Settled up on this, this bet that he has.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he did yes, shout out to Raymond.

Speaker 1:

I just want to make sure, make sure y'all know.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I told you for.

Speaker 1:

God's sake, Because there's a few viewers that hit us up, you know. Just checking to make sure Raymond settled up and DD Hustle definitely got him the best part he said was you can order whatever the fuck you want.

Speaker 2:

I said what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I took your light on him I took your light on him.

Speaker 2:

I didn't want to do him like that. Yeah, than that man. Let's get back to our thing here. Cleveland Cavaliers, number one, still holding the fort down, great team. It's going to be one of the toughest teams right now to beat in the Eastern Conference. Boston's right second, shout out to my Knicks. Number three, handling business. Miami, number seven, in case you Miami fans want to know what's going on. And then sixes are fucking in 11th place. You guys are doing a phenomenal job over there. Weston, oklahoma, great team to handle over there. Okc, okc, doing their thing. I don't know how Memphis Grizzlies number two, but trying to figure it out, denver just screwed up all the way up to number three. And again, I don't know how the Lakers made it to number four. I'm trying to figure this shit out here. How are these numbers working? This way? They get six game winning streak right now. I am very confused.

Speaker 2:

please somebody enlighten me or educate me how to get the fuck out of here. Ain't doing shit over there because brani what Bronny doing over there. Anyway, back to our original Timberwolves number seven. I have no idea. You guys are supposed to have a good squad over there. I don't know what's going on in Timberwolves Phoenix number 11. That big three that they have over there, booker, kd, bro, y'all confusing the shit out of me.

Speaker 3:

They should have been traded.

Speaker 2:

You know, it is what it is. And then Sacramento I mean Golden State just reached to number 10.

Speaker 1:

Congratulations, y'all moved one up, so you might be in the hunt From 10?.

Speaker 2:

Hunt to something. It is what it is, I don't know. That's all I got for basketball and, last but not least, football.

Speaker 1:

NFL oh, that's how you start it off.

Speaker 2:

I start off over here. Congratulations to the Philadelphia freaking Eagles. Congratulations to my man, Saquon Barkley, winning a chip on his birthday. Congratulations Philadelphia for having Saquon Barkley winning a chip on his birthday. Congratulations Philadelphia for having Saquon Barkley for my stupid Giants. Congratulations to our black quarterback for making news over here. You're still not an elite player for me, wow. But I'll give you a mid-range player because, having phenomenal talent like they have right now, he should be having a 400 yards passing game on a consistent fucking basis.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's be fucking realistic here. You guys, a lot of good wide receivers. You should be having 400 plus, but anyway, it is what it is. Kansas City Of course you're Smith. I apologize, I'm going to get down to business. I will recommend you holding earmuffs.

Speaker 1:

Just cover your ears right now.

Speaker 2:

Kansas City. I don't know what the fuck is going on over there. All right, First of all, number one, Kansas City. Yo, I don't know if y'all niggas were playing or having practice, or fighting with your fucking wife. So what was going on? Y'all did not come to fucking play your fucking wife.

Speaker 1:

So what was going on? Y'all did not come to fucking play. They thought the Super Bowl was the next day, bro.

Speaker 3:

Seriously, they got exposed.

Speaker 2:

Patrick Mahomes fucking doing interceptions throwing shit wild. What was going on over there? Can somebody enlighten me of what Kansas City?

Speaker 1:

was playing. I don't know what they were doing.

Speaker 2:

Was that a team or was that practice?

Speaker 1:

That was the practice team bro they just finally played a good team but I mean, they didn't even put up a score until after the half.

Speaker 2:

They play a phenomenal team with the bills and didn't even play like that yeah, the bills.

Speaker 1:

I think that if they, if they would have gone to play the bills, the bills would have been in championship, like that for sure. Yeah, any questions here? I don't know, I'm disappointed.

Speaker 3:

I think they just they played the better team. Obviously that they just got exposed better team. Obviously they just got exposed, Because all year they were winning. By these little one-possession games and the ref and stuff, they finally played a team that was perfect.

Speaker 2:

A lot of conspiracy theory Were the referees that were gambling were not playing on playing refs.

Speaker 1:

They wasn't in this one, they wasn't on the championship.

Speaker 2:

Were they hand-selected referees? Yeah, wasn't in this one. They weren't. Yeah, they wasn't on this, the championship. Were they hand-selected referees? Yeah, that is yeah.

Speaker 3:

That is.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, travis Kelsey didn't get the ball until third fucking quarter.

Speaker 3:

I'd love to see it. It was great, yeah, d-hop.

Speaker 1:

Missing a drop, and it was right in his hand.

Speaker 2:

We all talked about this. Now that Xavier Worthy, where the fuck was he? I need to know where Xavier Worthy is, because he's the one who made me lose In my fucking fantasy.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, this guy. This was beautiful to watch.

Speaker 2:

I'm happy, very disappointed right now, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Very disappointed. I'll tell you who wasn't disappointed. Philadelphia fans were not disappointed.

Speaker 3:

Let me ask you guys a question Do you think he will get close now To Brady's record who Mahomes, you know?

Speaker 2:

what this makes a lot of sense. This guy's all about records. That's why he's a LeBron fan.

Speaker 1:

It makes a lot.

Speaker 2:

I'm shutting he's down. You know what? Yes, he will get to Brady's record. You think so? I think so. After a loss like this he's young. It's just one game. He's been to back-to-back championships. It doesn't tell you one game. He's going to have to go back to the drawing board and then I guarantee you this is not his last super bowl. Yeah, let's be realistic here.

Speaker 2:

Now, if they change the squad, yeah it's a different story, but at the end of the day they have listen uh d hop okay, hollywood brown, okay uh worthy worthy who came to play he actually went to the locker room and said I did what I had to do.

Speaker 1:

You know, two touchdowns.

Speaker 2:

Who else Juju Schmissler, whatever his name is? Well, there's some good, fucking wide receivers in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know what happened.

Speaker 2:

Travis Kelsey, the other freaking tight end that they had Autumn or Whatever.

Speaker 1:

That they were putting him in more, that were putting him more.

Speaker 2:

That I was going to fucking drop Kelsey to get because of all my fantasy he was doing for now. None of these guys showed up Until the third, maybe fourth, quarter. Would he break records?

Speaker 1:

Yes, let's be realistic. It just wasn't this one. It just wasn't there, not this one.

Speaker 2:

Again. I don't know what Andy Reid was telling them. I don't know what was going on. They did not come out. It wasn't the Kansas City Chiefs that I'd known and seen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Past these games yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they didn't score until the third quarter.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And in the first and second quarter, not even a field goal attempt. That's crazy. During the super bowl it got demolished during the super bowl yeah, he had a qbr of one. Wow, yeah, it was pretty bad yeah but I will say philly did their thing. They had. They had that guy tippy-toeing everywhere every time he touched the ball he was tippy-toeing, running around trying to get away from him. I mean, philly definitely did their thing.

Speaker 3:

They came ready to knock them in the mouth for sure, and they destroyed them oh yeah, that was a warm-up for them. Yeah, they've been dominant all year.

Speaker 1:

And I think they could have run up that score even more if they really wanted to. Facts, yeah.

Speaker 2:

At the end of the day, you're correct. Philly defense did win the game for me because they were running four men Rush. That's it, just four, just four.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Tippy it, just four, just four. That's crazy, tippy towing four men and they got to my homes. That is crazy. They didn't send five, they didn't do full blitz. Yeah, four, cuatro, that's it. Come on. Uh, yeah, again, I don't know what happened, but yes, the answer to your question he will probably be he's young man unless something how he has a major fucking injury.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Then boom.

Speaker 1:

He'll definitely be in the runnings. He's in the runnings.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, yep. What else Other than that man? As far as football giants, you need to fucking figure that shit out over there.

Speaker 1:

Let's not forget to mention the Giants.

Speaker 2:

Let's see who we're going to pick up for first round pick.

Speaker 1:

Let's not forget the Giants we're going to get Deion.

Speaker 2:

Cam Ward might be leaving. It won't be us or we might get Hunter. I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll figure that shit out. You're thinking of?

Speaker 2:

quarterback, though we're thinking about quarterback, but no, I'm not a Giants. They do stupid shit. That's why Saquon did not get the help that he was looking for. Actually, they were putting a good point On the Super Bowl, how heavy and how solid the Philly O-line is, and congratulations to him.

Speaker 2:

I can't hate on the guy. They gave him the option to explore His contract out there. Philly took advantage of it and they got a chip. Congratulations to Saquon. It hurts my feelings. I'm not going to burn your jersey, but it is what it is. But yeah, other than that man, I don't know what's going on. Aaron Rodgers will not be in the Jets again.

Speaker 1:

What? Yes, get traded, no but they're not going to renew his contract.

Speaker 2:

They're not going to renew his contract. So let's figure it out. I'll take Aaron Rodgers bro. It don't matter to me. I mean, if he wants his life-ending career in the Giants, we'll take that too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But we're not going to pay him.

Speaker 1:

He's like you in the office. He's the general. I would love to be in the office. Listen, I would love to be in the office.

Speaker 2:

I know you would, because A lot of prospects out there. Man, I don't care if I have to come out of retirement and stop playing for you guys. Shit, I might be like Mark.

Speaker 1:

Wahlberg in that movie, invisible and being special teams and shit, my guy. He's there just for those plays, bro, and the camera better be on him too. On me, bro. I'm firing everybody. That is funny, man, but yes a bad Super Bowl for me.

Speaker 2:

I really did enjoy it. I was at the house Watching it. And it was not Put it this way. I was washing dishes. Oh my gosh, I walked my dog Like Whoever watched the Super Bowl Through the whole entire thing. It was a waste of time For you, guys, or anybody. Halftime performance what do you think about it? It was decent. Guys, or anybody Halftime performance what do you think about it? It was decent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought the halftime performance was decent. I mean, I'm not going to front it, it wasn't Michael Jackson doing his Super Bowl.

Speaker 2:

No, it's never going to be.

Speaker 1:

Michael, but I will say it was definitely an impactful subliminal. Like you got to pay attention, listen to what's going on. But I mean, it's a rap performance. It wasn't like it was a pop, you know. You know doing back flips and stuff like that. Um, I see him drop his song, uh, which I thought I was gonna lose his, he was gonna lose his bed.

Speaker 2:

I was telling raymond didn't think that he was not gonna sing. Uh, not like us, uh-huh, uh, I fucked up uh huh I gave raymond Raymond the benefit of the doubt to think about it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Instead of betting right there. And then the next day that I seen him, he said he wasn't going to take the bet, so I would have had two lunches guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, two lunches, two lunches.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to Samuel Jackson, out there performing doing the phenomenal thing Serena Williams out there, the crit walking. Yeah, I Crip walking. Yeah, I didn't like that too much. What the crip walking? Because I don't know, if you guys know, serena had a sister that lost.

Speaker 1:

She lost a sister to one of those crip walking. Yeah, like gang type of Well, she was just in the vicinity or driving by or something like that, I believe I have not.

Speaker 2:

I think she was.

Speaker 1:

I don't know the story in there, but I wasn't feeling it too much, but hey whatever, maybe it was a shot at drake, I don't know I

Speaker 3:

think it was all shots.

Speaker 2:

It was a shot at drake because you know, drake dated her yeah yeah, so it is what it is, but it was a good performance, uh, you know what'd you think, raymond?

Speaker 3:

I thought it was cool. You know, like you said, I thought it was cool.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, it was a cool, wasn't great, but it was cool yeah, yeah, yeah I thought yeah I don't know, I I would say that, um, regardless of the whole, like um drake, not like a song, I would say that I think this was an opportune time to get, um, uh, the hot boys out there, like wheezy and them, like those from new orleans, that, uh, those artists in that region, an opportunity for them to have a platform. I think they really missed out on making that like a really nice mark for.

Speaker 3:

New Orleans.

Speaker 1:

in my opinion, the big controversy all year was you know why it's Kendrick getting it over them I mean I could have seen Kendrick still get it, but I would have still brought them out, in my opinion, to show love for the city, in my opinion city.

Speaker 2:

In my opinion, all right, we only have half an hour, guys. We don't have fucking a whole hour to entertain a fucking show. I mean the way the ticket prices were there, you just should have had a fucking full concert, you know for sure. Um, the way it's going on. But I I really want to change the subject here and I want to know what do you guys thought about these fucking commercials?

Speaker 1:

oh my gosh, I can't believe they're spending money on this stuff like they were terrible yeah, I mean, uh, the ben affleck dunkin donuts one.

Speaker 2:

Uh was all right. You know bud weiser always had to do their thing always one fucking commercial for bud weiser. Um what else?

Speaker 1:

uh, mission impossible, uh little yeah, I thought it was all right, it's okay um it's great, this movie buff. It was great. It was amazing.

Speaker 2:

What else? There were some other type of shows that people don't know the lady. I think it was when Harry met Sally, where they were sitting down at the diner and the girl was doing orgasms. She was like oh, oh, and the lady was like I don't want to do it. It was pretty cool, you got to watch old movies too, yeah, yeah. Get the phrases and stuff like that, but other than that man, all these other commercials, it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

None of them were memorable for me.

Speaker 2:

You weren't feeling the Kanye commercial, I probably skipped that one. I mean, I didn't even see that. What?

Speaker 3:

Kanye, same thing he did last year. Oh, I spent all my money on a commercial, just did it on his iPhone or whatever the phone is. Yeah, now I got to look that up.

Speaker 2:

It must have been when I was walking my dog.

Speaker 3:

I'm being sarcastic too. It wasn't nothing great. He had a commercial for real though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't even know that shit. Like I said, man, it was one of those Super Bowls that I wasn't feeling as I wasn't feeling. Yeah, as soon as I seen how Philly was playing and the way the guy made a pick six on fucking Mahomes, but it was like it was all done After that I didn't see the momentum happening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it was done.

Speaker 2:

It was done. So if you guys watched the whole Super Bowl, congratulations. Hopefully you guys had a good day. You guys ate some good snacks and food. Yeah, and we go from there. You guys ate some good snacks and food, yeah, and we go from there. Wow Well other than that man. That's all I got today.

Speaker 1:

Roger, that Well, thank you so much D for that. Yeah, the Super Bowl, like you said, man, better luck next year. And that's including the commercials, because I really do not remember, like a note, where they're like oh my gosh, did y'all see that? I didn't catch that at all. Um, but they spent some money though yeah, definitely, they spent some money they spent some money in new orleans. The city made some money too, so big shout out to new orleans on that shit.

Speaker 2:

I wish I was there from thursday to sunday, you know monday shoot, that city was popping.

Speaker 1:

I know that for sure. All right, fellas. Uh. So how you? You all enjoy the show today. Yeah, yeah, cue up the music, dude, let's get, let's get into a closing out here.

Speaker 1:

Uh, definitely want to say thank you all for tuning in to episode number 54. Uh, we covered a few cool topics. Um, some really cool nuggets from raymond. If you don't know how to do google search, check out this uh new site that raymond has for you to level you up. Uh, and obviously d hustle has some opinions about uh tech, uh devices, um, and definitely sports, uh, so thank you so much for that. My brother appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

Um, and yeah, so in terms of a sponsorship, we want to give a big shout out to our number one sponsor of the show. She always come through is marvelous creations. She's uh providing cake services from palm beach all the way down to miami-dade. If you have a party, a wedding, some type of event, you're looking for treats, hit her up, check out our site, you can definitely get her link. And also another plug she's every Saturday at the Royal Palm Beach Farmers Market here in South Florida, so if you are in that area, pull up. She's there from 9 am to 1. And yeah, definitely appreciate your support, as always. And then that's another plug. If you want your show mentioned, your services mentioned, come and holler at us. Here at the Tech Hustle we always got spots for our sponsors and definitely want to make sure that we give you some space. Now. Big shout outs to our subscribers. We're closing in at 8000.

Speaker 1:

We're trying to get there trying to get there. 8000 subscribers, we're getting really close. So if you know anybody that enjoys this type of content, tell them to come and holler at us, like and subscribe, share it. Let everybody know we're trying to up our numbers. We're trying to up our numbers. Another big shout out. Big shout out to our school community. Give them a big round of applause. Our school community, we are growing, growing and growing more.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you didn't know, we have our own community on the side where it's like, hey, if up with us more about the topics that we're covering, see the kind of concepts and what community is talking about. Come and join our free community. It's on school. Just go to wwwthetech hustlecom or, like raymond does, search for us on google and click the very first one that says the tech hustle hashtag, the tech hustle. That'll take you to our website and then you can join our community there.

Speaker 1:

Other than that, fellas, oh, I did have one more announcement. We're looking for cities to travel to throughout this year to do our tech tour. We got a few already on the map. We're going to new york, we're going to atlanta, we're heading back out to san francisco, obviously doing something down here in south florida. But if you have a school, an event, a conference that you want us to pull up to or any spot that you definitely feel like, our voice would be really great. Um, and I'm really trying to impact our community myself, d Hustle, and whenever Raymond can get out of his house to come and hang out with us, we definitely are looking forward to hearing about the locations. Let us know. Send me a message. I got you. We're really trying to light the streets up for sure. Other than that, fellas, that's all I got. Any last words?

Speaker 2:

D. Yeah, take care of yourselves. Make sure your you love and families are well cause. Family is number one. And happy Valentine's day to you guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's coming up soon, raymond, don't call him Ray Ray. What up player? Any last words? No, everybody, have a good one. You got a Valentine's day, valentine's year.

Speaker 3:

Uh, I might, I can't, you know what.

Speaker 2:

I have to be careful. Gotta use this burner phone, yeah, yeah yeah, whoever that special person is, yeah it was a long time ago, holy shit, oh man.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, we want to say thank y'all so much for pulling up, as always. We really do enjoy uh talking to you all and giving you all these knowledge. Uh find us online. Holla at your boy, it's bobby d.